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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Sellers are afraid that your buddy the mechanic will declare the plane not airworthy leaving the seller in a bind, after all, the pre-buy mechanic works for you.
  2. On the other hand, what about flying IFR on bad weather days, with practice (low) approaches?
  3. First, salt waters conducts electricity, that's why the strange behavior when under water. Second, corrosion isn't instantaneous process, a better test would be to some cheap metal parts and leave it exposed to the air. My understanding is ACF is waxy like, so it will probably stand up to direct exposure to rain, of course interior parts are not directly exposed, Corrosion X is supposed to seep into the crevices where corrosion would be hidden, so is more liquid like. In the real world I think C-X is the best choice for joint protection, ACF probably better to protect the inside sheet metal...JMHO
  4. Don't know what Lynx is, but Garmin prices never have fallen dramatically, look at the prices of 430/530s.
  5. The 650 screen is both higher resolution and bigger than 430. You can use knobs just like 430 if you don't like the sliding alphabet method. For $20K, you should be able to get 650, 88, 210, installed. That gives you ADSB, wx, traffic, on your iPad as well, plus WAAS ability
  6. Why do a new install with old technology, the installation costs are the same? For an extra couple of AMUs you get current technology, and adding flight stream gives you the big screen view, best compromise if money is a consideration
  7. I believe Mike Busch recommends not using the word inspection since it has legal ramifications for this reason, if I was the seller I would use appraisal instead, after all that's what you really want to know.
  8. There is 2 considerations when selecting power supply, rf noise and efficiency. Since transponder serves as a radio receiver and transmitter, obviously RF noise must be minimized, since they both past certification tests, we'll assume the both do that, then there is efficiency, they both have the same power draw, exactly the same; I'm willing to bet that the 340 and 74 have very similar circuitry. I think your avionics shop has a higher margins on the Avidyne which is a $1000 more expensive, hence the sales pitch.
  9. Yes, $1500 is a very good deal
  10. If power controls altitude then I assume you give it throttle to flare during landing? I look at it another way, response time. Effect of changing throttle is slow, since airspeed doesn't require a quick response I use throttle, altitude control requires quick response, I use pitch.
  11. It's a write off, go to pilotsnpaws.org for more info
  12. I noticed the CYA was $395 in early 2014, now $625, was there a change in design to correspond with the price increase?
  13. Good video. There is some debate on the read back of altimeter setting is necessary, i usually ignore it unless it's substantially different than the previous setting, am I the only one?
  14. You can wigwag the recognition lights, this will prevent melting because they aren't on continuously, plus drop the current draw by half, and you can use them in the clouds at night.
  15. I'm with Mooneymite, other than as early stall warning, I don't see the benefit
  16. One concern I would still have is you said you thought engine monitor was going bonkers? Can you explain that?
  17. Prop looked undamaged which would confirm this
  18. Don't know what your program does, but did you try skyvector.com?
  19. Doesn't Altitude cover the Stepdown?
  20. Good choice, you always want dark color on the bottom
  21. I would expect a drop in EGTs across all cylinders since water doesn't burn very well, other than that not sure what you'll see, keep us posted, glad it was a non-event.
  22. Ditto for me too, have you decided where you are putting the Flightstream? Garmin recommends under the seat, but I don't like that option, seems like it could get damaged too easily
  23. I bought a laminator to create my own checklists, I have one for IFR, includes 6 Ts, 5 Ts, holds, lost comms, reports, etc
  24. At the risk of stating the obvious, you did check the circuit breaker?
  25. I don't Activate....and don't used Vectors...I use this method:https://bruceair.wordpress.com/2010/11/24/avoiding-the-vectors-to-final-scramble/
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