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If you need anti-skid braking for that short runway you will probably need more HP to get out of it. Best way to keep the tires from skidding is to lift the flaps at touchdown.




If you need anti-skid braking for that short runway you will probably need more HP to get out of it. Best way to keep the tires from skidding is to lift the flaps at touchdown.


That, and drag your heels on the floor from final through touchdown. I generally slow to below 50 mph on the rollout before moving my feet up to the brakes and pressing gently.

How about an electric brake/drive system for improved ground handling.

Pulling out or backing into the hangar after a good short stop.

Would that energy dissipation get stored back in the battery?

Because if it is going to cost $5k, it's got to do something gee whiz wonderful...

Mooney people are known to pay over 1 AMU for a tug... I still struggle with this...

Best regards,


  • 1 month later...

I don't think I would value it at all even if it were free. I wouldn't want the extra weight. I generally land on runways that are long enough that I only need a gentle tap on the brakes to slow down when I make the turn-off. Back when I was younger and landing on a very icey, slippery, run-way I found that an airplane was more controllable than a car (the aerodynamic surfaces helped).  


Only one time had problem when strong cross-wind was turning the plane into the wind and off the runway and only applying power would cure the tendancy; you can't very well stop a plane on ice while giving it power so I gave up on the landing, full throttle and took off again. Could have been a bad outcome if I had waited too long to make the decision. I can't imagine ABS system would have made a difference.


ABS systems on cars annoy me but I grew up without them and learned how to handle ice in Maine where we had plenty.


Brakes have a tendency to lock,

- the closer you get to the end of the runway...

- the faster you are going...

- the heavier your shoes are...(less feeling)

If your Mooney brakes do not lock, it is possible that you may have some air in the system.

Bleeding Mooney brakes are known to be a challenge...

The know-how and the equipment are relatively easy to find around here.

Search 'bleeding brakes' for a few threads...

Best regards,



Can you lock up the brakes on a Mooney?



Yup. Flat spotted the tire, lucky it didn't blow. Bad pilot technique.

Since then, if I really HAVE to get stopped and off the runway, I retract the flaps before laying on the brakes.

But no, I wouldn't want an anti-skid system on my Mooney.

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