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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Question, if you had to land in the dark with no airport in gliding distance, would the next best option be a lake? I guess it depends on suspected terrain. At least you would know you won't hit anything and chances of fire would be minimal.
  2. Try a flight test first, get some baby powder, open the pilot window, give it some left rudder, and slow down of course and see what happens, I would use a small amount in case it doesn't go as planned.
  3. They use propane to preheat engines?!
  4. Why not some plastic tubing to run from exhaust pipe of your car to air intake?
  5. Most of 4352H's concerns can be addressed by using a full set of covers, wings and all.
  6. There are gentle citrus based paint strippers that might work, you could get piece of junk plexiglass to try it on to see if clouds it up, even then, I would use a brush to only apply it to the paint surface and use a plastic scraper, going very slowly and carefully.
  7. On my J I have seat stops to prevent this (i.e. cotter pins).
  8. Interesting, because it's the coldest day we've had since I got it, but this is south Florida (50F). Was is Cyl #1 for you too?
  9. The display is not showing CHT for cylinder 1 only when stepping, the value is shown on the graphic part Anybody ever seen this?
  10. If it's IFR, I would expect vectors to avoid the towers, not letting planes just drift aimlessly
  11. There are apps that will clean up memory, storage.
  12. A new filter is $20, in aviation that's nothing, if changing the oil the filter should be changed as well
  13. Hank, you forgot T&Gs, speed brakes, turbo vs NA
  14. My bet is on paint, every old house had it, that stuff is buried in land fills.
  15. This is why we certified avionics equipment, and why portable equipment is not. I don't understand why Garmin told you it cannot interfere, they never tested with Stratus, sounds like the Garmin tech went with the reflex answer of it's not our problem
  16. My favorite quote "The closer you are to technology, the more you trust it. What I don’t know is how you would assure people." I'm a computer engineer, I understand the technology, and I don't trust it. I wonder if he has his personal information on the cloud, gone shopping at Target, etc...the more complicated a system is, the more possibilities of failure.
  17. Does it go above 380? If not I wouldn't worry about it
  18. I would have it IRANed by an expert technician, might prevent further problems
  19. Do me favor, let me know when you are going to buy stocks [emoji1]
  20. So that means there will be planes flying banners? I assume they will have to maintain 1500 ft since that area is populated, isn't that a little high for banner planes?
  21. When I was looking I went to controller.com and other sites, kept track of all planes of the model I was interested in, which sold and those that didn't. After a few months, I could quickly tell which were overpriced and which would sell quickly. I spent 6 months window shopping before I ever looked at plane up close.
  22. Why did he give them permission to replace them, annuals are not a blank check for them to do whatever they want?
  23. I saw chart of GA plane prices, there was a steep drop the last 2 years, my sense is it has bottom out, but vref was always high a year ago, it may be accurate now, or at least closer.
  24. I just replaced my Gill, it was old but seem ok, try a hot start and it failed, when they go it can be quick
  25. I would just periodically turn on the BM, you can use a 24 timer to turn it on for an hour per day, that should be more than enough
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