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Thanks to all of you! I apologize for not putting anything into the comment box to start with but for some reason my IPAD would not let me type in there. Instead, it would only let me type into the Subject line. Weird but true. I am about to purchase this XE Vision product. Curious if any of the users of this product had any negative experience with it or its install, what the true install time should take and cost and what the dimensions of my exisiting bulbs are likely to be because Im a rookie all the way. I just bought a 1977 M20J serial number 24-0191. One more thing-I have a Century One wing leveler in it which sucks, but I cant afford an autpoilt system at least not now. My wing leveler does not seem to work. I put it on and it locks up the yoke but the airplane immedietly seems to turn left or right. Ive tried adjustments with the pull out knob on the turn coordniator, but I do not have any experience. My TC may be bad. is that a likely culprit? Anyone with experience regarding this please let me know!!   Many thanks to all of you!!!  Mark


You'd be better advised to start a new thread about the autopilot problems.

For the XeVision, I've heard very good things about them, but have no personal experience.  Be aware that they're non-certified, so I'd recommend asking your A&P about installation approval.  If you don't already have one, find a good one before spending any money.  He'll likely need to obtain a field approval from the local FSDO for the installation.


Good comments by Dan...I put in the XE-Vision Landing light (pronounced ZE-Vision) on my plane.  I discussed in another thread.  I found my installer (Motive Services CO 8411 Pyott Road Lake in the Hills, Illinois 60156 Hanger P-62 on the XE-Vision website.  Lynn Hadler has installed numerous lights on Mooney's and has field approval (with FISDO sign-off).  Lynn could perhaps be contacted for reference...He was professional and I waited while install was completed.  I believe light was about $550.00 and install was about the same...(back in Spring of 2008)  Lynn did an excellent job with weight and Balance update and logbook/Form 337.  My kit was XV-46-SL.  I keep light on ALL THE TIME and it is warranted for something like 1,000 or 1,500 hours...A nice safety even in the day for collision avoidance....At night it is a game changer.  I would literally crawl at low RPM on unfamiliar taxi-ways at night as I JUST COULDN'T safely see where I was going/read signs etc.  The HID is BRIGHT!!!!  The current draw is minimal...like .2 to .5 amp vs. a MAJOR DRAW from old stock light.  I don't fly that much at night, but this was a valuable upgrade for me when I do.  It is not like daylight when landing, but it is so much better light than stock to not really even be comparable.  The ideal would be to have a taxi AND landing light as the lens's are different.  Mine was the suggested "one light" lens.  The light fits in the old stock screw holes and the wiring and firewall mounted transformer...for lack of a better word are click bond (no drilling) installation.  Make sure you get the right length of wire...Lynn would know this...

Good luck,


The LoPresti light was less Lumens (at that time) and purchase price was equel to my purchase and installation...A no brainer decision to go with the XE-Vision light for me at that time.  I tried and tried to get LoPresti to come down...and waited, but went other route and have been a happy (trouble free) customer to date.


Hey Scott and Dan- Thank you both for the input. Scott sounds like the XE Vision is the way to go. That kit is 550.00 while LoPrestis is 945? Im still not sure why LoPrestis is more when the bulbs have the same wattage etc? Also, Scott did it take Lynn 3 hours or less to install the light--do you remember? and do you have a Mooney M20J from 1977 or 1978 because if you do, Ill just order that same part # you did. My airplane is in the interior shop a ways away so I cant go view the dimensions of the current bulb but I do know it is stock.  Many Cheers!!!!



I'm sure that part of the reason for the higher price on the LoPresti light is that it is STC'd, meaning much less paperwork hassle for your A&P/IA to (legally) install it.  Another part of the reason is undoubtedly the LoPresti name.


Quote: rblauson

That kit is 550.00 while LoPrestis is 945? Im still not sure why LoPrestis is more when the bulbs have the same wattage etc?


makes sense--lopresti wants me to pay for the STC. however, seems like the XE product is a good one (ive heard nothing negative--only positive) and I called the local avionics shop and they said they think the local FSDO will approve. i hope so! many thanks to all of you for the input. i hate learning stuff the hard way!!




Exactly Mark.  The market is competitive.  Not moving your price for YEARS creates opportunities for others like XE-Vision, LightSpeed etc.  LoPresti must sell many at their price, but after my review I found the quality, out-put (lumen) to be HIGHER for a much LOWER price.  I have NOT been disappointed with my decision.


I had drop-in LED's installed in my 231.  I don't know the brand.  They were not cheap at $325 apiece, but they install in the existing sockets so there is nothing to do except put them in.  They are definitely brighter than the old lamps, but not as bright as the pics I have seen from LoPresti or XE for HID lights.  They did solve a problem I needed to get under control, however, and that is that the old incandescents drew so much current I would discharge the battery during pattern work at night.  The alternator just does not produce enough current at idle, and without much time at full speed up in the air, I would draw the battery down by the third landing. The draw on the LED's is very small compared to the old bulbs.



I just found out the hard way that in spite of XE Visions product being simple, effective, higher wattage and brigther than LoPrestis, half the cost, simple and quick to install---its is not STC'd for a M20J. So my FSDO here in Hartford told my avionics shop that the field approval to get that pre approved for install will lekely take about 3 weeks and as much as 2 months???? Are you kidding me!! Its a landing light and a serious, OBVIOUS safety enhancement that not only assists me in seeing better at night, but provides work for the installers, provides a sale for the seller and contributes to a horrid economy. So hmmmm seems as though red tape and politics will force me to spend twice as much on a similar product that appears less popular with the Mooney Forum users who I trust most, and will be less bright etc. XE Vision did send me a copy of a 337 letter specfically approving this install on a M20J in KA. That wasnt enough to convince them I guess. Lopresti charges 945 bucks for a 35 watt version. XE Vision charges 550 for a 50 watt system. Go figure--I guess having that STC like LoPresti does makes that light worth double????lol


RBlauson tell us how the battle goes with the FSDO.

Curious why one FSDO would not accept an identical 337 regard the identical work.  Not to bash the FAA or FSDO's, but isn't the reason for their existence is to maintain "standards" across the FAA?  If one FSDO has done the research and proclaimed the installment is within compliance for the safe conveyance of flight, then why is another branch questioning the veracity of the other offices decision in approving the 337?

Regard the 4509 in our aircraft: I am tired of those bulbs burning out when we need them most! The other problem is the amperage draw is too much for night closed pattern work and it taxes my alternator and battery by having both lamps burn on my M20 K.  I would love to have the HID bulb installed but what a hassle: either pay for the STC or wrestle with the FSDO.


...Or go to an installer that has done the install on Mooney's and has established a relationship with his/her FSDO so field approval is NOT an issue and quality is first rate.  XE site has several.  I re-searched and found my installer a short flight from CID...

It was NO big deal.


Quote: CoachTom

RBlauson tell us how the battle goes with the FSDO.

Curious why one FSDO would not accept an identical 337 regard the identical work.  Not to bash the FAA or FSDO's, but isn't the reason for their existence is to maintain "standards" across the FAA?  If one FSDO has done the research and proclaimed the installment is within compliance for the safe conveyance of flight, then why is another branch questioning the veracity of the other offices decision in approving the 337?


And so it goes.  Another branch of our beloved federal government deciding that autonomous, individual power is far more important establishing any sense of usefull, commonly accepted standards.  I wonder if it is easier to do nothing and say "no" than to communicate with peers, investigate previously used techniques and products, and formulate an unbiased and educated opinion?  Color me a cynic.


"Yes"., er I mean "NO"!Yell

Rules are good...and important, but this is an area where thankfully the 337 roulette wheel appears to be "lucky" for some and...I am just glad there IS an option.  The hoop is there for the jumping, but is only convenient for some perhaps geographically.  Sadly this is a small problem in the big scheme of things with regard to Uncle Sam and general aviation.

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