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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. The battery prevents voltage spikes, so you won’t get voltage spikes during startup, just a voltage drop. Now if you going to turn off the master while the engine is running, you better turn off the avionics first especially if you have a mechanical voltage regulator. Frankly I would be more worried about a lightning strike frying the electronics, if tied down outside.
  2. Generally digital electronics only need 5v so don’t know why G3X needs it.
  3. Wouldn’t the voltage reading verify the system’s charging correctly?
  4. That’s probably just a safety thing…somewhere down the checklist after starting it probably says to check for proper voltage, I know the J has this. Edit: one version has turn off alt field in prestart checklist and then turn on alt field in the start checklist….clearly the POHs weren’t edited for consistency.
  5. Otherwise known as a AM transistor radio. ;-)
  6. Yes, as Eric points out. Side note, the G3X (designed to come on with the master) also has a voltage conditioner (GAD 27) which instead of just dropping the voltage down to a safe voltage also will boost the voltage when voltage drops during startup.
  7. Or just have a tried and true cigarette lighter socket, then buy inexpensive USB plugs…and when USB-X comes out, you just buy a new plug.
  8. For the same reasons above, also false. Does anybody worry about starting their cars with alternator engaged?
  9. Modern electronic voltage regulators don’t have this problem. Back in the “good old days” voltage regulators were mechanical. You won’t have a problem if you forget to shut off the avionics either for same reason, in addition there are voltage regulators built in, that’s why avionics are capable of 12 or 24 volts power. Find out what kind of voltage regulator you have.
  10. Oh, I saw your taxi, landing lights had breakers and assumed other lights had breakers as well. Yes I switched from unobtainium combo switch/CB to regular switches with separate circuit breakers.
  11. Interesting, I have similar panel but a lot more circuit breakers, I guess there’s some flexibility how things are wired:
  12. Controller has 5 around or above this one. But we will find out, my 78 has similar hours and paint job, recent interior upgrade, G3X,GTN650Xi, GFC500, JPI900, LEDs, etc. I would estimate $200k for mine based on this and others.
  13. 1. It’s just not dealing with issues, but dealing with them in milliseconds. 2. Complex scenarios like you see a group of children playing with cars parked on the side of the road partially blocking your view. Most of us would unconsciously slow down anticipating a child running out from behind a car. 3. Moral issues, you face with 2 obstacles blocking the road, a deer and a child, you can’t stop in time, which do you hit? There is hardware issues: cameras capable of distinguishing between a child and sign with a child painted on it from a distance. Bad weather blocking sensors, etc. CPU power. And then the software issues.
  14. Hmmm, I took my 87 up to 150…around a sweeping turn, it tracked like it was on rails, no vibrations. At a more sedate speed I took a picture:
  15. Not sure why vacuum is gone, but 900 will handle voltage and fuel annunciations. At some point you’ll only have gear annunciations left, and can get rid of the annunciator and just have a couple of warning lights.
  16. My JPI IM has diagrams for each magneto model showing connection point, page 30.
  17. You can also wigwag the lights to prevent melting the cover.
  18. Agree completely and there a few other differences: Improved engine air intake making ram air superfluous. Replaced quadrant with push pull controls. And Js also have speed mods like 1 piece belly, hidden antennas….but any speed improvement is questionable.
  19. Corrosion, requires removing inspection plates and some interior panels (below the windows). Fill fuel tanks, check for leaks. Borescope the cylinders. Check gear/controls linkages. Id guess about 8-12 hours of labor. You don’t need PPI to check avionics, lights, general condition. Check databases are up to date. Ask to see the maintenance logs, engine monitor logs, check flightaware for recent flights. Don’t bother with PPI till you’ve done your test ride, ask to see everything work; both radios, VOR, GPS, autopilot, etc. When straight and level, check ailerons and elevators positions.
  20. I think it used to be cheaper to just buy a J than to buy an F and do the mods, now I don’t know.
  21. Don’t know, but I’m sure JPI (which was NOT certified with this in mind) will not want any other circuitry connected to the senders, be like connecting 1 speaker to 2 different stereos. Proper way is to cap the annunciator wires and let the JPI provide the fuel warnings.
  22. Which mag did you replace with the surefly, left or right?
  23. Yes, it will warn you when fuel drops below a certain amount, I think it’s configurable.
  24. I don’t know exact part number(s). Every shop sucks at communicating with customers. TCA is booked solid. Pro tip, try calling and don’t bother leaving a message, probably best time of day is 3:30-4:30. I’ve been waiting for a check for several weeks, I feel your pain.
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