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Everything posted by peevee

  1. That's ghosting. You can put your hex in foreflight to get rid of it I think. Doesn't sound like you have a GPS in your stratux so that's why no position. Your dual should work fine, it's Bluetooth and stratux wifi There are GPS units people use with stratux. Check the git hub or stratux subreddit for models
  2. Since we're just a bunch of douche bags as you put it I'm sure you can sell it on ebay
  3. I drink lots most days, but on cross country days I go dry while the wife's over there just guzzling it down.
  4. She thought trying to clear my ears is what caused the problem, the pain was so bad I pushed way too hard. We all know better than to fly with congestion.
  5. I also don't drink enough water. I'll go all day with just a few sips so I don't have to pee. The wife will drink constantly and store it like a camel until the next stop.
  6. I went on vacation this year and as per my normal, got sick the day before. The commercial flight down was the most intense sinus pain I've ever encountered on descent. Once I got to my destination it felt like I had water in my ears I couldn't drain, so I saw the nurse. Not water, blood in my inner ear. Took a long time to heal. Please be careful.
  7. I would implore you to use a mask in that case.
  8. You're forgetting noise and vibration, both contribute to fatigue.
  9. x2 get a pulse ox meter and use it. I don't find high altitude any more draining personally. I do however live at higher altitude and hike some up around 13-14k, but of course the difference between 14k and FL180 is massive when the law of partial pressures is applied.
  10. Back in the day, the american flyers course had a timer and you had to spend X number of minutes on each section, like 100 or 80 or whatever. But if you logged in a bunch and opened multiple tabs, that time went a lot faster
  11. I think I got through the AOPA course in 6 hours, give or take, over two days.
  12. He just reaches through the pee hole in the floor and sprays it on in flight I bet.
  13. missed it, thanks. Usually the advice here is it's cheaper to buy a plane already retrofitted.
  14. it's just the standard CBI format. Load the screen, wait to click next, rinse, repeat. It just reminds me of work is all. It's not terrible. Well, I mean it is terrible, but it's not their fault. I think aopa does all the paperwork electronically for you as well, it's not a bad value, really.
  15. with our K something like TKS is the only thing keeping the airplane from doing everything I want. Is it still about 50k to add it on?
  16. oh god. it's just like the FAA CBI's in format.
  17. tell him your policy has the above mentioned no training clause, even if it doesn't, and be done with it. you're not comfortable with it or you wouldn't have asked- and I wouldn't be either.
  18. not a chance.
  19. google already has like 3 balloons above 600 pretty much all the time. I'll leave the ballooning to them.
  20. I mean, buy me something capable and I'll request block 410 to 430 all the time, since 420 is unassignable
  21. It's just pure disrespect for my time and resources that drives me crazy. Someone will post a flight for tomorrow, you'll email them to take it and won't hear back for a week because they made the posting and just went out of town camping for a week. You'll set something up and they'll flake out.. Then they act like it's no big deal for me to spend my own money to fly 4 hours to pick up some dogs, with no comprehension of the costs. As mention the afw coordinators do a great job. Stuff is nailed down and if I have to scrub for weather they have a plan B. Last one I canceled because of mod to Sev tb and destination winds like 25 gusting 35 or 40, and same story about the passenger flying on a small plane. It was a pc12 or king air. With afw the real problem now is a lack of available missions.
  22. Personally I would have outrun the baron
  23. And how many other targets are in the area on their DBRITE? if there are 15 targets squawking 1200 he might mistake him for another target. Either way, additional services are advisory in nature and provided workload permitting. The point is, see and avoid is still the pilots responsibility.
  24. No, we seem to be trying to blame anyone else we can for it.
  25. So what if they were both talking to tower? So what if they were in/out/above adjacent to class D airspace? Does the tower have radar? Are they certified to use it? The chances are that the tower has no idea where they are except a rough direction and distance. All of it is moot. You guys think as soon as you enter class D airspace you can stop looking around because it's someone else's problem. IT ISN'T. IT IS YOUR JOB TO SEE AND AVOID. The twin likely never saw the mooney against city clutter, especially at an angle with a low wing and engine in the way but by all means, hunt the guy down and yell at him, I'm sure it'll make you feel better.
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