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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. I don’t know, but I have a placard about low power operation:
  2. Idle power? I thought that’s hard on the engine, because the windmilling at high speed will drive the engine.
  3. The easiest way to comply with the rules is provide quality control of the manufactured part, each person receiving the part can verify quality when they receive it. I would make log entry with a phrase “verified the part was exact duplicate and function“ or something similar to document you participated in the OPP process.
  4. GATS jar on a box…simple.
  5. No, neither, the J doesn’t need the yaw damper and I already had a JPI 900 from a previous upgrade.
  6. I had the GFC500 and G3X installed for $30k, but that was before the high inflation kicked in, $100/hr labor rate.
  7. Your quote of $26k for just the GFC500 is way too expensive.
  8. I think a good analog would be boat building, they can build smaller sailboats for less than $500k, but many only want to build bigger more expensive ones. That’s many hours of fiberglass work, wood work, marine electronics, engine, etc. And yes, boat builders have problems these days as well, like competing with their own boats on the used market.
  9. Is it your forever plane?
  10. A teenager can handle sending a text like: “annual inspection phase completed, we’ve ordered parts for the squawks sent previously by email, but they are back ordered and expected delay of 3 weeks”. That’s all you need. Run a credit card, online searching of parts, status updates, etc. it’s not rocket science. And all of this will allow the AP to focus on working on the planes.
  11. May have to do with gear doors (strength/design).
  12. In my experience (and others), small aviation businesses seem to be the worst when it comes to customer communications. I would hire teenage girl to handle this, they have no problem handling emails, texts, phone calls. They could handle most status requests, billing, etc. I found I have to be there in person and make repeated visits.
  13. You can always install a panel mounted compass instead.
  14. I agree if this was IFR training. Not for PP, I’ve had a CFI become extremely unhappy with my landing technique, didn’t like the 70 knots on short final, he wanted 80. I told him if I did 80 we’d needed a longer runway.
  15. Mine took 100-120 hours but it’s not continuous, there’s some lull in the work, so ended up being 3-4 months. The panel was sent out to be painted, and then placarded, my JPI was sent out to be updated and then there’s the occasional AOG that takes priority, and then some odds and ends that had to be ordered. All that adds delays, not to mention a hurricane that closed the shop for a week, someone gets sick, someone had to go to training, etc
  16. They don’t hinder cockpit access at all, not sure about OPs, mine were installed by Modworks which I believe they use Mooney parts (from 205 years).
  17. Probably true, but if he is willing use your Mooney, your 1st question is how many hours do you have in a Mooney….if that number isn’t above 25 hours, your insurance or/and his will not cover you. Landing a Mooney is not like landing a trainer, it’s best to get someone else to do the transition training.
  18. There’s limit switches for flaps, gear…if they failed the motors don’t stop and continue to run. Easy to check, pull individual circuit breakers until the sound stops. The problem can be intermittent, so you need to wait till you can recreate it.
  19. I would use whatever the CFI is familiar with, and that’s probably not a Mooney.
  20. Still kept the old analog clock and engine instruments? So now are you without an autopilot while you wait for certification? Is having the speeds placarded a requirement?
  21. I will 3rd the removal of annunciator and would also move the compass to the panel to clean up view.
  22. I like to see your entry/exit technique getting into your Mooney. ;-)
  23. Same requirements, I had complex from time in a Arrow, just to get some time in a retractable and low wing. I hadn’t flown in a year, so it was worth it to knock the rust off. I got my 10 hours where the plane was, then flew home. Saved me money not having to pay expenses (commercial flight, hotel) for the CFI. CFI had to have 25 hours in type.
  24. Only up to 6°, in my case that’s not quite enough, my is ~9° warmer with probe in the vent.
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