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Having installed a Garmin GTX 345 I no longer need the Stratus anymore. Works great and comes with the antennas and USB charging cord. Asking $395 and will ship to Canada or the US. Steve 510F327F-218A-4026-A5C3-8E3520AFC624.heic C0C22A4B-D373-4BA9-BDC5-9C894B431219.heic
Had 2 lockups on touchscreen. Today screen worked OK then when controller asks me change to before landing the VFR via the touch assist button, no dials, the screen locked on to the IFR transponder code and would not revert to VFR. Happen a week or so ago but worse could not get anything to come up except VFR code and gibberish. Later same flight it started some familiar routines. Airplane has not been not hit by lighting or power surge that I know of but did have a routine annual before this started. I don't think they even turn on the avionics bus. Oil prop new tires and inspections. Have any other users had this kind of issue? I have asked L3 technical and the installer to call me.
I thought I would start this thread to capture resources needed for the ADS-B mandate: Interactive site that shows the ADS-B coverage by type: Link to an interactive Google Earth site that allows you to search for airports to show whether ADS-B out is required (also helped validate why active traffic is not such a bad thing - check out the video): The flight test requirements (section 4.3): The FAA's rebate program website: Hope this helps.
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We are looking to add GPS to the panel of N3510N. We didn't think we'd be able to afford this upgrade to our IFR platform this soon, but the release of the GNX 375 is a perfect spatial and cost effective fit for us, given the ADS-B requirement. We will pull the KT-76A transponder and fill that spot with the GNX 375. The question becomes how to display this information on indicators. Currently, we have a KX-155 w/glideslope driving a KI-209 (pilot's-side panel), and another KX-155 (no glideslope) driving a KI-208 (pax-side panel). Note that within the year, we intend to do a panel reorg bringing the #1 and #2 indicators both to the far right side of the pilot's-side panel. As we see it there are two options: 1) Leave Nav#2 (KX-155 no glideslope) and the KI-208 alone. Replace the KI-209 with a KI-209A and a remote switch, displaying both the GPS and Nav#1 (KX-155 w/glidslope) on the KI-209A. 2) Get rid of the KI-208 (or pull but save for later pax-side panel reorg) leaving no indication for the 2nd KX-155. Leave the Nav#1 (KX-155 w/glideslope) driving the KI-209 as is. Buy a new indicator (KI-209A or GI-106B) to display the GPS (GNX 375). So questions are: 1) On option 2, is there a reason to pick the KI-209A vs GI-106B? 2) Option 1 vs. Option 2: Unique indicators for GPS and Nav#1, vs driving a single switched indicator. 3) Any issues with driving our Brittain AccuTrak II with either of these setups 4) Anything else we are missing here (...besides a 10" G3X Touch)?
Scenarios: 1. We purchased the MLB100 with our Avidyne AXP 322 and IFD 540. 2. Also, we have a GDL39R being used with Garmin Pilot. 3. What we have noticed on the Garmin Pilot with a GDL-39 since around mid-2018, after the update, we now have access and can utilize the new FIS-B weather products are available such as the following: Lightning Turbulence Icing Cloud Tops Graphical AIRMET Center Weather Advisory 4. My question is since MLB unit is a NAVWORX unit and NAVWORX is out of business, will the MLB100 units receive any updates via Avidyne and/or any other 3rd party source that may take on these units. If no, then basically, we have invested into a product (that is only a couple of years old) that will not provide any current FIS-B functionality. OR 5. Will these new FIS-B WX products become available via a firmware update to the IFD 540? Now for another scenario 6. Will the Garmin GTX 345R work with the IFD540? This will allow us to remove both the AXP-322 and MLB100 and 1 unit in lieu of 2. 7. In addition to question #6 (if the 345R will work) will the newer ADS-B products be supported with the IFD unit? Overall it seems like the IFD unit will need a firmware update to support the newer ADS-B features since many of these features are consider map overlays that the end-user can toggle off and on. 8. Regardless if you fly with a Garmin GTN or Avidyne IFD series, why can't you have Winds aloft and FIS-B Radar displayed both at the same time? On the inexpensive Garmin Pilot app you can display both at the same time, but not on our $$,$$$ GPS units. 9. On the IFD100 will the newer FIS-B products be available? 10 What about the Skytrax 100? Is the the same operating system and different name? Is this a total different unit? and can any details be provided about the new ADS-B FIS-B products in regards of the Skytrax100 supporting these features? Sorry, I do not fly with Foreflight; although, I do have the Foreflight APP. Foreflight users are welcome to chime in just as long the points are related to this post. The same goes for Garmin GTN, Avidyne IFD users, and/or any other FIS-B equipment and application that is applicable. This posting is not about which unit is better or worst; however, the objective is to determine and/or gather information and functionality based on the details depicted within this posting. Thank you.
I read this in the Q&A tab on the KT 74 listing at Aircraft Spruce: "Does all of the required STC paperwork from Peregrine come with the transponder? Need the STC to use a GNS430W as a position source in a Cessna 172N The STC paperwork for the KT 74 is available under the documents tab for this part. With the latest software revision (v3.17 March 2018) and AML STC the differential pressure switch is no longer required in most installations. The paperwork, installation manual and STC manual can be provided after purchase." Does anyone have any knowledge of this? Is there a new STC? Modification to the one Peregrine holds? "The STC paperwork for the KT 74 is available under the documents tab for this part." There is no documents tab, so perhaps this was cut and pasted from a different source? "The paperwork, installation manual and STC manual can be provided after purchase." That would be a big change, everything I've seen says that the STC documentation is only available to King dealers. I want to get one of these, but I can probably save an AMU or two if I can support our local avionics guy's business rather than going to the King dealer on the field. But I need to confirm that before ordering it myself so I don't end up having to pay the surcharge for owner-supplied parts to the shop with the King dealership. Cheers, Rick
Hey folks, I've noticed for the last few months that my altitude readout when looking at a FlightAware Track Log is routinely 300' lower than the altitude I'm showing on the altimeter. On FlightAware, this is shown as an ADS-B data point (best I can tell). But I've never been notified by ATC of this, and when they read back the altitude they are seeing for me it jives with what I'm seeing in the cockpit. If I was routinely 300' below the assigned altitude, I would think they would mention it. Anybody else seen this? I've sent a note into FlightAware to get their take on it, but thought I'd open it up to this crowd as well. Thoughts appreciated... Thanks!
I removed a Narco AT 150 TSO transponder from my Mooney M20-C and replaced it with a Garmin 345 to meet the ADS-B out requirement. As such I have an "as removed" Narco transponder for sale. It worked perfectly for the 5 years I had the Mooney. My Mooney is a 14 volt system and this one appears to work with either 14 or 28 volt. I looked on ebay and they are selling for anywhere from $100-$750. If anyone wants it for $100 message me. I am going to put the same message on the webpage as well. If no one wants it I will put in on ebay in a week or so. Also I will have Cessna 340 airspeed indicator, DG, altimeter in the near future as there will be more upgrades. If you need any of there please let me know as well.
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Taking my wife home yesterday I received a traffic annunciation. "Traffic, 11 O'clock, same altitude, 1 mile." The traffic screen popped up on the 650 and the iPad. I looked outside the window and had to take immediate evasive action, so I entered a 60° degree left bank and pulled hard on the yoke. My wife screamed what did you do that for? Apparently she missed the traffic alert. I said I'll show you, as I wanted to get my eyes back on the other airplane that turned out to be another Mooney. Rolled back to 30° right where I saw it rolling back from a bank to the left. I don't know if the other Mooney had ADS-B in but I'm sure the other pilot saw my maneuver considering how close we were. When my wife saw the other Mooney, she was like "OH, that ADS-B in is awesome..." I have to say I am truly impressed with the GTX-345 and GTN-650.... The combo gave me time to "see and avoid" much better than the plain old two sets of eyeballs in the cockpit...
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I am one of those owners who will do an IPC every 6 months whether I need one or not. The guy who does the IPC with me is a close friend (although after some of the stuff he puts me through on the IPC, I question that). He is a long time pilot, an ATP with a CFI/II and to boot he has 5,000 hours in Mooneys. His one trait that drives me nuts is reluctance to move into the modern avionics age. He has a 530 in his Mooney but everything else what designed and built by Fred Flintstone. I did get him to start using ForeFlight, not because of the technology but rather as a Cheap Bast#$d he realized charts are cheaper buying them this way. He only turns on his ForeFlight to file or to pull up a plate. When he was flying with me back before the panel mounted ADS-B stuff was installed in my plane, he would comment that it was nice but you can do without. And do be honest, flying for a few decades without even a GPS in my panel, he is correct, you don't need it. BUT -- it sure did change my view of flying. I still spend a lot of time looking out the window for traffic, but I got to admit, ADS-B is has been a great addition to my plane. I thought I would start a thread on the stuff the technology has helped me with. Also to encourage those of you on the fence, to get off. Scenario 1: "I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO NO STINKING MOONEY, EVEN IF I SEND THEM TO THE MODENA VORTAC" Coming out of the annual at Air Mods, there was Trump TFR surrounding N87. MacGuire AFB was handing out "courtesy" squawk codes to help folks exit the area. I picked up a code on the ground and departed VFR. Calling up MacGuire, they ID'd me and asked if I wanted to have them coordinate a Philly Class Bravo transition. A minute later MacGuire comes on the frequency and says Philly won't take me and they ask to squawk VFR and canceled the flight following. Fortunately, I had Plan B already loaded in Garmin Pilot and I uploaded it with the FlightStream and commenced to do a "ring around Philly" track to my home base. This is where TIS-B really shined. I was aware of everything around me as I navigated around Philly. Scenario 2: "WHERE ARE YOU GOING YOUNG MAN?" I was taking a jaunt one evening and late afternoon storms started popping up. Granted, it is possible to see this on the iPad app, but to have the WX-500 StormScope data overlaid on the display, helps with the situational awareness of what is out there. Another nice feature of the FIS-B is the availability of the SIGMETs and other weather products. Scenario 3: "Outta my way, I'm headed to Philly" This one was an interesting one. I saw the traffic at 7,000' level at least 10 miles from me on TIS-B. It was definitely headed directly toward me. Figuring Philly was going to turn him away from me I initially didn't change course. When the L-3 ATAS verbal warning came up, I changed course. As the American Eagle flight passed in front and below me, I actually could see faces in the plane! Not sure who was more surprised. Me or the passengers. Scenario 4: "TIS-B is great TAS is awesome" I am not sure if radar coverage is the issue, but on occasion I will pick up a pure TAS target. The L-3 9000+ will present TIS-B traffic first and then TAS secondarily. I have seen TAS only targets in the traffic pattern which would makes sense for planes that are not ADS-B equipped and are below radar. This particular TAS target was clearly high enough for radar but came across as a TAS target. If others have stories, would like to hear them!
Hello Mooney Spacers, I'm selling my Stratus 2 ADS-B in, traffic and weather system. It comes with a ram mount, the tray mount and an external antenna. This is an amazing piece of equipment when paired to your iPad. I love this unit but installed a Lynx 9000 ADS-B in/out which feeds my iPad now. $550 PayPal preferred. PM me. Thanks, Steve
For anyone with a NavWork ADS-B: 2017-11-11 NavWorx, Inc.: Amendment 39-18910; Docket No. FAA-2016-9226; Directorate Identifier 2016-SW-065-AD. (a) Applicability This AD applies to the following NavWorx, Inc., Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Universal Access Transceiver units (unit) installed on aircraft certificated in any category, including experimental: (1) Model ADS600-B part number (P/N) 200-0012; (2) Model ADS600-B P/N 200-0013; and (3) Model ADS600-EXP P/N 200-8013.
PRICED REDUCED to $77,500 • (valuation by National Aircraft Appraisers Association $85,371; Vref $109,000) 1975 Mooney M20F, SN: 221179-1305, TTAF: 4624, SMOH 25 (Poplar Grove) Prop 25: Three Blade Hartzell, 25 hours since new. GNS 430W, KY197, Garmin 340 Audio, GDL 88 ADS-B In and Out, KT76A Transponder (Mode S), Four Place Intercom, WX900 stormscope, Weather Data Link, JPI 830 Engine Monitor, STEC 50, Back Up Vacuum Pump, LED landing lights Seller willing to include a Narco NAV-121 VOR/LOC Indicator. In 2015 landing gear only partially extended; repairs, including new 3 blade prop and overhauled engine, made by authorized Mooney Service Center. Annual due Oct 2016, IFR cert due Jan 2017. Will forward logs/pictures/JPI 830 download upon request. Will also forward NAAA valuation. Purchased twin and hate seeing this plane sit in the hanger.
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I'd like to report that we had a very positive experience with Airtronics in Lincoln, CA obtaining our ADS-B equipment and installation. From ordering our equipment, to setting the appointment for installation, the Airtronics team was professional, timely and thorough in their response to our questions about the equipment we were purchasing. Providing the option to install at our hangar, was especially valuable. For our installer it was a 300 mile RT. The installer was on time, courteous and very knowledgeable. The installation locations for the receiver, transponder and antennas have proven to be ideal for both functionality and aesthetics. The process went very quickly, and our “pass’ for the FAA rebate test flight proved that the equipment installed was in excellent working order. The system worked the first time with no glitches and the interface with Foreflight was perfect. Additionally, the instructions for the rebate test flight that they provided were invaluable to an easy “pass”. They even took our old non-functional transponder and gave us a rebate on that. We could not be happier with the service we received or more confident in the quality installation. On a scale of 1 to 10, this one goes to 11.
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This is a mint condition Clarity SV ADS-B Receiver with Solar Shield. It has an internal WAAS GPS Receiver and also 978 and 1090 MHz Receivers so you receive FIS Weather and TIS Traffic. The Clarity SV is the only receiver with a internal phased array antenna so it will receive signals from more ADS-B Towers than all of the competitors. It also has Gyros so you can display Synthetic Vision AHRS on iPad apps like WingX and Seattle Avionics FlyQ. It will also display position, traffic and weather when using Not compatible with Foreflight or Garmin Pilot apps. Has built in rechargable battery (chargable with standard USB cable) and WiFi. Includes window mounting hardware, cigarette lighter power adapter cord, and solar shield, which operates a cooling fan ($45 option). $900 and it's yours. More details here:
Slightly used. Fully compliant with FAA 2020 rule.Transponder, tray and connector included. Requires approved external GPS position source, not included.Will be removed for upgrade of panel. $2,500TomK
Well, the time has come to sell my most recent project. This 231 has everything anyone could ever desire in a 231. I run a FAA repair station and we are a Mooney service center. All work was completed by us. I will most certainly forget something but here it goes. Airframe: 3400TTSN NDH Brand new grey leather interior, all new solar grey UV glass, 2008 paint (8/10), fresh annual (all brakes, disks, shock disks, tires, tubes, gear stripped and repainted, etc.) factory O2, new masks, speed brakes, etc... Engine: TSIO-360-LB, about 25 hours TSMOH New turbo, new exhaust system, O/H'ed fuel system, new GAMI's, new Meryln waste gate, new intercooler, new mags, new harness, new baffles seals, new mounts, new hoses, sitting on a freshly powder coated mount. If it's not listed here, it's probably new.... Avionics: Aspen 1000 Pro PFD w/ EA100 autopilot adapter and APS4A altitude preselect coupled to the KFC200, driven by a Garmin GTN750 and a GTN650, remote Garmin GTX33ES transponder and remote Garmin GMA35 audio panel, both controlled on the touchscreens. Weather and traffic from the Garmin GDL88, as well as a freshly overhauled Weatherscout Radar just for kicks. Bluetooth comes from a Garmin Flightstream 210 to run all your portable devices. JPI EDM700 engine monitor with fuel flow is hooked to both GTN's giving fuel range rings. This plane flies as good as it sounds and is dripping with technology. There is a listing on TAP here with photos: Also there is a thread on here detailing some of the project as it progressed: Anyone interested can contact me directly on here, or, or call 386-255-2049 M-F 9-5 and ask for Jake. You can also contact my broker listed in the TAP listing.
We recently had a GTX 330ES installed in our Mooney to meet the upcoming ADS-B Out requirement. We also have a GDL39 for ADS-B In info. I expected now that we're ADS-B compliant that I would start receiving more info from the ground stations. That has not happened, and I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions or experience on the topic. To recap, we have GTX 330ES (configured to report Dual in capability) GDL 39 3D Garmin Pilot (running on Samsung Tab S) GNS 480 The top left corner of the map page shows 2 icons related to incoming info on the GDL. Air to Air shows correctly. The antenna icon shows a red X. In the ADSB settings page, it reports "Full TIS-B Traffic" as "No". On "Ownship detected" there is also a "No". Garmin tech support has been somewhat helpful by pointing out that the ES needs to report the UAT In capability to the stations. That is now set correctly (I think), but still no TIS-B or ownship. They have offered no suggestions to confirm that I have Pilot and the GDL set up correctly. They are mostly pointing fingers at the ES, and suggesting I ask a Garmin dealer about the issue. I did have Full TIS-B and ownship detected about a year ago when I was regularly flying a ADS-B compliant 182.
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Here's a head scratcher. Does anyone else get this 3rd huge outermost TFR ring randomly popping up around the standard D.C. SFRA in flight? I'm using Foreflight with Stratus 2 for fis-b display. I never see it on the ground while flight planning. It's usually labeled "dates unknown" in flight. The first couple times it happened, I asked Potomac Approach before flying through vfr - they had no idea what I was talking about, so I stopped asking. I thought I should bring up here though so at least I can tell the F-16 pilot "but this guy on Mooneyspace said it was cool" I've seen it for the last 2 years, so I doubt it's a Foreflight bug - they would have fixed by now - I'm guessing it's intrinsic to the fis-b data transmitted.
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With Aspen's announcement that the RTX-345 is now capable of interfacing with the Aspen PFD/MFD for FIS-B and TIS-B, I am revisiting my decision of going with the L3 9000+ (unit with active traffic). I would like to hear other's views on the future of ADS-B compliance. From my understanding, ADS-B compliance will be required if you plan on flying above 10,000' and if you are in any of the transponder required classes (Class B, C. etc.) or the Mode C rings. In theory then, if you don't fly above 10,000', are outside of Mode C rings, don't fly into Class B or C airspace, you don't need an ADS-B solution. It is possible that there will be Mode C only planes flying around as well those who don't have any transponder. What I don't know is if after 2020, how many of these planes will be flying around without ADS-B solutions? And even if there are, will the ADS-B TIS-B capture them? I know from now until 2020 it would make sense to have active traffic, but will it make sense after 2020? My wallet is at your disposal...
I'm starting to get more serious about ADS-B. I know we have had multiple discussions, but I wanted to start a thread on likely flights out of the US. For myself, I am likely to take the plane to Canada and the Bahamas in the future. The NavWorx ADS600-B has caught my eye due to price and functionality. Call me CB, but I like the thought of using my GTX 327 and GNS-430W with it. That said, the NavWorx is a 978 (UAT) solution. Right now this is only legal in the US. It appears that Canada, Bahamas, and Mexico do not have a clear roadmap to ADS-B. What little I can find hints that if they go ADS-B, they will likely go 1090, like the rest of the world. While 1090 is popular, it does have limitations on bandwidth, thus the 978 does seem to have some advantages. For our friends across the boarders, what are you hearing? Any chance that our neighbor countries will go 978? How many years before they mandate ADS-B? I suppose the safe way to go is 1090, but the equivalent package for In/Out seems to be about 2X, maybe more. Or do we gamble that they are still a generation out?
Have any of you installed the freeflight ads-b transceiver? If so, how about a Pirep.
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I started this new thread because the other one degenerated into a privacy cluster. I am looking at the ESG as perfect for me for the following reasons (anybody else in this club?): I am a card-carrying member of the cheap bastards society. My panel is most likely not going to be updated much, I am keeping it "close to original". If I flew for business or had more money than cents I would install an all-glass wonderland with a Garmin kool-aid dispenser. I like the idea of pulling my NARCO AT-50A out and sliding the ESG in (minor wiring mods). The ESG will use my existing transponder antenna (bonus). The ESG comes with WAAS GPS and a GPS antenna (bonus). So, the ESG will now give me a mode-S transponder and ADS-B out. Am I done? Is that all I need to be compliant? Yes, I realize that if I want ADS-B in I'll need a separate system (Stratus 2/iPad/FF will do it). I dream of <$2K ADS-B out and here it is. Yes, I know it is 3.4 AMU, but that old NARCO AT-50A of mine is not going to last forever
The last two actual IFR flights i made the stratus 2 ADS-B dropped off line. The GPS signal still worked, but the green ADS-B light went dark. Unit works fine VFR. I have it up on the glare shield and I've never had an issue with connecting to the towers when VFR. today we were IMC for the duration of our round robin flight for practice approaches. Ceilings ranged from 300 to 600 AGL and we never broke out on top. We tried resetting, moving the receiver around to different windows, different working angles for the receiver, side windows...front of glare shield. Nothing. we were in precip and out of change. I'm wondering if this is related to the weather and or precip. Has anyone else encountered this? any pireps on an external antenna? The most critical flight regime to need NEXRAD and the stratus gave me nothing. I thought maybe it was an anomaly the first time and didn't mess with it, but when it gave up the ghost on us today we decided to fiddle with positioning and resetting to figure it out but had no luck. Thoughts? I'm a little pissed right now. Mike