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Ron McBride

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Everything posted by Ron McBride

  1. My choices were overhaul and still new eddy current $2500.00. Overhauled with rebuilt B hub, $4500.00 or new scimitar $7500.00 and trade in the old. It took about 2 weeks for delivery. Ron
  2. Nice, looks great. More details and pictures please. Ron
  3. My drip was consistent and 1 drip about every 20 seconds. I called Aeromotors LLC in Browntown, Wisconsin. They charge $400.00 to overhaul. There phone number is: 608 966-3141. 1 to 2 week turn around. Another case where Mooneyspace is fantastic. Ron
  4. When I pulled the filter and inspected, there was a little debrii, almost looked like towel fuzz. I was not aware that there was a filter there until I pulled the pump out. And yes, I have been talking to my local A&P on this work, and He will be involved in the re-install. I did not notice the pump leaking when I put the plane in the hanger. The annual was done 2 weeks ago, and they had several issues with the ADS-B install, so all of the flights were for the install. Ron
  5. My electric backup pump was leaking fuel today upon arrival at the airport. Quality Aircraft Accessories price appears to be online $1,395.00 overhauled exchange and Spruce is: $887.00 overhauled plus core Is there any advantage or disadvantage to either unit? Ron
  6. I an XGPS + GPS + ADS-B Receiver For Sale. I have installed ADS-B in and out in my panel. I have attached the Aircraft spruce link for your information. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/stpages/dualxgps170review.php?clickkey=247552 $175.00 including shipping. Ron
  7. If I remember correctly, the data tag needs to at the rear off the plane, some owners were mad and located it under the rear fuseladge, double check there. This was supposed to be legal then, now? Ron
  8. Since I lease the land, I think that the taxes are for the land. I am based at a County Airport, and pay taxes to the County for the hanger and the Plane. I also pay taxes on my fishing boat to the County that I live in. This is Taxifornia and one or many reasons that I am moving in the next year. Ron
  9. Bennett I have Kaiser also. I personal Dr. did my Basic Med for me in May. We have been doing a special issuance for 9 years. Her comment was "Is this all, this is much easier that the Special Issuance that we have been doing." Also She is not a fan of flying, but knows and understands that I want to. Also, has used the Medical to twist my arm a few times for healthier choices. Yes, I feel better for the healthier choices. Ron
  10. Not acceptable, but when you factor in overhead, insurance, accounting, paper trail, the IRS liability etc and time to order, stock, inventory and the desire to sleep indoors and eat. I am not surprised. Again, do you mark up for crowns and custom implants which are made to order and not in your inventory. CB want to know> Ron
  11. I have a 430W as primary, but my KX155 gets used for Attis etc, and I use the navy as a back up, I still cross check enroute, the same as when we did for navigation. And yes, with the 430W, 496 and iPad, this is not needed, just over doing it. Ron
  12. I have an extra complete switch that I purchased and did not use. I paid $75.00, make an offer. I will be at the airport Saturday. Ron
  13. I flew a 310 on a ferry permit for an annual, gear down of course. Ron
  14. I am planning on joining the fun on Saturday. Ron
  15. I have an F with most of Lasar's mods, windshield etc. Original cowl with Lasar closure. Top prop and a 1600 hour motor. It looks like a 150 kts to 152 kts. I have not flown much cross country with this set up yet. Altitude and temps will effect your speed. With 64 gallons of fuel, 5 1/2 hours are easy with reserves, 6 hours if you are careful. On a 1000 mile trip, do the math, at 175 5.7 hours plus the climb, at 150 6.66 hours plus the climb. You may need a fuel stop for these, add 2 hours to the times. That 25 kts might cost a 100 amu. Now, if I had a turbo, ??? Ron
  16. I have a real nice one in Central CA for sale if you are interested. A 69F. Ron
  17. +1 for basic med, My Dr. after the years of a special issuance said "Is that all there is to this, after all the BS every year that we went thru." Also, I found out that if you send the crap to the FAA, and then recieve your good to go letter, then go to the FAA Dr. and he or she will issue a 12 month medical. At least you are not loosing the 3 months, every year. Ron
  18. Talk to Dan at LASAR. Put the 40:1 gears in it. The electric system when it is working properly, works great. You must have someone that is very Mooney familiar rebuild it and adjust it correctly. Tom and Top Gun replaced the gears in mine. There is a continuing AD note on the motor to lube and inspect the gears. Has your new to you been maintained correctly? Again, remember, you are dealing with a 40+ year old plane. Ron
  19. Mariposa is closed as of now by Notam and a TFR. The fire is almost out and is supposed to be 100% contained by August 5th. The Notam expires Friday 7-28-17 unless extended again. The TFR can usually be negotiated for a direct in and then out later. As of last Saturday, the airport was in good shape, just needs a good clean up and the helicopters to go home. Density altitude is about 5000' most days until the end of September. Yosemite is over crowded at this time of year. Looking forward to September and the tourists slowing down. Tioga pass is open and probably will be until October, depending on the weather. Tioga is closed every year for snow and ice. Rental cars are available, not cheap though. Enterprise may come in soon. Call the airport at 209 966-2143 for more info. Atis is 209 966-2912. Atis is not available to FSS. I am based at Mariposa. Other airports are available, more driving though. I will be driving to Grants New Mexico to meet my daughter half way, so that my grand daughter will get home for school next month. Ron Any other questions, please ask.
  20. What year is your F? And what landing gear motor do you have? I am assuming that you have electric gear. Ron
  21. My a & p tried, no luck. Ron
  22. Check with laser. Very expensive though. Last 800 plus. ron
  23. I have 3 out of 4. Rough draft of plane info attached. Need better pictures and to scan log books. Ron N803RM.pdf
  24. I am putting my well equipped F up for sale. I am attaching the information sheet, it is still a rough draft. I need some better pictures also. Log books have not been scanned yet. $90,000.00 N803RM.pdf
  25. Chino had a c a few years ago.
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