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Everything posted by KB4

  1. Yup. Should flash about 50 times per min.
  2. Plus 1 for Islip Avionics, and Precision Avionics. Last check Islip was about 6 months out. Had G5 not talking to Nav, Islip got me in that day and fixed in few hours.
  3. Not good for older Px. AP said had guy come back 1 year later to reinstall. Something bad is likely to happen. Px breaks ankle or rips off the baggage handle, slips and lands on flaps. . . Crawling over the Px to assist everyone getting out helps, done that so that could work, grab a step stool for them. Little harbor freight aluminum stool works great for older Px even with step. Stool is easier and safer.
  4. I would add some passenger comfort items in there. Barf bags, aspirin, tums, PP thingy’s, 1lb free standing zip lock freezer bag, Quease ease, handheld radio blood Ox or Apple Watch, tiny bottle of water, ear plugs, snack bar, . . . (basically anything that will keep a Px happy enough to get where you are going. Seat back pocket is good too but kinda gets filled quickly and when u jump in a different plane… after I heard another MSer’s horror story about an Angel Flight Px hanging his ass over the back seat. never be without that freezer bag. I believe that Px only had a paper bag. Good news is that kid had good aim, but that didn’t help with stank. Mike recommended the Freezer bags.
  5. This. No weight. I have the newer style flight bag from sportys. But found I like these cheapie ones better. I use ‘em for luggage too https://smile.amazon.com/FOLDABLE-LIGHTWEIGHT-RESISTANT-BACKPACK-PACKABLE/dp/B07Z18SQC9/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3JVTJITBRRLTZ&keywords=Lightweight+foldable+backpack&qid=1640360643&sprefix=lightweight+foldable+backpack%2Caps%2C46&sr=8-3
  6. Come On Man! Isn’t it obvious from the Title what you have in panel. Aren’t these same sponsors also copied and pasted in every video description. Let’s be fair here, you are doing it to benefit YOU not MSers. I was a huge fan of the channel, but after the Dynon install, IMHO the videos have become Dynon commercials and I don’t watch anymore. To be cleat this is not a dig on Chris personally, but his practices. From the videos he is a very humble and nice person. I agree post sponsorship in Ad section. Call it a sponsor link if you want it’s advertising for goods/services
  7. Good eye Art when I saw that I immediately turned over hoping the old holes weren’t covered. I guess they Leave it up to you to drill the holes. Old location of holes are visible on under side, but I asked my IA about 3M hook and loop. The footwell and side panel kit I have uses hook and loop so it’s already approved for that use. As tight as those things are in there, I think the fasteners were to make someone feel good.
  8. No. Mine left and right looked ok, will inspect further when I install my Gee-Bee hoses, which my IA complimented the the high quality.
  9. Easy way is. When you clean your K&N, grab some shop towels spray with ur choice, and clean as far as you can jam your arm in with air filter removed. Then get someone with skinnier arms to do the same.
  10. Check out this guys tie downs. Gotta wonder if they are hoping for this, I mean if you can’t afford a couple dock lines from Amazon one can only imagine the maintenance neglect. You can still see the knot and it’s still attached to tie loop. Wasn’t the planes fault
  11. Highly recommend. Great service and of course as many MS’ers know amazing results. Wasn’t too far gone but had giant square cut out, guessing to vent radios before they came with own cooling fans. He repaired that and added the proper vent holes. I got on the schedule 2 months prior so only took 17 days from time I sent it off. Not an AMU. 575 repairs and refinish 250 shipping both ways. He also adds and includes in price a glare shield repair kit, (allows glare shield to come on and off easily. I got the repair kit below from Wisconsin Aviation for 75 when I picked up their Mooney revitalization kit. (Carpet delete kit). Happy that Hector already installed one
  12. AD says “In 1996 the gear handle was retracted by mistake causing the right main gear to collapse”. I thought M20 gear was all up and all down? Does not operate independently. How could only 1 side retract, (squat switch?)
  13. It’s the fear of losing what is familiar. Deal with that and you will get your way. The 2d G5, your IS the backup AI, and it flips on automatically if you lose the AI on top. Battery 4hrs as you know. Get him on a home sim with dual G5’s. My guess is he will soon realize the Hub and spoke scan is hugely simplified with G5 or any glass and the triple redundancy is unnecessary. Weight, should shed 20-29 lbs AND eliminate a maintenance item(s)forever. (Old AI and vac) If keeping his AM will make him happy enough dump vac then go that route. But I would promise to download his favorite talk shows or oldies on an old iPhone stream it to him and dump the ADF.
  14. Always a few on the GNS480 forum for 3300-3500 as ppl upgrade. Also check with Chris Short. https://www.palmdr.com
  15. Check with @GEE-BEE AEROPRODUCTS he can make the baffle. I bought hoses and baffle seals. Excellent quality.
  16. Cited as FAA Office of Mgt systems hours flown versus accidents. Not my material to post. It says “need consent to reproduce”
  17. It’s all published in the MAPA Pilot Proficiency Program materials. Graph I referred to is 7-3.
  18. Mooney has MAPA, dedicated improving safety and also maintenance is also discussed. Do other manufacturers? I haven’t checked. These M20’s are built in America like a brick sh!t house and don’t ever just fall out of the sky. And if flown to the ground, with something other than obstructions, trees, water etc below you can expect Dan Bass type damage. Old data but at about 300 Mooney hours the accident rate drops off a cliff. Until about 300 rate of M20 accidents rose, but was same as other manufacturers. At about 400 M20 pilots statistically began to outperform other manufacturers pilots.
  19. Any ceramic heater with oscillation AND tip over protection will work great. 50$ for good one Amazon. Place on pax floor away from fuel selector.
  20. This is a good thing. Chris Short from https://www.palmdr.com can fix the 480 and repair prices average 150-300.
  21. Sounds like the old timer was simply task saturated with touch and go’s. Think we have all had the slow guy that decides to cut us off going 70kts. I tend to think it’s a scared pilot with little skill/sit awareness, and like you my thoughts are always I am getting the hell away from that guy.
  22. After looking around different fields, I found that the Kennon cover was the most custom fit. It WAS a better choice. But Bruce bought that part of the business. So no more new Kennon covers.
  23. You sure the G5 didn’t dim its screen all the way down so it looks off? Happens. If happens again try theses—covering light sensor on front of G5, long press power, cycle breaker, cycle master. If software is current one or combo of above will work.
  24. Get the checklist and sit in a chair and go through the checks and motions as if you are in the J. Getting very familiar with the the checklist for each phase in advance will help prepare you and reduce any anxiety. After that it’s just speed control and recognition that Mooney’s love to fly, they don’t love to land. Keep your speed up in the pattern and always check the mechanical gear down indicator.
  25. We have the parts but cannot send them to you. To me that’s the same as Not available. How long is reasonable to wait before OPP becomes the only viable option.
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