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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. The AIS support is the marine version of ADSB. And marine versions are designed to automatically activate if submerged in water. So not to helpful for aviation. For aviation I would add a G sensor and activate based on G forces exceeding some minimum (like 5Gs?). They could add ADSB support so our traffic devices could show exact locations of the signals. Don’t know if ADSB protocol supports it, but identifying the target as a airplane in distress (blinking red for example) would be helpful, pilots seeing it could immediately take action to confirm the target and provide assistance.
  2. Well, you need to be careful with front seat windows cause you need nighttime visibility and no way would I tint windshield of course. But rear windows shouldn’t be a problem, yes? I order mine with optional extra dark tint.
  3. Ok, JPI has all the info on 1 page not to mention it shares info with GTN and I can see information on fuel utility page. By 2 sources, you mean fuel flow from Shadin and MVP? You still have the fuel senders which I assume MVP replaces old analog gauges. I also have wing mounted fuel gauges, I thought they were standard on long bodies? So don’t you have 4 sources?
  4. I had same problem as well but they fixed it before my first test flight.
  5. Interesting they still have old strobes/position lights instead of their Orion LEDs, clearly this wasn’t done by the marketing department. And the light doesn’t look that bright.
  6. I assume you mean 4 servos with optional yaw damper, I can’t believe anyone wouldn’t install the trim servo that allows hands off flying.
  7. Why keep the old fuel flow box? Mine took 120 hours and 3 months, but it was GFC500 and G3X and new panels. This was last year with the labor/supply chain issues.
  8. Doesn’t match my plane, shows screws (4) at forward corners and 4002 (2) at aft corners, I have 2700s (2) at both.
  9. For that much you could get a G3X 10” installed.
  10. It requires a different prop so it’s additional money above the engine cost. A good thread to read: https://mooneyspace.com/topic/2503-pireps-on-firewall-forward-hp-stc/
  11. You mean AV-20-S I think unless you’re going to make the hole bigger.
  12. +1, we know it’s in Georgia, for now I’ll avoid the entire state.
  13. /2 notes its held in using RTV and dial alignment should be noted before replacing.
  14. I’ve never tried changing the IAS after enabling IAS mode, but the +/- few knots is normal for me and barely noticeable. I will try that next time. I have a J but not going to Minnesota anytime soon and unless it’s abruptly changing airspeeds I wouldn’t care as long as it stays within reasonable range (+/- 5 knots).
  15. I have a 20TC2-BG-3 (Elev Trim), so would require new plastic cover or label overlay.
  16. List prices are all over the place, on controller there’s a 87J Mooney with a recent overhauled engine, average panel, exterior/interior 6…$230,000, then there’s a 78J with G500 panel, new paint but engine 800 hours past TBO that’s $135,000. To bring the 87 panel/exterior up to the 78 level would cost much more than the cost of an overhaul. But the 78 has been for sale for almost a year, so clearly the high time engine is scaring people away.
  17. Spruce prices are for experimental…I got the price directly from Dynon for certified system, I forgot about the autopilot, so that’s additional 7 grand, as you say matters.
  18. A quick search shows the equipment alone: Dynon $26500 IFD550 $19500 PMA8000 $1900 So not under $40k, but $47900, add installation costs rule of thumb (50%), and you’re looking at $70,000. Not that much different than a Garmin panel.
  19. At bottom of reply box is link to add and you can drag and drop them.
  20. Not quite, you don’t need towers IF other planes have 978 ADSB transponders, the towers just rebroadcast standard 1090 signals on 978 band. OP should boot up GTN in configuration mode, and check settings for ADSB/88.
  21. I should note, that’s where it is now, as I have 900 as well.
  22. Is it insured for that much? I found insurance companies seem to balk at higher valuations.
  23. One problem is if the trim starts to runaway you won’t know it at first because the autopilot will compensate and then it may take a few seconds after is disconnects to realize what’s happening. I would like to have a trim annunciation when trim is activated.
  24. Mine is on the engine side of the firewall.
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