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Everything posted by peevee

  1. gone back in time and never started flying...
  2. well, the test and all was easy. now i is uh professunell
  3. I'm assuming at most airports they get a pdc and just have to amend if needed
  4. fleet mix is a big part of it. workload another. half the time i find people just arent looking. someone calls downwind and departing traffic turns cross to down blindly without looking for traffic i doubt peer to peer adsb will be of much help. i have better things to do in the pattern than stare at a small screen. maybe if i had g1k
  5. No, it happens for infinitely more reasons.
  6. a neat bit of history- https://timeandnavigation.si.edu/multimedia-asset/nortronics-nas-14v2-astroinertial-navigation-system
  7. I just revert to celestial nav on all my XC flights
  8. not so easy when theyre lat/long defined rnav waypoints
  9. if ours had tks I wouldn't have a single complaint for the 2 of us... and a sandwich. but everyone is different.
  10. a similar little mistake of forgetting to come out of heading mode got a korean air flight shot down...
  11. ours are bendix pressure mags. one failed on me at about 600 hours, I think it was about 1AMU per mag for overhaul. maybe 900 each
  12. that engine could run a long time.
  13. Surprised there's still a gb out there.. I'm not sure you have any options besides the -lb. If you want performance gains and it doesn't already have them the merlyn wastegate and an intercooler are nice.
  14. If I'm a cfi can I sign my own? Hah. I know I can't
  15. in all seriousness the high paying jobs i've seen all want like 1k hours on a preditor drone. aka prior military. are there opportunities out there if i do go through the process?
  16. oh, my bad. WING off light.
  17. it's all fun and games til the flap off light comes on?
  18. wish we had the rear buckets, those sure look nice
  19. happened to me this summer, but was blowing a breaker intermittently. mine was a bad ground apparently. you haven't lived until you've limped home across the rocks at half flaps. plan was to fly zero flaps but was forced by terrain to take a 5kt tail component on TO (ktex) and figured it was one penalty or the other, not both. wrong choice.
  20. makes me wish i had an f model.
  21. " Finding pilots was difficult. They typically work long hours in windowless rooms staring at computer monitors and do not get many days off " I do that already, where do i sign up?
  22. sounds fun, gotta work tho
  23. If you make it through Denver and the plane isn't in the shop I'll take you up, no cash needed.
  24. Boy, a few of you Johnny come latelys sound like true professionals. Thanks for furthering the piss poor reputation Mooney pilots already have.
  25. What I read when I looked into it indicated the erector mechanism was usually the first to go
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