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  • 3 weeks later...

Last trip I was WOT, 2700 at 150 KIAS all the way to 9000' using targeted EGT leaning but it was -15°C outside temp. 


Normally, I will go to cruise climb at 120 KIAS as soon as leaving the pattern altitude, to keep the CHTs down and reduce FF.


There is a four blade MT for M20 R and S models, with and without TKS de-icing. Much lighter than the original 3 bladed Hartzell. Same style as we install on Cirrus SR22's.



A while back i checked out that 4-blade on MT's website.


My recollection is that it has no material benefit until you get above 9000 ft and is therefore largely used by/intended for turbo charged a/c. Saw one on a SR-22T and they do look cool though :)


Take off full prop, WOT, lift off in short time. Question is at what point do you back off to POH cruise climb 24", 2550'RPM?


I know you guys are talking about "O"s but more and more these days in my J I don't bring the prop back from 2700rpm until the decent and only to stay below Vne.

It doesn't hurt the engine to leave it at 2700rpms assuming it's rated for it.

I'm also finding that with the powerflow exhaust the engine is now efficient from a fuel economy stand point at a higher rpm.

For me I bought the place to get places quicker. If I had a O if drive it the same way.

I lean until the plane starts to slow the enrichen enough to maintain speed. Got gamis and JPI and I'm aware it sticks me right at peak to 20Rop, but I just overhauled my 2000 hour cylinders and all barrels meet new limits!

Go fast...it don't hurt anything....

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