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Hi All, for those of you with the Garmin GTN 750's what source are you using on your 750 charts. I'm responsible for the data loads at work and maintain the fleet with Jeppessen's Service manager. It's nice because you can load everything from one location and don't need to jump around on line grabbing data from other spots... Untill now.

Our 2 New GTN 750s came with Garmin flight charts. Being the Jeppessen user I bought the charts from Jeppessen (1200?). They will not load because Garmin has the units locked. $1985 to unlock each!!! Garmin will sell you a "pilot pack" with the charts for $1085 that will work.

Any ways around this? Will the Garmin Charts be ok? Might switch everything back to Garmin!




When the unit is new the chart feature is unlocked for the first 30 days. I remember looking at it back then and not being terribly impressed because the resolution wasn't all that great and the entire approach plate couldn't be viewed clearly from top to bottom without zooming in. 


I'll stick with the iPad.


Thanks, I've searched a few forms on here and didn't see any comments about the $1985 unlock card... That's reason enough to move away from the Jepp charts, but maybe not if the flight charts are bad? The locals here all agree that Jepp is more expensive to maintain, but I wonder if anyone knew about the fee to unlock the 750!



I just paid a $1,200 bill with Jepp yesterday for basic data subscriptions for 2 x 430W's and and Aspen 2000 system (don't mean to be off topic, but is noteworthy). This doesn't include forgoing plates with Seattle Avionics and paying an additional $279 to Foreflight every year for paper replacements and wx apps. Here's the problem:


1) Garmin makes their data cards and operating software proprietary, regulating cross fill

2) They won't play in the same sandbox with Aspen

3) Both Aspen and Garmin have data deals with providers and likely get a % or kick back or some consideration

4) If you spend a grand or more a year (or two cents) with Jeppesen, they don't provide any help


So here's what we have. Avionics companies who don't reward customers for buying more than one of their products and are complicit in outright monopolies with only one or two data companies, who in turn, sell us information that should be free. Not only that, they (Jepp) don't have brains enough to realize the power of goodwill and give a small discount for buying more than one data subscription. Given app penetration, they should be giving low charts away for cost!!!!!


Now, if I am ever given the opportunity to buy good avionics again, I will strongly consider the overt, predatory nature of Garmin's business model and absolute, utter lack of sensitivity to a customer that spends $30k on more than one of their products (aviation, only). This doesn't include my series 3000 touch screen on my boat, my mountain biking GPS, my golf watch, two Nuve's and my two Virbs.


So, while they have expanded with superior products and calculated exclusivity, they have alienated, for life, a financially able, P-1 customer. I bought their other products because of my exposure to their aviation line. I will now not just avoid their aviation products, but all of their other products, when able. Think I am messing? With 2 x430W's, I was a top candidate for a G500......I put my money elsewhere. This is just the beginning....on the boat, it'll be Simrad. Oh and both Aspen and Simrad are comparable or even better designed and built. Virbs? After the Elite launch, GO Pro still has a better picture.


Anybody mad yet????? I am done with them. Neither Garmin or Jepp are so good at what they do they can't operate without a realistic sense of decency.

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Other than one tooth puller up in NJ, nobody appreciates the high handed tactics of either Jepp or Garmin.

Why you ask....because they can. One can only hope it comes back to haunt them one day.


I'd be interested in knowing just how many users of the GTN subscribe to the charts feature. Given the high cost of unlocking the feature and their chart subscription, I'd be willing to bet not too many, especially when so many better alternatives exist. It would probably be in their best interest to simply offer it as a free built-in feature.


Also, subscription fees won't come down unless other companies such as Seattle Avionics can gain access to the Garmin equipment, which I think is unlikely unless the government forces the issue by declaring Garmin a monopoly.


I have a 750 and a 696. It cost me almost $1700 to renew Garmin subscriptions in January. That includes charts on both devices. There is no discount for my combo as there is for 2 panel mounted units. 


Jepp, which I've used forever in paper form and prefer, would be even more $$$ plus the cost for Garmin to enable. 


FWIW, next year I will drop charts from one of the units, probably the 750. I just don't shoot that many approaches. 


There is much more data in smartphones mobile GPS apps than on any aviation GPS. And it gets updated much more often via internet for free. Not only you get the road maps but a lot of other stuff. Like location of stores, hospitals, airports and even overlayed satellite pictures.Not to mention aural and visual directions.

On my Samsung S3. It came with MAP apps. With no fees to pay for updates

Can someone explain why no fees for mobile databases.



There is much more data in smartphones mobile GPS apps than on any aviation GPS. And it gets updated much more often via internet for free. Not only you get the road maps but a lot of other stuff. Like location of stores, hospitals, airports and even overlayed satellite pictures.Not to mention aural and visual directions.

On my Samsung S3. It came with MAP apps. With no fees to pay for updates

Can someone explain why no fees for mobile databases.


Sure. Same reason much other information is free on the internet. Advertising! Companies pay for hits, Apps need to provide content we care about to attract eyeballs. Nothing is free. But I don't think I want pop up ads on my GTN 750.

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Sure. Same reason much other information is free on the internet. Advertising! Companies pay for hits, Apps need to provide content we care about to attract eyeballs. Nothing is free. But I don't think I want pop up ads on my GTN 750.


Pretty funny Bob! Just the humor I needed on a Friday (for working stiffs like me).

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"...One can only hope it comes back to haunt them one day."

Don't hold your breath because it won't. And I don't see why it would or should, frankly!

They're providing a service in a free marketplace and charge accordingly.

Free market economy 101!

Isn't this allowed?

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