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Everything posted by HRM

  1. I agree with all except #3, an "aviation" BM cooked my last Concorde. I use a NOCO Genius now and it's 16 v desulphation mode has restored my Concorde to like new. It could be the ungodly steam heat of Southeast Texas so go with what works for you.
  2. The Mistress prefers her oil room temp. That's what's in the glass on the cowl--wifey's idea.
  3. Mine is naughty:
  4. Looking for a nice used PMA 4000. C'mon, you want it out of your panel and a new PS Whizbang 9000 in there instead.
  5. Kay-Tee-76-Ayyyy.
  6. Got mine (finally)!
  7. Yep, the Oozlefinch stuff had faded into ADA history by the time I got to Bliss in 1975. I asked people about it then and not many knew about it. I was at A-3/7 ADA in Schweinfurt and spent many a night sitting on 18 missiles that within twenty minutes could be fully armed by my crew at my command. I found it somewhat unnerving, but exhilarating, that a twenty-something lieutenant could wield such power. I actually didn't need the crew, from the ready state, which we were in most of the time, I could arm the missiles and then use the tactical computer to detect and lock on targets. Now I worry about twenty-something lieutenants flying high-performance military jets while I am crossing through the northern Florida MOAs
  8. Homing All-the-Way Killer--HAWK (Improved) I also trained on Patriot, but spent all my time with HAWK in the FRG. Good times. That photo is of a 3D 'Oozlefinch', the the unofficial historic mascot of the ADA. The Oozlefinch is portrayed as a featherless bird that flies backwards (at supersonic speeds) and carries weapons of the Air Defense and Coast Artillery, most often a Nike-Hercules Missile. A guy on Facebook is selling the figurines. My dad, who was Nike-Herc, received a certificate naming him an "Apprentice Oozlefinchling" when he finished training. I have it now--neat thing is that it has my name on it. I think I was just a twinkle in his eye when he got the cert
  9. Absolutely nothing is ever settled for good on this board
  10. CPT, USA ADA, Missile Systems Officer (1975-1979 active).
  11. My thought exactly.
  12. Is it a Wakmann? The movements are (were) made by Breitling.
  13. Are we talking the Wakmann in the yoke? My hangar elves dunked mine in mineral (clock/sewing machine) oil overnight then magically drained all the oil off and stuck it back in. Has worked perfectly since. Of course, I only use it to time my tank switchovers. It's just too cool to remove.
  14. A lot of pilots were very unhappy when they shut the LORAN system down.
  15. A pox on all of you, all I got was a lousy email...
  16. GET OUT!!! My LOL for the day, but let's get serious... The other guys are right. Go cozy up to him, obviously he has no son (grandson, nephew, shoot even daughter, neice...) to pass it on to. My son and daughter have turned their noses up to aviation, but my grandson is raring to go. Play this right and he'll help you get it flying and then teach you how to fly it. He'd probably give anything to take it up again--I know I would.
  17. My understanding is that they lost the mold and can't get a new one made. Please update this after the call. The retractable step is a somewhat rare device and many Mooniacs have just disabled it. I've been looking into rubber care as a prophylactic against future failure as I love the step. Just too cool. You might pull off the boot and try to restore it with liquid silicone sealant--just a thought and maybe illegal, although the step sort of lies in a nether region. Not quite part of the autopilot or needed for airworthiness, and then again maybe.
  18. I agree--simple thievery and monopolization. I bought a used set of AmSafes that looked new for $200 both sides. The FAA is very 'loose' on shoulder belts in the cockpit--they would rather you have something than nothing at all and for some reason they can't force a mandate. Installation was trivial until I got to the clamps that hold the shoulder strap for the pilot. I invented a slew of new expletives and most likely will spend eternity removing and reinstalling that damn clamp on Satan's E.
  19. Nice! What did it take to make those? Oh, wait--you just modded these:
  20. Can't help but say it again...just phenomenal. Texas-to-Texas by way of global circumnavigation, just great. Congrats Brian!
  21. Welcome to flying a Mooney
  22. Makes me wish I could put it on my Bucket List. Not going to happen Just a phenomenal voyage and I am glad he shared it with us the way he did and the fact that he did it in a Mooney!
  23. Only if the accident was caused by the issue. Good grief, if every time a guy had a gear up I can't imagine any 50 year old Mooney where they couldn't find something a hangar elf touched. Thank goodness my hangar elf is an engineer. Poor Don's is an attorney. On second thought...
  24. Pretty sure it is not PM and the rings are not approved AFAIK. That said, my hangar elves replaced mine with fluorosilicone years ago, my IA didn't bat an eye.
  25. I would add an offer to the shop to pay for any extra hours during the annual to check out the usual (pre-puy) suspects. Sounds fair to me. ...but absolutely do not use the owners shop, unless it is an MSC and reputable.
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