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Actually a 152 is twice the plane a 162 is. I would fly a 152 sooner than skycatcher regardless of price. 162 feels like a kite.

I'm not sure I agree!

The 162 is an excellent airplane and it fulfills the role for which it was designed. It is an ultra modern trainer with the functionality and reliability of Garmin glass.

The 152 was a great trainer in its time. It's archaic next to the 162.

A little known fact is that, although an LSA, internally Cessna used the same process as it does for part 23!

We should be celebrating the fact that for ~100 grand Cessna made it affordable for a club or flight school to offer a new and modern aircraft. This could've been very positive for GA.

It's a shame if they stop it! Very disturbing. I wonder, has GA passed the tipping point?


NOPE. $149 grand and they ain't moving. A couple of hundred unsold airframes to be used forr parts support.

The "Dream" was a quality airframe for $100 Grand...

DreamCatcher='s F.A.I.L. for Cessna and an entry point for many into GA...At $150 grand yoou can buy a decent house...and seven new Ford Fusion's and a bunch of gas.....or three used vintage Mooney's...

The economics are upside down on the light sport nightmare, not dream. What's a few door openings in flight, failed nose gear among friends?

Cool panel though...

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