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Ron McBride

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Everything posted by Ron McBride

  1. 1057# for my 69F with up to date electronics and autopilot
  2. It seems like the Mooney Ambassadors are holding a Vintage Mooney Group Flyin. How does this promote GA to the public? I am for both groups, and both groups have a great purpose. Maybe the 2 groups should get together and become ONE really strong grouup. Ron
  3. 1,000 hrs of airframe time, or 1,000 hrs of use? In a 100 hours of airframe time, do you have 2 hours of Speed Brake use? Ron
  4. In my 69F when the PC was still installed, A previous owner had installed 2 Pilot Yokes. The PC disconect worked from either seat. If I remember corectly, they put a Y connection in the Disconect line for the 2nd Yoke. Ron 9154V
  5. On my F, there is a static system drain on the left side. Yours looks loke you have one also, did someone add another drain on the right side? Encoder? Open the rear access panel and look, it may give your a hint. Please let ys know what you find. Ron
  6. As a user of many cordless tools, the batteries can be very expensive. Notice that a replacement battery is over $200.00. Will these batteries last 1 or 2 Years???? Ron
  7. When I learned to fly, I was 17. Dad, flew and had a Comanche, and later a 310. I have many hours in those planes. But as a low time pilot, the main thing is: Procedures... Get a great Instructor, and practice, practice and practice more. I have an F model, and even with all of this experience, a Mooney can and will humble you, if you do not practice with it. Most Mooneys are flown cross country mostly. We don't get much landing and takeoff practice as compared to a student pilot. Again, practice, practice, practice. If you practice, a J model or an R will be great for you. Before, you choose, as others have stated, You must define your mission, what will it be in 2 years, 5 years and even 10 years. Try to find the most and best plane that will meet your requirements. As I found out, I have put over $40,000.00 dollars into the panel of my plane, value maybe $15,000.00. But I have the panel I want, and will keep this plane for at least 10 to 20 years. Good Luck and Enjoy Ron
  8. Many years ago, we blew the left main on a Comanche, going into SNA at 5 minutes to 11:00 PM. An Aircal 737 was on final behind us. They went around, The tower stayed open past eleven and the Fire Department picked us up and moved the plane to our tie down at no charge. They did tell us, "That if we had pulled onto the taxi way we would have been charged." This was the last flight for Aircal that night. This tire must have cost a lot of money, figure Aircal in the air for an extra 30 minutes, ground support and the tower on overtime, the fire department. Ron
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