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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. I don’t think it will fit where the GFC controller is, unless you have a long body with a larger panel. Yes, I already had it and didn’t want to spend money for no additional functionality, the LED will grab my attention if something happens. I personally like the square presentation over round engine monitors. I could have move the Aera but it would make it harder to interact with. I don’t interact with the JPI and but it’s still within view. My primary goal was to have everything I interact with within a easy reach of my right hand. Secondary goals was to remove hard to find/repair equipment (switches, annunciator), clean up the panel and view (moved compass to panel). The JPI integrates fine with GTN, the only problem was with the GTN, I used up all the RS232 ports, so I don’t get ADSB IN on the GTN, but I get it everywhere else (Aera, G3X, and iDevice).
  2. That’s where they moved mine, I think you need a placard.
  3. There’s no room, there’s other boxes you need for a G3X installation they’re installed behind the right radio stack (at least in my installation). Of course I didn’t ask them to get creative with other locations.
  4. There’s also K8A label which I assumed meant Klixon 8 Amps?
  5. FWIW, I have an elevator trim switch, part number 20TC2-BG-3 (Klixon), I think based on the markings it’s rated 8 amps.
  6. I thought the 750 had more ports (RS232)? I use all 4 of mine in my 650 and could have used more.
  7. The oil seems to come from #4 based on the dirty intake. #4 exhaust does seem damaged.
  8. The problem with the J is there’s 4 versions: with and without ram air, with and without landing light.
  9. Yes, it’s internal, works fine for me.
  10. J panel must be slightly larger, I would follow the shop’s recommendation and move the VSI to vacant position and put it there.
  11. I would not put the GFC500 on the far right, you’ll want it close at hand, along with the Xi. If you upgraded to a JPI 900, you could get rid of the legacy engine gauges, that would open up some panel space.
  12. Did they ever figure out if the pilots in the Payne Stewart accident had oxygen masks on?
  13. Horizontal landing gear switch?
  14. The pulselite used to be about $375?!
  15. I saw a piece on TBM years ago, they do the same thing.
  16. Yes, 2 tone is more expensive than 1 base with stripes. More complex and more colors is more expensive. Red is most expensive color. Metallic is more expensive. If your wife wants a paint job, you’re are smart man to get it done, and I would include her in the design process.
  17. Can you post altitude vs FD pitch?
  18. But it’s a chicken and egg problem, is altitude oscillating and AP reacting, or the AP is oscillating and the altitude reflects this?
  19. Interesting, it looks like the altitude sensor is fluctuating, but your video above didn’t seem to show that, I wonder if GFC500 has a separate sensor? I thought the AHRS box handle it alone, curious, did the G5 match the G3X?
  20. I have red LEDs and a couple of white regular lights on the left side because I didn’t know if I would be able to dim the LEDs and I wanted to have some white light just in case I needed to read a chart,checklist, etc.
  21. Why would that matter? Did paint get heavier in 2015?
  22. On a hot start I do the don’t touch anything, just start it method, works 99% of the time. On a cold start I set the throttle to 1/4”, run the fuel pump for 5 seconds, more if it’s colder, if near freezing I pump for 10 seconds. My AP told me you can’t flood a Lycoming on a cold start. But if I run engine for a minute, cylinder temperatures only get up to about 120°, oil still near ambient temperature, hence the question.
  23. I went through every W&B change made to my plane, put them all in a spreadsheet and found about 20 errors out of 100 entries. In my case they mostly balanced out, there was about 1lb difference when all said and done. Every AP wants to weigh it (and charge me of course) instead of doing the math when a change is made, I firmly refuse. No one has ever had the plane weighed and come out less than book. I and others have loss close to 70lbs on a full upgrade with loss of vacuum and heavy avionics.
  24. I found clear plastic hose (with hot oil) loses its strength and falls off. I use black fuel hose.
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