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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. I use a 1Gb Card in my gns480. There is one thing, you can't use SanDisk cards, no idea why but they aren't compatible. here's what i use : Amazon.com: 1GB CompactFlash Memory Card (CF) use for Camera: Computers & Accessories
  2. took my ppl checkride in a diamond, love those planes. Visibility is amazing. Entry and Exit is easy. big wings make it a bit bumpy and also give a whole new meaning to the term "FLOAT". seriously, after flying a diamond you just can't understand why people complain about mooneys floating or being to slick to slow down. wish they had a bigger engine and maybe a side stick.
  3. somewhere between 120 and 100 until i'm lined up with the runway. try to keep it above the clean 60deg bank stall speed. also tend to make a rounded turn to final unless asked for a square.
  4. Forgot to add the CESSNA 337, love these
  5. I always logged into leidos from the tablet to get the briefing anyway, never liked gp's bare briefing. Weather charts are nice. I love that the latest updates now let you graphically select arrivals on both android and apple. this was the one feature i missed from that other EFB
  6. wish i could figure out how to live without my jepp subscription for like 4 or 5 mos. darn thing expires in Dec and their discount is only during SNF
  7. so if we're talking ANY plane, 1. Diamond DA62 ( seriously, first spare million i get, this babies mine ) 2. AEROCOMMANDER 1000 3. MU2 4. PIAGGIO 5. My M20E with the Diamond Diesel 8) 6. finally, old school bubble nose Apache, with a modern panel. do they come TN?
  8. i'm kinda in the same boat, trying to decide between efis and engine mon at the moment. my opinion, I'd go with a garmin-275 b4 the cgr-30. last i checked, i'd need the cgr-30p and cgr-30c to replace all instruments where as one gi275 would do.
  9. have to agree, long as it's known/consistent wouldn't really matter.
  10. Personally, I think it's silly to have delayed phasing out 100LL for so long, All of these changes could've been done 40 years back. I say bring it on and be done with it
  11. 1. Faster Mooney, have an E so it'd prob be a K or Ovation 2. diamond da50 3. cessna ttx/400/350 tricked out, speed modded cessna 177rg ( slight maybe ) love the doors and space
  12. GP on IPAD, Phone and Android Tablet, think i have it covered hehe
  13. Condors, it's what the flight schools use, good enough. Besides, getting the goodyears was turning out to be a pain as no one had them locally in stock. Mechanic gave 0 thought to NOT reusing the tube.
  14. The quote i have has Far less time for the gi275 installs vs the g5. With the package price they are offering i might just pivot back to big G instead of going Dynon.
  15. prob not a good thing, every few landings I "unintenionally" practice the touch and go
  16. Touch and goes are no longer verbotten?
  17. Always assume yes, but what would be the gain? guess you could try to send that irritating hangar neighbor to Antarctica; you know the one who owns the ovation and hasn't given you a ride 8). Maybe unlock software features. Now if you just wanted to off some guy prob easier with a wrench or duct tape
  18. Welp, now that i've set my mind on installing a Dynon HDX with a TruTrak autopilot, you can guarantee nothing will get certified.
  19. Someone could maybe go apologize to the Trio guy we ran off, just sayin
  20. Just noticed, in the install doc above, there are examples of ARINC429 splices
  21. Just reread the installation manual 3tx 2rx Not an avionics tech but the Arinc429 specification shows the ability to daisy chain up to 20 receivers per arinc429 tx.
  22. what else is connected, the 480 has a good number of arinc 429's
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