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What is the best way to look up an accident report? Almost two years ago, one of my instructors perished along with his student in the students plane. I know his name and the airport it happened.

Please advise.



I watch and search that all the time as one of my instructors got killed too. It was N176MA at Linden, NJ.  It happened in May 2013 but latest reports and cause of accidents I found are from 2011. I think it takes them almost 3 years to release the final report.


That worked well for me.   In the 90's I'd flown a rental plane.   A week later, it crashed in a freak accident on a perfect VFR day.   A skydiver - airplane collision.   Oddly the skydiver lived and all 4 on board died.  It felt like a warning from above and I took a several year break from flying after that.




I use this....and when I do, it makes me wonder....how can the FAA and NTSB interfaces be so arcane and inhospitable.




Also, similar story...booked a 25k TT career airline pilot CFII for instruction on a Thursday. Was in another town 100 miles away looking at real estate two days later on Saturday, when a state trooper made us turn around because of a helicopter crash that had just happened. I showed up on Monday for my flight lesson and found out my new CFII was flying that helicopter on Saturday. Omen? I think not. I just keep flying.


It is scary sometimes how aviation accidents touch us personally. I have a picture of my first solo plane on my desk. The same plane that was involved in a dual fatality accident a few years later.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


My first flight lesson we flew over a Cessna that crashed and was on fire.  We reported it to the tower and later found out it was someone taking their check ride with an FAA examiner.  Both died.   The FAA examiner that did my check ride died doing a multiengine check ride a few months after I passed mine.  It was starting to make me feel that it might be safer to fly without a CFI.

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