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Everything posted by KB4

  1. Didn’t some of the 50M in Chinese capital get used to automate some processes? I admire and respect the new owners for trying to save what Art and Al started 70 years ago, but without a business PLAN, failure was imminent. Let’s do a Blog, how about refurbish older fleet, how about weight decrease for landing gear. All over the place. We will not see any new Mooney’s until the processes are automated, but by then the type certificates will be gone because there will be no factory support cause it’s also gone.
  2. Will this continue to be your mission profile? If so seems like some more Ovation speed and goodies are in your future. Don’t think I would go all out with a G3X GFC5 then sell. Which it sounds like you will sell. Get the panel modern enough that’s it. Then move on to your O.
  3. Ditto @PeteMc just respect the length and have your short field technique down, which seems mandatory any at your base anyway. Going to favor Rnwy28 majority of time. Good restaurant on field. The accidents were complacency. You will find it a great experience. Put Sky Acres 44N on the list too. You can pick up your order from SkyGeek on the field and get cheap blue juice. Kinda cool to do too.
  4. Funny story not for owner, 3 guys on way to OSH fully packed with supplies including a big bag of chips which decided to explode and turn into fine dust that went everywhere-instant IMC. Took 3 weeks to clean and finally see no chip dust. Lol.
  5. Close enough to NY, CT maybe Mass too where there is no GA sales tax. Research if must be based there and if so for what length of time if any is specified.
  6. Apple Pencil with the pro is good. Always charged. Well worth getting. If having issues writing usually means need new tip on the pencil.
  7. In my case, no need to purposefully flood my IO360 that is already taken care of for me the second I shut down I can hear it in the spider.
  8. Always had no problems with Maxwell technique til I didn’t. after 15 minutes sitting didn’t fire up immediately like usual. Tried the above and instantly worked. Another good tool.
  9. Since I am spending yours, G3X backup G5 and GFC500 and 255 Nav/com
  10. No, he was trolling me unnecessarily. That’s all. Whereas I am trying to help others.
  11. Ask the AME to complete the entire 3d Class exam BEFORE LOGGING into MedEX. The exam does not officially begin unless and until he/she logs in. Any issues can be addresses without FAA knowledge or consent and hopefully you can come back and pass at later date. If you fail a Medical, you CANNOT get BasicMed the easy way. So if you think you are on cusp of not passing vision or any other part, don’t let them log in. Go to another AME if they are unwilling to complete the exam without logging in to MedEX.
  12. Useless comments don’t help keep the community safe. Find exceptions to more constructive things. We can all find them too
  13. Unnecessary, just do it once at the FAF or on the 45 entering pattern. The mechanical indicator cannot lie. Don’t task saturate yourself unnecessarily.
  14. This is a task that should have been handled way before. Even if I was NOT on fullest, I ain’t touching that selector on final. Get in habit of switching tanks over a field that you can make. With any app with glide advisor the math is done for you.
  15. Do not rely on the annunciator lights to confirm your gear is down. There are 4 indicators on electrical gear Mooney’s. Feel it, hear it, see annunciator, and see mechanical football for alignment. This plane landed without incident 2 times and on the 3d the belly took the G’s. Can happen to anyone of us. Keep our community and fleet safe by checking that football just after passing FAF or entering the pattern. I know in IMC the head cranking is not ideal, but just do it slowly.
  16. Chris Short at Short tronix repaired mine. He does CNX80 and GNS480’s. https://www.palmdr.com Very very reasonable prices not aviation markup prices and fast turn around.
  17. Working on rating is perfect time to master the radio coms for IFR so just call em up and get a clearance it’s that simple. App Mooney 1969Fox VFR request. Go ahead. Mooney 69Fox is a M20Papa slant G (If you have) requesting practice ILS 6 or RNAV XX. If they are busy tell them you want to use your own NAV. Then they will want to know how the APP will terminate, missed and published hold or whatever… No you are not supposed to go to IF or IAF or Feeder route and just start flying the IAP. ATC and other aircraft in the system and sequence are not expecting you to be there. Is it “illegal,” I don’t know, but I argue it’s bad practice without talking to ATC.
  18. Always on point.
  19. In the 360, its 6” or so from the firewall on co-pilot side near bottom. Check that your engine has 1, if so will be near the oil pan is my guess. Was a really great video around here on removal and safety wiring the screen but I couldn’t find it.
  20. Send in an oil sample for analysis and pull the oil screen to see if anything is clogging that. Zero oil burn on an air cooled engine sounds strange to me but I’m no expert.
  21. In my experience high knowledge test scores tells examiner you know your stuff and the oral becomes just a formality. Be prepared for this question. You just got your Instrument ticket and now you are at Block Island lined up ready to depart and you can’t depart VFR. What do you do? Know all the steps.
  22. Unlikely, but to eliminate 1 potential source, when you fill up, get some in a small gas can, pour it out into a clear jar and wait and see. Contaminants could be from fuel truck.
  23. agreed, would add use full whenever another similar sounding N number is on freq. To be by the AIM “book,” even after they abbreviate to 41Hotel, correct reply is November 41Hotel or Mooney 41Hotel. Not mandatory, AIM says “should” state Type
  24. Sounds like you have very nicely restored bird. Get it finished fly the crap out of it then think about selling, if you still want to. Maybe easier to list the few items you didn’t replace. JK
  25. In today's market 120-130
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