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Everyone, Please see the following information Don Maxwell requested to be shared

"I had a request from Mooney this afternoon to get the word out about parts
availability. They have come a long ways in the past few months. Many of you
have griped and complained about parts. Stacey, Frank and Mikey have pleaded
with management and management has said ok, we'll try it. They have brought
back a welder, machinist and a few weeks ago a sheet metal guy. They have
been able to produce all welded parts, machined parts such as the much
needed bushings that Mooney's are so fond of. Recently they have been
turning out much needed wing and control surface skins. Today they arranged
for local heat treating so now they can produce stamped parts such as gear
doors. Doors have been in high demand for many months.
OK folks, it's your turn. There is an old saying about gear ups. There are
those that have and those that will. If you haven't, go ahead and let's get
it behind you while fuel is high and you're not flying much. If you have,
maybe you didn't do it as well as you may have wanted too. Go for it. Think
of it as your part of the stimulus to get aviation moving. Everyone
benefits, shops, engine folks, prop folks. I once heard Jimmy Garrison say
you should gear up every 7 or 8 years. Why? You get a big help on your
engine overhaul. A new prop and if you don't have one,  a smooth belly
conversion is usually a standard upgrade after a gear up. How about that
grass strip you have wanted to try. Do it. Gear doors are available. Tanks
can be patched or resealed. Hangars are for sissy's. Leave it out. Hail
damage will get you a new paint job, maybe some glass.
Mooney needs to sell parts to keep these guys on the payroll. It's up to
you. Now let's get out there and do something stupid. At least pass the word
to your MSC or local mechanic. They need orders not phone calls inquiring
about parts. If you need or will need something, place an order with your
local MSC, or me.



you might get a big help on your overhaul but that is offset by the value deduction of a gear up landing in the history. I'm sure some people have done it on purpose occasionally.


LASAR called me and told me that the 40:1 gear sets are in again. I wanted to buy a set for annual next year, but they told me that they are reserving them for people that actively want to rebuild their actuators. I'll have to wait an see if they have any left over in May or if they change their minds and sell me a set earlier. They also said that they have been bugging MAC about the induction boots for the vintage birds. Turns out, I really need one of those too as I have been flying around on a patched one and have been told that's a no-no, but what am I'm gunna do?


Well, we complain about parts availability a little, cry about the sky falling on our Mooneys . . . no arguing . . . it's time for us to step up and put our money where our collective mouths are.

  • 3 months later...

Quote: DaV8or

LASAR called me and told me that the 40:1 gear sets are in again. I wanted to buy a set for annual next year, but they told me that they are reserving them for people that actively want to rebuild their actuators. I'll have to wait an see if they have any left over in May or if they change their minds and sell me a set earlier. They also said that they have been bugging MAC about the induction boots for the vintage birds. Turns out, I really need one of those too as I have been flying around on a patched one and have been told that's a no-no, but what am I'm gunna do?


Quote: Bacachero

Hi Dave, Dont know if you are still looking but I found these on ebay that might interest you. Good luck!

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