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I'm just looking for some thoughts about flying to KSAV on Wednesday morning or Tuesday late afternoon?  Maybe some ground or air reports form some folks in the SAV area.

I have been watching TS Debby and I already have a ticket on Delta as my backup plan.  Watching RADAR loops and it appears at least for now most of the bad TS activity is south of the FL- GA boarder but it is subject to change without notice.  I may be more worried about getting back than getting there.  I’ve even looked at staying further north than a more direct southern route.  I am instrumented rated.


Things started out fine this morning.  Preflight, weather, file IFR plan even though it should be VMC the whole way.  Get my clearance and release take off climbing to 110 about 15 minutes into the trip I start smelling something at about 8000.  Scan the engine gauges everything is ok engine sounds fine.  Look back at the flight instruments notice the AI looks funny go back to the suction gauge and it is reading 0 :-((((.  Tell ATC I'm turning around and going back to NEW and my vacuum pump has failed.  They asked if I was declaring an emergency I sad no I'm going back VFR.  Landed without incident.  Went to plan B and arrive only two hours later than what I anticipated flying myself.  Even though I shy away from commercial since I bought my plane I have to give it to Delta.

Sorry your trip was curtailed like that. Not sure how long you're staying, but the weather down here is forecast to be solid CAVU for days so you could probably have just flown the whole trip VFR. But you made a safe and prudent decision for yourself so that's what matters. It is sometimes good to have Delta in your back pocket.


Quote: Jeff_S

Sorry your trip was curtailed like that. Not sure how long you're staying, but the weather down here is forecast to be solid CAVU for days so you could probably have just flown the whole trip VFR. But you made a safe and prudent decision for yourself so that's what matters. It is sometimes good to have Delta in your back pocket.


Quote: Parker_Woodruff

I'm hoping to fly from Texas to Lakeland, FL on Thursday morning. We'll see. 

Unfortunately Debby doesn't seem to be giving many clues as to movement right now. 


You only get the tailwind eastbound. Flying west, you are at 6500' slogging along at 165 true burning 12 GPH instead of 9.



Well I have a new not rebuilt vacuum pump on my plane along with a new skytech starter.  When removing the old starter the starter cable lug broke off in my hand.  I guees I only had a few starts left on that cable.  Maybe that was csuing the starter bendix not to engage sometimes.


It usually is easier to  fix a prbolem first starts than to let it go.

I took my first flight with the new Skytech starter and it is wonderful spins the engine very fast.

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