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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. And yet they have a warning: Never use your Stormscope system to attempt to penetrate a thunderstorm…
  2. Wx500 has been discontinued, I think there’s only 1 SS model still being made. ADSB has made them almost obsolete.
  3. So a straight stem bends and a 90° bend is straight, I’m confused. Looking at picture above I would call it straight.
  4. I wonder if you could just a drill a hole and retrofit the later design on a 78?
  5. Up and locked is a RED light? On the J it’s unsafe (in transition), there is no light for retracted gear.
  6. Why are you using the Microsoft Clippy character? I guess it’s better than a T100 terminator image. ;-)
  7. Hey AI chatbot, you’re being repetitive, referring to 1.3-1.4 glide speed 3 times. I recommend passing your responses through a “editor” function to condense your comments.
  8. Treasure Coast Avionics at KFPR. They installed my G3X/GFC500.
  9. They should, I don’t know anyone who’s had a problem with LEDs.
  10. You’ll likely be contacted by FSDO if they report it, and will need to take some online training courses. its less about punishment and more about correcting mistakes
  11. Check the fuel flow is correct, by filling the tanks and using the totalizer and compare on fill up. Should be within about a gallon. The book values are based on certain air temperatures and low humidity. Here in Florida we never see either, so always below book.
  12. I’d be more worried about it being used for training, carefully checking landing gear, main spar, and all control rods.
  13. Probably they didn’t bother getting it certified, I’d guess there’s expensive testing that has to be done. If you want it, another $4k gets you G500.
  14. Which is both depressing and hilarious at the same time.
  15. From a part’s perspective, it’s about extra $2300 to get the VOR/ILS in addition to com radio, that’s without DME. If I didn’t have GPS, I’d definitely have a DME. I probably be happy with just 1 navigation radio, but I would be afraid buyers would expect 2, especially without DME, because almost every certified plane has 2.
  16. I made a perfect landing on 2650’ strip and still needed some braking to stop before the end.
  17. And this is why you keep your charts/databases current.
  18. It’s not a piston issue, it’s lead deposits on the valves (stuck valves) that would result if cylinders are run too cool. I assume your EGTs are well above 1100, preferably 1300s.
  19. It’s the lead scavenging that requires higher temperatures, EGTs above 1100°F and cylinder temperatures above 300°.
  20. They don’t show a locking collar?
  21. Did you try a different card reader? Nice friendly error message. :-) At least it didn’t result in a blue screen.
  22. You’ll have to figure out how to remove the V part.
  23. Electronics don’t last forever, especially when exposed to heat, vibration, and are 20 years old. I’d check antenna connection(s) on the back of the box if they weren’t checked when antenna was replaced. Otherwise see if shop can bench test it.
  24. I hear they’re waiting for you to finish. ;-)
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