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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. No, but I only have about 4 hours of testing.
  2. No they were done by previous owner. The rest of my interior was done by another shop at Fort Pierce.
  3. During my transition training the first time I did a stall, I did it like I have with 172s…fairly aggressively, the wing dropped 90° almost instantly. After some instruction, I did it again, but slowly approaching the stall like I was sneaking up on it, and recovered when I got the buffeting. But I still slow flight every time I fly, just before I touchdown. ;-)
  4. Chute won’t help if below pattern altitude, don’t forget there’s a delay from the “oh crap” moment to the pull. Many of the causes can be eliminated by using some discretion while still on the ground. I wonder how many Mooney accidents are a result of a stalling, especially at lower altitudes. 172,etc stalls are quite benign, Mooneys are not.
  5. Last year, but price was quoted in 2021, it probably would be a little higher today.
  6. Wow, that’s insane. Treasure Coast Avionics at KFPR. I had G3X,3 servo GFC500, AV20S installed for $30k, panel included:
  7. Not that expensive, it wasn’t itemized in my estimate.
  8. I wanted smaller switches, I don’t like the trend to the bigger switches. Switches are standard, my avionics shop just selected switches with the proper specs (amps, dust resistance, etc)…separate breakers of course.
  9. My 78 never had one either, PO put in 1 piece fiberglass belly, so I think mine would require a bit more customization if I needed to install a step. I assume any belly landing would require repairs that have to be documented in the logs.
  10. What’s more aggravating is when the shop loses your expensive skybolt camloc and replaces it with an old regular camloc. I now do the removal of the cowling…mechanics simply don’t care about my plane like I do.
  11. Well, if they had not written up the log sticker, then the work would not have been completed, since a log entry is part of the work.
  12. How do you get that data? From G3X? G5?
  13. And safety pilots ride for free or even get paid if a CFI… not the other way around.
  14. So fuel without lead is heavier?
  15. Not entirely true, without a GTN 650(Xi) you won’t have full functionality, for example the VNAV and smart glide features.
  16. Check emergency gear red lever on floor. If not locked, gear won’t retract. Yes it’s in the POH, 1 sentence hidden in section 7-17 for me. I added checking it to my prestart checklist.
  17. GTN 650, if you ever envision upgrading to a modern autopilot (GFC500).
  18. I’m guessing they flew between a pair of trees. An excellent strategy if there’s no open area, the trees/wings absorb much of the energy and the wings and fuel is left behind you.
  19. In addition to corrosion protection, another preventive measure is to make sure your windows are properly sealed.
  20. There’s requirements to keep it away from motors and wiring. I would try it on the ground, checking all directions with lights/autopilot off. If it seems to be okay, then try it with lights on, roll servo operating.
  21. You can check it while on the ground, where is the magnetometer located?
  22. I don’t have IAS data, but using my ground speed as a proxy you can see it hunts some, +/-3 knots, but the changes in pitch aren’t really noticeable. I always capture current IAS and plane is trimmed out FWIW.
  23. FYI: Pros actually use green tape (Frogtape) to create sharper lines, no bleeding.
  24. I’ve use that basic route because it’s the lowest terrain. I have made changes as required for winds/weather.
  25. I put 12v outlet on far left, so a short (1’) usb cable keeps things nice and tidy.
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