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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Don't forget the indicator on the floor if that happens again.
  2. 5S no, mini retina yes
  3. We don't have income taxes and don't pay taxes on aircraft maintenance in Florida...it all evens out in the end.
  4. But how do you check the database, do you check the dates? They could add a waypoint to a chart or approach and you might not notice it. I've seen some updated and I've look at the older approach plate and could not find the change.
  5. When you peal the mount off the wing, is it going to take the paint with it?
  6. Shiny! You should post a before pix
  7. I have the same problem, I plan on having the connections cleaned and re-tighten when I have the glare shield off for some other work. Let me know if you find a solution.
  8. Possibly stupid questions but... Can you just replace the blades, not the governor, etc? How long do props normally last, I didn't know they could wear out?
  9. I have 32GB mini, with both above, but really only use Pilot, with IFR subscription I still have 15 GB left, but I don't install all the charts, but have all flitecharts, the low level IFR, terrain, most of the VFR, all Conus. Pilot reports using 3+ GB
  10. i was given a taxi clearance with runway crossing, I said "clear to cross runway...", and was berated by ground that I wasn't cleared for anything, was asked if my instructor was onboard, I said I was a license pilot ( with maybe 80 hrs), then he continued for maybe a minute until a corporate pilot broke in and said "if you're done we like to taxi now", not sure how long he would have continued.
  11. My worst ATC experience was at Orlando Exec, I've was only there once, won't be returning anytime soon.
  12. Chute gives you an option, but sometimes it's not the best option. There is a video of a Cirrus coming down, chute deployed, but plane was on fire, I wonder what the POH says about when to deploy the chute?
  13. I'm in the process of pulsing/wig-wag my recognition lights, I'm using Pulselite 1210/2405, this will solve 2 problems at the same time, better visibility and don't have to worry about melting the lenses.
  14. Same problem with both radios? Static listening or transmitting or both? I assume you try to increase the volume using both radio control as well as your audio panel? Same with copilot side? Did you try switching magneto off to see if it makes a difference?
  15. Yes, when I tried to adjust my bank angle to be more vertical it did this shortly afterward.
  16. Not sure about Florida, but North Carolina doesn't care, they actually require Marinas and FBOs to report all resident vehicles, you will get a tax bill automatically, if you have your plane in a private hangar they probably will never know...if they find out, it's a 10% penalty
  17. between checks...total time is 1700
  18. Re: Jose, Bob, the problem is it's not recreatable on the ground, only occurs after flying for a while, like 45 mins, I'm probably going to have to wait until it fails all the time, I'm guessing when the electronics heat up a little it goes into failure mode.
  19. Mine went 1200 hrs, but I wouldn't recommend it, my starts took a lot prop revolutions, it wasn't that expensive
  20. My MSC said all my fluid flex hoses were dated from 1994 and unserviceable, they replaced them with a part number listed as "M20J hosekit". They said the same about the brake hoses. P&L for all include brake hoses was $2000, that includes 7 hrs of labor.
  21. Nope, it's random, usually takes about 45 mins, then it starts flickering, then it stop, then it flashes, then it flickers, then it goes out, etc etc This is at cruise power, the 13.4 tells me the alternator is working, I pull the alt field, the voltage drops as expected, pushing the CB back in returns voltage to 13.4 and low voltage light continues its erratic behavior.
  22. Yep that sounds correct, I just had all mine replaced
  23. My low voltage light comes on, flashing or more like flickering, when it's flashing my voltage is a solid 13.4v and ammeter is on the + side. Makes me think it's a indicator problem, the maintenance manual shows a circuit, my questions are: Is my diagnosis correct? Where is this circuitry? Do you really have to replace individual electronic components or is it a black box? TIA
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