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Everything posted by KB4

  1. Your call sign is NOT 487N. Stop saying four. Controller knows who you are. Your audience will pick up on your bad habit and repeat. It’s November 87N or Mooney 87N straight from AIM.
  2. Agreed. From AIM For traffic say “Request Traffic Advisories. “ or just Request Advisories works fine Handed off, yes full call sign it’s a new controller. call sign and either “checking in” or just “with you” they know your altitude and see you already you don’t need to say it unless assigned. If you need to practice an Instrument Approach in VFR and visual with an instructor or rated safety pilot just ask for “ VFR request” Mooney go ahead “request practice RNAV 21 at 1B1 using my own NAV”. This way you don’t jam anyone up in already in sequence and no extra work load on controller. Even if your Navigator gives you the IAP waypoints and step downs you are not permitted to just go fly the procedure without a rating or rated pilot on board and ATC clearance.
  3. Had pleasure of taking the controls of this ideal example of an O3 when Steven took me to lunch at Block Island. New owner is getting a very sweet Ovation.
  4. Standard U bike lock with do not tow streamer attached, just slide it thru now can’t get a tow bar in. Also put your phone on a card tape it so they know who to call if planes needs to be moved
  5. Really surprised if this sweet J didn’t have some AP?
  6. Contact Chris Short from Short Tronics. He is the only guy around that repairs CNX80 GNS480. Very reasonable prices and good service. Turn around is 3 days. Also has units available if yours is only parts. https://www.palmdr.com
  7. Can’t help with causes, but good write up on WHAT TO LOOK FOR an annual is here MooneyFlyer August issue. https://themooneyflyer.com/issues/2021-AugTMF.pdf
  8. Yes. Below 8 always. Better at 6 for my guys—Brussels Griffon and any dog with a squished face like this. . .
  9. Looks like plenty of room to me. Only change I would Relocate the 1 pergola post closer to house.
  10. Keep a data card in the G5 so Garmin can evaluate the data. 4 ways to disco AP. 1. AP disco on yoke 2. On GFC507 3. breaker, and 4 by engaging elec. trim. Your issue Is pitch servo or the elec. Trim Switch giving you issues.
  11. Have the Dr. call the # AOPA lists on the form. If additional testing is required then using their medical discretion they can so order it. But to ADD an additional cognitive test without any medical basis is incorrect. Go elsewhere.
  12. I see nice braided hoses. So Check fittings if no, then has to be bad seal. Watched an AP replace the seals on a Cherokee caliper was really simple.
  13. With good situational awareness. Ads-b Traffic screen and radio calls would have identified the Cirrus and put you on notice you ain’t alone approaching the field. Traffic on FF even changes colors as you get closer so even if there are many targets on the screen you can quickly ignore the distant targets.
  14. Start with @Alan Fox, no need to ping him. Just DM him and ask, if he doesn't have it ask for any tips on how to fab one yourself. I found him to be crazy knowledgeable everything Mooney and willing to answer my questions.
  15. Been discussed here before. Just get right size for the ram. https://smile.amazon.com/Climax-2C-050-Two-Piece-Clamping-Plating/dp/B001VXS9KS/ref=sr_1_34?dchild=1&keywords=clamshell+locking+collar&qid=1620579849&sr=8-34 Jack it up, install and tighten the collar so it sits 1/8" above bottom. Take pressure off hoist and see if collar holds, if it does, jack back up and go to work.
  16. Hate to do it but I have to disagree. The supply of affordable M20’s will never increase and prices bottomed out few years ago. Demand is high and will wane but not enough to drive prices down. Basic Med opened the skies back up to many grounded pilots. Pilots will always covet the fastest and most fuel efficient birds. Never heard anyone say I really really want that 172 or that Warrior. Cherokee 6 ok maybe cause that supply has dried up also.
  17. If you are regularly hitting Flight Levels then get the yaw servo. If looking to draw the amu line somewhere, 86 yaw and just hold a little right rudder in climb out. GFC turns standard rate and I have noticed needs little to no rudder inputs outside of climb out.
  18. Is the your Ch2000 an Alarus?  I have 40 hours in the Alarus and get a little nostalgic when I see one flying still. 

    1. Rick Junkin

      Rick Junkin

      Yes it is! I bought her to finish up my instrument ticket and for my son to learn in. He flew with me a couple of times and decided to enlist in the Navy. That was the end of his flying.

      So I kept the airplane when we bought the Mooney and earned my CFII in her with the intent of instructing in retirement. She's a great flyer and very easy to operate and maintain.

      The only major improvements so far are the upgrade of the 430 to WAAS and the GTX327 to a 335, and replacement of the tach with a JPI EDM 900 with all of the bells and whistles so I can instruct proper detailed engine management from the get go with my primary students. I have the best-instrumented 0-235 on the field :D

      Here are a couple of pictures of "Little Bird" for your trip into nostalgia. Thanks for reaching out!






    2. KB4


      Haha just too cool.  All too familar.  I think the best part is the windows/doors. You just cannot beat the view and how easy it is to get in and out.  Makes an awesome trainer, but parts are getting scarce.  JPI is awesome, and something I wish my trainer had.  At night, we lost oil pressure and that little Lycoming kept us in the air for 10 minutes after OP was nothing.  On the ground dipstick was dry.  The lone mechanic on the filed Russell was rebuilding a J, and came to help, he figured out quickly the culprit was a busted seam in the oil cooler which had recently been overhauled.  I have great confidence in that little engine after seeing all the oil on the outside of the plane yet that little Lycoming didn't even sputter and after repair wasn't making any metal.       

  19. Chances are holes that come with mounting plate won’t line up cause the lightening hole. May need a filler with nut plate attached.
  20. Try this Gulvit stuff it had a write up in April Mooney Flyer issue and was successful.
  21. Yes. Best speed mod is clean plane. I have tried almost every product, best I found is gallon jug of micro polish for 30$ at spruce. Wipe the off dust, dirt, and bugs. Then spray a mist of micro polish then just wipe.
  22. I think it’s a little Dawn with water in a can. Important thing is use anything that lubes up the dry bugs and debris so they don’t scratch and swirl. Take a flashlight at an angle helps see any swirls. Scratch Off Delux kit worked great was enough product for inside and out with some left over, I used right angle drill in RPM range (no worries about burning) and did 3 of the 6 steps. Swipe down/or down with folded microfiber, flip microfiber swipe, flip, swipe. Don’t swirl or use circular motion. Got me beat, can only lasts me 4 years.
  23. Since at top cant be drainage, and since heat rises, gotta be heat and condensation dissipation. Can’t see why 4-6 smaller 1/8l holes at top center wouldn’t be suffice.
  24. With M20 supply at an all time low, you will get more bang for ur buck in a SR22 with AC FIKi ect I only have time in a 20, and really liked it but too slow. The welded gear will save you enough on insurance for the CAPS repack so no extra maintenance cost there.
  25. Correct. That should be flat and laying against the anti-chafe tape. With crack, probably better off calling Allen. But until then straighten it out, where it touches the belly I can see where it’s rubbing the belly to bare aluminum.
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