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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Check the pilots guide for the configuration, there is parameters that are used for the HP calculation, Rated HP, EC...also check that the temp & FF probes values are correct.
  2. Their document is confusing, they have the J listed in their multiple times, if you have an OEM pump you need 8163, if Dukes then 18020, at least that's how I read it
  3. I thought all the big airports required them to be on for tracking on the ground? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. You have to use their website, App doesn't have that option
  5. I assume brown means the plane is on the ground?
  6. ADSB out must be certified. Just a ? of whether you need to fly above 18000 ft or will be flying outside US Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. What about damage to the paint? I would ask them to change out the fuel sensor gaskets as well since that is a common source of leaks
  8. That never worked for me, I'm always better off just flying the airplane. Ditto for DME approaches, the turn 10, twist 10 method was just to much distraction, I do better just flying by adjusting my turn by the watching my distance. Everyone is different, don't be afraid to say that this isn't working, can we try a different way.
  9. No, not exactly, with the transponder solution this is true, your tail number will be part of the transmission, the 978 (Gdl88) can operate anonymous mode and they will not know who you are (only when paired with a mode C transponder) , mode S transponder must have tail number included because identification is already transmitted as part of the S type transmission and they would get 2 different replies, as already mentioned, ATC doesn't see this detail, the ATC computers do.
  10. Assuming a shop rate of $90/hr and $50 for parts, that's 20 hours of labor, the only way they do that is for process not involving much scraping, etc and to be a mostly chemical process. Or they just leave the old sealant in place which seems problematic. Did they give you a idea of what's involved?
  11. Do you have any pix of the J and fuel caps?
  12. Couldn't find a direct link, took from The Complete Advance Pilot by Bob Gardner, he also mentions as someone else has that modern flight control systems use pitch to change altitude and change throttles to maintain airspeed
  13. Funny you should mention that, from the Air Force Instrument Flying Manual: maintaining a desired altitude requires the ability to maintain a specific pitch attitude...maintaining an airspeed is accomplished by adjusting power. I'm going with the Air Force [emoji1]
  14. Right, it's all about useful load, find one that doesn't have extra fuel tanks, TKS, A/C....useable will be about 1000lbs or so.
  15. Great!? Now he is going to tell all his friends how he blew away a Mooney [emoji33]
  16. Do you lose any capacity? How long do they last? If you have nonstandard fuel gauges (wing mounted), is that a problem?
  17. So you won't get traffic or WX either, and without Jeppson charts you won't be able to do SIDS, STARS, approaches as well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. What is the con of bladders? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. What do you mean by "redoing the interior panels"?
  20. You should find out what it would cost to do it at annual time, since interior, panels are already removed, call your mechanic
  21. I see, yes, it pulls the ADSB from the 88
  22. As a general rule I was told that sellers will never drop the price 20% or more, at least immediately. I would think the best time to strike a good deal is in Dec-Jan, so if you are going to buy, I would get to it
  23. I don't understand what you are saying, the 210 sends you WAAS GPS data, ADSB in, AHRS, and exchanges flightplans, which is what you want, you don't give up anything
  24. I've read that without the Jeppesen nav data cannot transfer the flightplan with approaches, SIDS, STARS, I think I read that over on Beechtalk
  25. If controllers are too busy on VFR days, I would be worried about their workload on IFR days.
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