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Door adjustment on M20C

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Last weekend as I was getting ready to leave Reno in my '68 M20C, I pulled the door closed, same technique as always, and the latch seemed to not line up. Of course, since I'd never had any trouble closing the door before, I tugged on the strap a little too hard and broke it (it was in pretty gnarly shape anyway. I did get the door closed and flew home without incident. As I was replacing the strap a couple of days later , I noticed that the door is now harder, but not terribly difficult, to close and open. It seems maybe the top latch needs adjustment - or something. This came on so suddenly that I'm at a loss to explain it. Has anyone else had a similar problem? And can the latch be adjusted by my A&P?


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This is just me (not knowing all the facts), but I might start with some Tri Flow on the hinge.  It sounds like something is now out of alignment that was previously OK. 


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I may be a bit paranoid, but if you can't think of anything that may have happened to the door to skew it (wind flinging it open, child using it for monkey bars etc)  or see something that would obviously contribute (bad hinge)  I would be looking at the structure.

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  • 3 years later...

My door will not close. I have been doing interior work and put everything together and now the door will not shut. It's hitting on the bottom and seems to be tilted down. I replaced the trim around the door.. Could new screws be making it torque in another direction ?? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Troy

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My door will not close. I have been doing interior work and put everything together and now the door will not shut. It's hitting on the bottom and seems to be tilted down. I replaced the trim around the door.. Could new screws be making it torque in another direction ?? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Troy

Or a screw is sticking out somewhere, blocking the door? Might be hard to see

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I was able to shut the door after I tightened the hinge bolts. 2 of them broke when tightening. :( The door shut fully after doing that but didn't shut after I had the door open for awhile. How do you adjust the hinge? Do I make sure all are the same tightness? Thanks Troy

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