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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Those late model Js are heavy…my 78 is 1728…167 lb difference. My fuel capacity is 3 gallons more than spec, so the full tanks method would increase my empty weight by 18 lbs. And this is why I always require them to do the math, which I usually have to correct.
  2. They must have some added circuitry to that, but I’m surprised why they didn’t add voltage regulator as well so they can handle 14v or 28v with same model, pretty easy to do?
  3. Correct, but the LEDs are polarized, so you will need to identify the positive wire.
  4. It is now, I did it in stages (entire radio stack, G5s, then G3X), but today it would do complete refurbishment in this order: Avionics (replacing defrost hoses) Interior (& glass replacement if needed) Paint
  5. I do not, I assume they’re stamped if I ever need to replace one of them. Electric parts are standardized, don’t require TSO, mil spec, etc according to Mike Busch. I don’t remember the entire list, but I think some hoses, rivets, sheet metal screws are similar. My avionics shop didn’t hesitate when I asked for regular mini rocker switches instead. They are a repair station so I think they’re well versed in what’s legal and what’s not. The breakers are with all the others on copilot side.
  6. My avionics shop installed them, only required a signature. They had to be of a certain amp rating and dust or water resistance IIRC.
  7. If redoing panel, OP can used inexpensive switches and inexpensive circuit breakers. I also replaced master switch. I got rid of any specialized $$$ parts: switches/breakers, annunciator, gauges, with 1 exception: the landing gear/override switches.
  8. I think rockers are more modern, toggle switches are more retro.
  9. My most common mistake is forgetting to set the altitude preselect. I’ve created a laminated checklist for autopilot functions.
  10. No, it won’t. The sun is getting hotter and will eventually turn into a red giant that will engulf earth in about 5 billion years or so. But we don’t have that long, the sun is increasingly getting hotter, it’s estimated in 1-2 billion years earth will no longer be inhabitable.
  11. Yes, the down and up limit switches are completely different: I found replacements on eBay using the part numbers above.
  12. When landing your engine exhaust output is minimal, try checking it in cruise and comparing to forecasted temperatures.
  13. 3 and 4 are from audio panel with modern autopilots.
  14. Even my JPI probe mounted in pilot NACA duct runs about 10° warmer, the JPI allows adjustments but not 10°. My G3X probe replaced the factory one in the wing.
  15. If you have room, use label maker and put labels on panel below or above the switches.
  16. I’m not as worried about the temperatures because it’s the symptom and can vary with temporary weather conditions, more worried about the causes (CO2, methane, lack of ozone layer, sun intensity increasing, etc) and understanding what we can control and what we can’t. I think in normal circumstances CO2 should be self regulated: as more CO2 warms the planet, especially towards the poles, the longer vegetation growing season resulting in less CO2 and vice versa when plant cools.
  17. You did check the circuit breaker?
  18. You talk about CO2 we’re producing, don’t forget the deforestation that reduces the conversion of CO2 to O2. The problem for climate scientists is they’ve been making dire predictions that haven’t come true. Yeah, we’re a little warmer and there seems to be more severe storms but that’s it. BTW, they have been talking about climate change since 70s or earlier, on YouTube you can find Carl Sagan testified before congress about all changes that would occur. Then you have idiots (Al Gore) that’s still use the hockey stick graph that was shown to be wrong and “scientists” being given grants to study climate change. So if someone gives you money to study climate change, and you want more money, guess what you’re going to find. CC has been politicized, it’s just too difficult to get real facts. You can’t have 7+ billion people and claim we’re not having a impact, just a question of how much. One thing is for sure if you saw Los Angeles air back in the 60s versus today, you can see how much better the air is today. Personally I like cleaner air. I think everyone can agree that we should try to limit our impact, the question is how and what sacrifices we should make. We haven’t built a nuclear reactor in decades. China, India and Russia need to join the world efforts otherwise we’re not going to have much impact.
  19. If it’s like the J, nothing to do, the support structure is flat, the bend is just in the panel sheet metal.
  20. We’re not talking about a mechanical breakdown of otherwise airworthy plane. We’re talking about a newbie buying a plane that isn’t flight capable. But for normal AOG scenarios, you either have a on field mechanic (I check if field has one during my planning) or if at a field without start calling around looking for a mobile mechanic. Savvy has breakdown assistance program, if you are going to airports without services, or travel often might be worth it to get it. Basically AAA for airplanes.
  21. But if it stops annunciator when auxiliary is on, then maybe the vacuum gauge isn’t accurate or annunciator is a bit off too. Could be just a leak in the tubing, the AP moving the tubing temporarily fixed it when he replaced the pump.
  22. Unless you’re an AP or have years of experience, no way should you buy a plane not airworthy, especially away from home.
  23. Wow, 10 years ago paint jobs were $12k and reseal jobs were $8k. I’m confused, what Mooneys have 4 tanks?
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