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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. When I fill her up to 7, after the flight I have oil dripping from the breather hose
  2. My luggage door has emergency inside release, I assume this would not work if the door is locked
  3. Remember they don't need power supply, so if yours is bad and you have spend the money to replace it, it becomes a little less painful, at least that was my rationalization
  4. For those us that have VOR antennas in our wingtips, this is especially important
  5. Nope it doesn't, I wigwag it, so that cuts down on both the heat and current draw. I've got 14v system, so lowering draw at night is a benefit
  6. Close up
  7. What part of the country are you from? I like to see your list...
  8. If the Aspen goes TU, do you switch the Narco to a 2nd VOR,HSI?
  9. Understand that a built in solution with external antenna will provide better service, with portable antenna you will have blind spots, ditto for built in unless you go with dual antennas, but most do without the roof mount antenna cause you don't care about transmissions from jets 20k above you.
  10. Yes, the install for the KT74 with a new tray was only 4 hrs, so it's not that complicated. The ADSB part is a new cable harness with GPS connections, etc, the other wiring harnesses go untouched
  11. The nav/strobe lights have 4 wires, +/-12v, strobe, sync....I did without the sync, the also don't need a power supply. Ditto for the tail/strobe combo, if you don't have strobes, obviously this will require running wires thru the wing, I would do this during your annual when you already have the plane apart.
  12. No, if you want ADSB out, you need a new tray, if you want 76C compatibility, then you can use the old tray
  13. Look at the Whelen Orion line, if you want strobes
  14. i replaced mine with Orion LEDs, very bright, no power supply required, I did replace one when it lost its brightness, we'll see if they hold up, fortunately it was under warranty
  15. I went the pulse route, I leave them on before taking the runway and turn off leaving it, so far no problems, the Mooney versions are special, Whelen LED recognition lights are bigger and won't fit
  16. FWIW, my clogged injector was after maintenance and 5 weeks of inactivity, found it before I even did the run up
  17. I would think a panel full of steam gauges would be more expensive than glass panels, HSI alone is 12k not including installation and install must be easier without interwiring, no gyros, etc
  18. When I was looking , I couldn't find what I wanted, But I'm particular. So now I can get exactly what I want and nothing more. You'll need to drop the price to $149K to be competitive for early models.
  19. You can do that in a J, if you don't need high altitude
  20. Does nobody get cloth seats? Here in the south I would prefer cloth I think, I missing something?
  21. While this might not be true I believe those that haven't updated avionics probably have been not maintaining the plane to a high level
  22. I second that, you do have to be stable before enable the alt hold but haven't had a problem, haven't tried higher altitude yet (>10000)
  23. The 60-2 fits in the same hole, same wiring harness I would think, so I would expect a simpler and much less expensive install.
  24. Has anyone upgrade from 30, 50 to the 60-2?
  25. How much was new induction hardware?
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