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Silicone Mooney Door Seal


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I am gauging interest in a silicone cabin door and baggage door seal for the Mooney M20 series. We need 15 people to make the tooling costs work.  From reading all the threads on here about door seals it seems we have 3 options. Factory, Aircraft Door Seals, or the inflatable option.  This would be another option and I am aiming for it to be the best.


The factory door seals are a piece of foam rubber covered by a rubber jacket. It breaks down from age and compresses, which allows air to leak out of the cabin in flight. The Factory Door Seals item looks like a one-size fits all seal. A friend had one installed on his Bonanza and the seal is too big for the gap, its very hard to get the door to close. Its not made specifically for a Bonanza either.  The inflatable ones are expensive and some leak while not inflated. I flew in a J with the inflatable seal and it is quiet, but the rubber bulb gets in the way.


I have contacted Guy Ginbey about making us a silicone ribbed door seal like they use on the late model G36 Bonanza and G58 Baron.  He supplies the G36/G58 seals to Beech, as well as door seals for the Caravan and Cessna 400.


It will be made from gray, extruded AMS3304 foam rubber silicone and includes glue. It will have a smooth surface with ribs on the parting surface to the fuselage. The principal difference here is the silicone never compresses or breaks down from age, has ribs like you see on pressurized aircraft to seal tightly, is an exact copy of the factory seal profile, and he can optionally make the rear section of the cabin door seal slightly larger to compensate for the gap some (like mine) airplanes have.  My plane will be the first one for install to make sure they are right.


Pricing will be similar to the Aircraft Door Seals, around 100$ for the cabin door seal, and 60$ for the baggage door seal. Includes silicone glue.  Cheaper than both factory and inflatable options, and better sealing as well.  As stated before we need 15 Mooneys to make it work. 3 weeks lead time. Pay when you order.   After the dies are made and Guy runs off 15 copies, he can stock them as a regular item through his company, GeeBee, or a well-known MSC.  My only interest in this is to produce a modern door seal made for the Mooney, that performs better than the current options and lasts longer. I pay list price along with everyone else, I have no financial interest in the project.


So, any interest?

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I'd be in for both as well, but would like to know about PMA status or some other CYA blanket (such as minor mod determination) before installing.  I currently have an inflatable door seal and don't want to destroy it during removal and later find out I have to remove a GeeBee seal for some reason...

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Hello from Gee-Bee


Any seal that is mfg is made to a ams spec and sold with certification of conformance, mfg parts numers are put on the seal when the seal is shipped to a stc or tso holder (mfg)


In the past we didnt have certs on paperwork , we now provide certs on all hoses, baffle material and seal

The color grey is the latest spec on all new aircraft and symbolizes silicone ( foam or extruded )

silicone foam is AMS3195e/ silicone extrusion is AMS3304


The key to a perfect install is the GE clear silicone cement provided


I hope we can move forward with this product, if you have doubts on my product

Please contact : Lake Aero,Lo Presti Speed Merchants,South West Texas Aviation for feedback on our products




That's a spec for the material not the part.  Doesn't the part still require a PMA?

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