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Decided to go with Aspen 2000 and an MVP-50 any recommendation as to layout or options for fuel  and such like induction temp?

Should I keep the ball and bank or hide it, do I get rid of the old adf?


Any advice would be great


I would say one of the biggest favors you can do yourself, particularly if you fly IMC, is to put the engine analyzer to the right of the Aspen or your "six pack" and in front of the pilot.  This puts the engine information in your scan, and if the engine or fuel flow has a problem you will see it quickly.  Has definitely saved my bacon a couple of times.  See the pics of my panel in my gallery and you will see what I mean.  I am assuming your MVP-50 is STC's primary for all your engine instrumentation and fuel gauges, and you will be removing the factory gauges.  If not, that is the MVP you should get.  It is well worth the $$ in terms of safety.



I have an Aspen 2000, except it wasn't called that when I got it.  I think the STC requires the PFD to be left of the MFD but if I could reverse them, I would.  I have to reach across the yoke to make adjustments to the PFD, which I do way more often than I do for the MFD.  Even if they were the same amount of adjustments, the PFD adjustments are more time critical (heading bug, altitude bug, altimeter).


I have the 2000 and it rawks. I kept the ball and bank becasue of the Stec AP. I'd put the MVP-50 close and to the right. I don't know, but sense Aspen will offer monitoring in their displays at some point. I kept much of my panel to conform to STC requirements. If you are going to do a complete panel clean up, I consider STC conforming back-ups vs. a third screen some day (eg: for Aspen engine monitoring, ADS-B, etc).

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