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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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Some family members who's last name is Duncan might just think that a compassionate, tendered-hearted liberal like yourself seems pretty nonchalant and asinine in your attitude towards their dead loved one. But since you love and support Obama I guess it's ok to make insensitive "Bidenesque" statements about the insignificance of one dead person?

Let's just admit that whatever Obama says or does you support it, you support him wholeheartedly. Your views and stance on Ebola and the death of a man are dictated strictly by your political affiliation, your admiration of socialists and of Barack Obama in particular . Just admit it ...


Congratulations Dave, you just set science and epidemiology back about 125 years in one sentence.

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I'm just confused. No one who's contracted it in the U.S. has died. No one who's contracted it in the U.S. is at risk of dying. You seem to know so much more about it than me, but you say there's no cure. How can that be possible when we've cured several people who've come here for treatment, and thousands of infected people in Africa haven't died from it.

Of course it's sad that this disease is killing people; but it's also sad that people are dying from health complications related to obesity, smoking, alcohol, etc. And those are things that are killing people here in the US, but you don't seem concerned. At least not so concerned that you're all up in arms on the Internet about it

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So tne 70% mortality rate is acceptable to you as long as you can defend your political affiliations?

I'm sorry, what are these political affiliations of mine that I'm defending? Please point out to me where I made this political in any way?

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 but it's also sad that people are dying from health complications related to obesity, smoking, alcohol, etc. And those are things that are killing people here in the US, but you don't seem concerned. At least not so concerned that you're all up in arms on the Internet about it


Have you been watching The View?

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Do you also find it confusing that the same government control that some love and support, telling us what guns we can own, how much water our toilet can use per flush, what to eat, how our food must be processed, what can be in our children's lunches, where and when we can smoke, when and where we can drink alcohol, what size soda we can buy ... but the leader of your country purposely neglects to place any control over people exposed in foreign lands to a deadly virus with no cure in and lets them waltz right into the country "laa-dee-daa" with no limitations or restrictions whatsoever? Do you see any inconsistencies?

In the military they called it "dereliction of duty." But in America they call it supporting your President ... and resort to name calling anyone who doesn't agree "fear-mongers" or "anti-science."



Somebody needs to refresh my memory if there were travel bans when SARS and H1N1 were raging. If I recall, those diseases were highly contagious.

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Need some fresh information so you can spin it to defend your man's lack of leadership?



Those appeared on the scene in 2003 and 2006.


What's your feeling about Enterovirus, which has already killed over 700 American's over the past year, mostly kids?

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Everyone's immune system is different. Some live after infection. There is no "cure"...They just survive the disease. The survivors are then immune to that strain. I totally agree.

-Hospitals in US NOT prepared for small much less large numbers of patients suffering from Ebola. Nurses in Texas did not have proper equipment. Respirators are necessary for direct contact. This concerns me a great deal.

-The virus is fragile. It is easily killed with UV light and a weak bleach solution BUT the Blood and OPIM (other potentially infectious materials) coming from a patient with symptoms is highly contagious. From what I heard, there must be contact with some form of bodily fluid (man I hate that term).

-If nurses had universal precautions (gloves/mask/smock) Booties how did they become infected? Not sure how true this is, but the nurses had part of their necks exposed at all times. Seems the hood did not come down to the top of the gown. Again, not sure if this is true.

Can it be breathed in (OPIM -in a cough)? I don't know and it is not being clearly communicated to health care professionals or the general public. If it was transferred by aerosol, the infection rate would be much higher, in my opinion.


I fully understand that we don't have 5-10-100 cases of Ebola cases in the US.

How many SARS and Bird Flue Cases did we have in the US? Several SARS and no H1N1.

How many before we say this is NOT GOOD? I say 1 death and two health care workers infected is too many. The assurances I have that there will not be more (after 21 days) and with more infected non-symptomatic individuals traveling to the US during an outbreak in the sub-continent are few. Nobody can answer this. But what prevents a European from entering the US as a carrier and breaking out with a full-fledged case? We have been concentrating only on Africa. 

I get that you are not concerned. I AM. I hope you are right. I will be glad to be wrong. I don't want to see any more Ebola cases in the US. Contrary to what you said, I am extremely concerned that things could spiral out of control. But I have no choice but to listen to the medical experts, not people that don't know a single thing about virology and seem to think that banning all travel will stop this in its tracks. It may delay it, but certainly not stop it. If that were the case, the Spanish Flu would not have hit these shores in 1918, a time when the only way to get from Europe was by a slow steamer.

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I'm just confused. No one who's contracted it in the U.S. has died. No one who's contracted it in the U.S. is at risk of dying. You seem to know so much more about it than me, but you say there's no cure. How can that be possible when we've cured several people who've come here for treatment, and thousands of infected people in Africa haven't died from it.

Of course it's sad that this disease is killing people; but it's also sad that people are dying from health complications related to obesity, smoking, alcohol, etc. And those are things that are killing people here in the US, but you don't seem concerned. At least not so concerned that you're all up in arms on the Internet about it

According to WHO 4,400 people have died from Ebola thus far in west Africa, oh wait that's not thousands, that's hundreds.....I stand corrected all knowing highness.

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According to WHO 4,400 people have died from Ebola thus far in west Africa, oh wait that's not thousands, that's hundreds.....I stand corrected all knowing highness.

Huh? I'm assuming this is directed at me, can you clarify what you're saying here? I don't think anyone is disputing that 4400+ have died from Ebola????

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"...if there’s even one life that can be saved, then we’ve got an obligation to try." Let's apply this noble idea to a situation that has the potential of going south, if it's good enough for gun control its got to be good enough for Ebola control as well, no?

Flyboy4 44, what do you call an individual that has an answer for EVERYTHING?

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It's really difficult to follow what you're trying to say, Alex. I think you're agreeing with Flyboy that we have an obligation as humans to attempt to help those in Africa who are suffering from this outbreak? Is that accurate?

If so, I agree. This sort of thing is apolitical and deserves our attention as a race of humans, not as left vs right or American vs African.

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........I OWN those roads. I PAID FOR THEM! So did you if you pay taxes!.............You're right "I didn't build that." I just PAID FOR IT..........Additionally, we should absolutely go flat tax or fair fax too and get rid of the entire current tax system and the corrupt IRS!


I think that you meant to say that you made a down payment on the roads that you drive on. It will be the posterity that will pay the bulk of the price of the roads. 


Why don't you organize like-minded folk to go protest the building and repair of roads, street lights, sewers, potholes, runways, damns, bridges, and the like?  Why do you continue to enjoy these things yet vote exclusively for people who promise to cut funding for these things so that the posterity will have to pay for them?


Regarding a flat tax:  Assuming that the economy wouldn't implode in a flat tax scenario, your disposable income would drop and mine would increase.  It's nice of you to be cool with that.



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As I head off for work this morning I just want to thank the government for the air I fly in. We all know if it wasn't for our big spending government and taxes ... we would not have that air. And thank the government for inventing flying. We all know several years ago in North Carolina Al Gore invented the airplane! That was when Hilary was a simple southern girl with a Baptist preacher twang. "We've done come too far to not have air!"



Sometimes you respond so intelligently, and then others... well.

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Regarding a flat tax:  Assuming that the economy wouldn't implode in a flat tax scenario, your disposable income would drop and mine would increase.  It's nice of you to be cool with that.


Very much true. People react from the gut over this subject but often don't think it out enough to realize it may actually work against their own self-interest.

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GA is hurting in Kansas, Beechcraft and Cessna are now owned by the same company. Both have made huge cuts lately.

In a recent debate, Roberts said that the key to stopping the bleeding in GA was to cut taxes. Given how much the State of Kansas has lost by cutting taxes it wasn't well received.

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GA suffers as does the economic engine of the US and the world due to a myriad of reasons.

Confidence and Leadership are sorely lacking at the Federal level. It trickles down to the masses.

Tax and spend needs to come to an end.

It will, one way or another.

I thought the stimulus was supposed to "fix it"?

Not so much.

"Much worse than thought at first"...Throw a few more trillion at it. Bail out Government Motors Unions, Bail out Wall Street and AIG. Print a bunch of money.

Unless you are selling software for ObamaCare. In that event, it's ALL good in the hood.



Was your mother frightened by a parakeet?


You keep spewing the same lines day after day, over and over.

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So we are clear, you're saying that it's Obamas fault that Kansas failed miserably under Brownback? Nevermind that Kansas is well below the national levels of growth and employment, Nevermind that Kansas is responsible for its own budget. It's the Federal governments fault that cutting taxes to the bone was followed by also cutting education to the bone, as well as two credit downgrades, a deficit in the budget, failing roads, and basically going broke.

But before that you said that the voters in Kansas should decide if they're happy with Brownback? (They're not, believe me, in this heartland of conservative values and the home of Koch, happy with Brownback)

I'm just making sure I understand your point; but before you answer, ask yourself this: How badly do you have to mess up to lose an election as a Republican in Kansas, in the backyard of the Koch family and all their influence and support?

The answer to the above question is apparent in Senator Roberts and Governor Brownback. The religious, pro-life, farming and small business owning Republican stronghold has had it with the failed policies.

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