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Ron McBride

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Everything posted by Ron McBride

  1. I like the idea also. Being 2 1/2 hours away makes it much easier for me. But November and December are very busy holiday months for most of us, and then the possible weather for many. I would think that spring would be better. Many are going to Kerrville for the MAPA fly-in in 2 weeks also. Ron
  2. Building each airplane by hand is very expensive. Out source the wing spars, cage, wiring to a car company, yes: just order 5000 units. These planes are for the rich. I am not rich and never will be. But Mooney, keep making parts and planes so that I and many others can keep ours in the air. Ron
  3. You are feeling the gear motor. It is under the right rear leg of the pilots seat. It is more apparent with the 20:1 gears. When you replace the gears, you will feel it a lot less. For the gear door, talk to your mechanic. There may be some available here also. Ron with a 69F
  4. I prefer inside a hanger, the above reasons all apply. In So Cal, it also depends on where. It can get very hot, too close to the beach, wind storms (Santa Ana's) smog and sometimes a lot of rain. If your windows leak, the repair bill could be huge. The seal in your gas tanks will probably last longer without all of the heat/sun on them. I lived in So Cal for over 50 years. Where are you located? Ron
  5. Lasar has an oil cooler relocation STC. I have it on my 69F. Ron
  6. I would like the veneer model on my F. Is this a minor or major mod? Ron
  7. Leave the pilot seat empty, and scrap the plane. Ron
  8. Lasar installed mine, and charged 40 hrs. flat rate. I did hear that it took longer though. My plane just looks much newer. I have the 201 windshield, cowl closer, oil cooler relocation, dual landing lights, aileron seals, flap seals, tail seals. I am averaging 148 Knots with a 1600 hour engine. Ron
  9. Who did the Annual Inspection? Ron
  10. I just ran a weight and balance in my F. The 2 of, full tanks and up to a 100# of baggage will put you at gross. Other planes will very with accessories. I am about 210 and friends are about 200, it gets snug up front. Winter time, it can get real snug. Ron
  11. I have a 69F with electric gear. We replaced the airspeed switch at the annual this month. I test flew today. All appeared normal, I put the plane into slow flight with the gear down and retracted the gear at 62mph. The gear went up. The AI tested the gear on the ground tonight, gear switch works at 75 mph as it is supposed to, airspeed must reduce to 50mph before the switch will reset and prevent the gear from coming up. Speed comes up to 75mph and will cycle normally. I normally cycle the gear about 85mph, so it won't bother me. Is this a problem, or just the way it is. Ron
  12. I have always shied away from stalling my Mooney. To many horror stories. I would always do approach to stalls, let it shake and them push the nose down and recover, never fully stalled. Last bi-annual, my instructor had me do many stalls. Do them coordinated and no problem. I will be doing some more soon. Ron
  13. Also, I noticed when the pilots in the simm, they pulled the throttles back after touch down, why?? partial power to aid in the descent? Also, the NTSB was hiding that it took 17 tries to make the first successful attempt to turn back. Very good movie, enjoyed it. Go see it. Ron
  14. I have the Gust lock that is available at Aircraft Spruce. Pricey but. This will grab the control yoke and rudder pedals. I have not tried this out with my new leather covered yokes though. Some thing else to do today during the annual. Ron
  15. I own a hanger at a small airport in CA. My rent is per square foot, equal to the outside tie down rate. I have a ten year lease, that renews with some changes every ten years. the County can have me move the hanger to another location, at there expense, or by me out, under conditions. I don't see either happening with my location, some others could be at risk though, but since the airport is doing very little growing, doubt it. I paid $20,0000 for a 42' wide, 36' deep box hanger about 9+ years ago. Maintenance is lubricating the doors occasionally and I will replace the white sun roof panels this year, they are probably 30 years old. Ground lease is currently $63.90 and may go up yearly. Property taxes are about $220.00 a year. Current rent for county hangers is about $185.00 a month for a T hanger, plus property taxes. Ron
  16. I can remember my Dad, He flew for 25 years, the last couple of years in his early 60's. I told every one that I knew, don't fly with him. He won't practice, had the "I've been flying for 25 years, I don't need to practice attitude". I talked to his instructors when if was bi-annual time. Dad did complain that they were being really hard on him, much harder than they were with me. I had an engine failure in his 310, his reaction after finding out that nobody was hurt, the plane was reusable was "I'm sure glad it was you and not me". In his middle 70's, I was driving 50,000 miles a year in So Cal, drive to visit him in AZ, and he would ask me to drive, I was glad to be safe doing the driving. He drove a lot in his younger years, many trips coast to coast before airplanes came into our lives. He passed away at 76. I read the same article, was making think about my future and the plane. I am 62 at this time, doing well, but can tell that I am not 40 anymore. Ron
  17. My 69F has many speed mods, looks like 148 knots TAS. 1500 hrs on engine, old style prop. Ron
  18. Cody Thank You, the professionals that ad there valuable time in teaching all of us is great. Ron
  19. Cody What are the signs that I need and Iran, or an overhaul. I have 25 years on mine and about 1500 hrs. on new blades. I am still doing the eci test every 100 hrs. I get a little oil on the backside of the prop occasionally, the prop will drift rpm a little as it gets warmer, then settles down after 5 or 10 minutes. Ron
  20. Dave Is this the one you are looking for? Please see attached. I will be starting mine next week. Ron 100_Hour_Annual2007.pdf
  21. I had the same problem, installed Medeco locks and the problem is gone. Maybe an hour to install. Ron
  22. What is the effect of density altitude on takeoff with a turbo plane. I know that my F, the takeoff gets a lot longer with density altitude. I aborted a takeoff a couple of weeks ago, I made a plan, and the plane did not perform. I spent the night, and left at 8 am the next morning exactly as my plan was. Landing distance's should be about the same for a F, J or K at the same weights. Ron
  23. My 69f has the same set up on the Sonalerts and eyeball light. Ron
  24. I had a full strip and reseal completed on 2 tanks. 3 weeks and I think $8500.00. Seven year warrantee. Completed on time as promised, Greg took me to Portland airport and picked me up also. Price will very on tank size. Greg. 503. 465-2298 Ron
  25. You're servos are in the wings and tail, you may also have a servo on your step. Servos are available at Britton and Lasar, and probably others. Ron
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