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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Doesn’t the Aera with its battery already have AHRS along with GPS built in?
  2. Heat alone won’t, I fly in the mornings, but forecast like this will:
  3. You said you didn’t want to fly low…6000 is low for me, 8000 is my minimum as a general rule, smoother, cooler and avoid the lower clouds.
  4. The certified division and the experimental division of Garmin are like 2 different companies, their boxes don’t talk to each other. Pick one or the other: G500/69A/Flightstream, G3X/52R.
  5. Look at all the closures in DFW aera:
  6. Why do you have an ammeter? And that’s a lot of toggle switches?
  7. The latest software has more rigorous testing, so servos that use to be fine may not be anymore. If it only occurs intermittently you can consider ignoring it, at some point you will need to update them.
  8. Just browsing airports in Texas and found 3 airports are closed: KJCT, 74R, T91 and 3 more have no fuel: 50R, KGYB, KSEP? And few more just west of DFW that are closing.
  9. The G3X doesn’t share the 52R data to the GTN, you might be able to wire the 52R directly but in my case I ran out of RS232 ports. So I have ADSB data on G3X, Aera 660, and my iDevice which is more than enough.
  10. You can do it yourself if you want, no AP needed.
  11. Limit switches and the switch itself.
  12. There’s a rather large gap underneath that my hangar fairy created a piece of sheet metal to close up, but I was worried about mice coming up the tail tie down.
  13. I dont think that drawing is to scale, you can see the magnetometer shelf high and aft of the shelf the pitch servo is on, yaw servo would also be there if installed.
  14. See page 33-40-01.
  15. Js got wing mounted lights starting #3154, of course there is also retrofits, my 78 included.
  16. Id guess the installation of the AC in the tail interferes with where servos would be located.
  17. The maintenance manual (at least the J does) has description of the special tools required.
  18. There’s special tools required…you do have the maintenance manual?
  19. The faster your airplane flies, the more likely you will have headwinds.
  20. Yep, from now I’m going to tape over the brakes to protect them from rain. Ounce of prevention… I missed mine, no slam dunks.
  21. Double check there’s no other wiring (servos, strobes, nav lights) near it. Mine is in the tail on a shelf designed for this.
  22. My philosophy is either the autopilot flies the plane or I do. And trim is included, allowing hands off.
  23. Speak for yourself, on any trip longer than a hour, I need a working autopilot.
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