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Is Stratus 2 really worth it for my needs !


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Yeah, I wish they would come out with foreflight for Android & Windows tablets though. I hate being forced to buy an iPad just for Foreflight. And no, Garmin Pilot (especially on Android) does not compare to Foreflight.

+1 Totally agree.  ForeFlight is the only reason I own and iPad.

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So the other day I made a comment about ADS-B (I'm in Canada as well) and prehaps XM would be a better choice.  I actaully had my XM expire a couple of months ago due to a stolen credit card I had to cancel.  Today I call XM Canada to get everthing up and running again as I'm planning a cross country, I talk to two reps at XM Canada who tell me the service is being changed and I cant have any service for some period of time, and they have no idea when it will be doable.  I could not believe any company would be so stupid to stop offering a service (and stop taking your money, while they think about it).  I left high and dry and out in the cold, but what I cant tell you it will be a cold day in hell before I purchase anything again from that lot.  I plan to by a ADS-B receiver and just fly down to the US whenever I'm planning any kind of long trip, east to west.

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It looks like several people are upgrading. There is currently 12 Stratus 2's listed on eBay, but the price is holding up well. Usually there is only one or none listed.

Oh, that is because I own one. Anything I buy at full price drops like a rock immediately!

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