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Everything posted by HRM

  1. 9-4-2017 @ 18:45 CST
  2. So Super...congrats!
  3. We're pleased to let you know that N5976Q is now supported for Report Cards and Trend Analysis reports. We have added support for the M20 (A/B/C/D/E/G) / IO-360 cohort. If you are a SavvyAnalysis Pro, SavvyMx or SavvyQA client, you can create reports online, on demand, for your aircraft. If you use the SavvyAnalysis Free service you can learn more about SavvyAnalysis Pro. Not familiar with our reports? See the Reports FAQ, sample Report Card and sample 5-page Trend Analysis report. Questions or comments? Please contact us.
  4. Has it been underwater?
  5. Have you had 'the talk' with him?
  6. This should explain it all (the rebuild). If not, then you may want to lower your offer.
  7. Depends. Years ago Don Maxwell warned me about mud daubers (very prevalent here in SET) getting in the pitot. I have as yet to see a dauber or evidence of them at my hangar. I am right around the corner from the Jeff Cty mosquito control flight station, so maybe all that pesticide is keeping them at bay. Yeah, 100LL and pesticide, I must be pretty pickled by now. Haven't see mice either. Of course, they have more sense about where they spend their time. The OP ought to have hangar chats with his neighbors to gauge the specific hazards that may want to compromise his Mooney
  8. I personally like the whole thing, the GA universe, but only as it is centered on my Mooney. I like to fly it, I like to clean it, I like to work on it, I like to talk about...well, you get the idea. I frankly do not think I would be like this with any other AC.
  9. I just don't have the energy to enumerate all of the pilot screw-ups I have committed, but I do hope I have learned from each. Frankly, it is time for you to spend some time with an instructor. I find it relaxing and renewing and I frankly don't care how a good a pilot a guy thinks he is, we all need to go back to school on occasion just to refresh without the burden of distractions. Think about it, when you have an instructor in the left seat you tend to concentrate on flying the airplane--that's the whole idea.
  10. Here was this morning: So I got cabin fever and decided to drive down and check out the airport (KBPT). Stopped in the hangar to see just a bit of water, but no Mooney. The Mistress is in <wait for it> Houston! Had a text from my IA, she is high and dry <whew>.
  11. Airport tarmac, a gorgeous airplane, blue sky, clouds and streaming sunlight--what a fantastic photo!
  12. I'm happy with an N-number, fairly easy to trace the owner. I remember when I started serving my insurance sentence and my CFI said that in short order I would have the number memorized such that whenever it was said I would react as if my name was called--he was right. I first started using computers in 1972 and my username was hrm. Sometimes I re-invoke it.
  13. Photo would be nice
  14. Ditto. Just the thought of NORDO makes me NERVOUS.
  15. Well, this topic has spun out... That said, nice commentary by Popular Mechanics: Why Amelia Earhart Still Matters.
  16. Well, after all the yak on this, did anybody ask Garmin or one of the big avionics shops? Surely they would know the optimal location for a Mooney--they are all pretty much the same. The manual goes into quite a bit of detail on mounting as well as interference testing prior to final install. Here is what the G5 unit (GMU 11) looks like:
  17. All I ask is to go down to HF and pick up a couple of wing jacks for $49.99.
  18. Thanks. Actually, there was one on eBay recently, but it turns out that PS has two versions, experimental and certified. The eBay unit was for exp only. It's the cheapest thing I am planning for my new panel, so I'll probably bite the bullet and buy new. Since there are none available I am guessing that they are so good no one wants to replace them
  19. So, flew The Mistress out for annual today. What was I thinking when I let it get pushed to August? ....and I am soooo rusty, but she, as always, flew me rather than me flying her. Just an incredible bird. The fun part was arriving at KAXH to a flock of training that really tested my non-towered pattern skills, which are, well, let's not discuss here. I enjoyed the way the other aircraft started saying, "I have the Mooney", or "I'm number two behind the Mooney" and "The Mooney's behind me." I now have ADS-B IN and it is too cool. Should have done it four flights ago. I am also convinced that if the Houston Bravo Guys and Gals see that you do not have out they WILL VECTOR YOU IN SOME WAY (see map). To be fair, I was heading for KHOU and KEFD, where I normally go over via MHF.
  20. ABS. I recently discovered that it can print with HIPS since it has two extruders. The HIPS can be used for the support structures and then dissolved away with acetone. That little Mooney would not survive the surgery to de-structure it Anyway, the comments from you guys were kinder than the snickers I got from the undergrads. The grad students knew better.
  21. So proud.
  22. I would suggest that there are some ethical issues at play as well. So it needs 0.5 AMU in minor items, drop the offer price by that amount and move on. The aviation gods will punish bad karma.
  23. I fail to see what is so complicated about this. The pre-buy is not an annual and an annual is not a pre-buy. The Annual is to determine continued airworthiness after a period of time, it also includes PM activities (oil, filters, etc.). The pre-buy is to alert the potential buyer of deficiencies that may be costly to fix later and that would have entered in to price negotiations. Since the annual and pre-buy (thorough ones) require some disassembly of the aircraft, it makes sense to combine them. Of course, a dilemma arises when the AC is being sold with a 'fresh annual' because the buyer does not have the chance to economize on the pre-buy. A solution is to know the shop who did the annual. How reputable are they, what does their history look like. AD tracking, up to date logs, W&B's performed as required, etc., etc., etc. Frankly, I think if you fully trust the shop that did the annuals over a period of years with excellent (not just good) record keeping, you can bypass a lot of the pre-buy checks and just concentrate on the major gotchas. Suspicion comes into play where the seller is evasive about due diligence, the annuals were done by multiple shops or non-mooney A&Ps, etc. Red flags to my mind. Frankly, if the bird starts smartly, flies and lands like a Mooney (should) and all the avionics work, it really just needs the gotcha checks (pucks, corrosion, tanks, logs).
  24. Avidyne is offering their IFD550 with 'free' ADS-B I/O. It looks to be less than 20 AMU with all the necessary stuff to install. Since my IFR glass panel upgrade budget just happens to be 30 AMU, this looks like it may be the solution for me. Any comments from current owners? Avidyne seems to be the Avis to the Kool-Aid vendors Hertz; i.e., they try harder.
  25. Interesting point. As I converge on retirement I am preparing my final upgrade to my E, a glass IFR panel. I am anticipating about $30K--and yes, the airframe isn't worth much more than that. The fact is you don't upgrade for resale, you upgrade with your personal pleasure and mission in mind. Of course, an E is Super, which a C is not, but that should not dissuade a Cniac from upgrading. There are significant advantages to the short bodies.
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