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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. If you haven't updated iTunes with newer version you can restore it, see Tapatalk forums, there are a million complaints
  2. Blasphamy! POH shows 10.3gph for 75% power at best economy which at FL60 gets you pretty close at full weight, with less weight should be faster Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Yes, they are ok, but inspect carefully, it took 3 tries to get one that wasn't damaged, they aren't quality metal, mine rusted when exposed to the elements.
  4. Or fly at higher altitudes where the water evaporates at lower temperatures Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. No, the 500 combo is both a nav and strobe, the strobe required a wire to be run, my nav lights are on the wing tips but are not the rear tip versions, so adding rear strobe gives me 360 collision coverage.
  6. BTW, if you have the plane in an LLC, don't do maintenance yourself, even if you aren't flying the plane, they can hold you responsible.
  7. A LLC doesn't protect you if you are the pilot, you are always responsible for yourself, LLCs make sense for leasebacks, or corporate planes where you are a passenger Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Having just done this, by car was 40 hrs, was going to fly but winds where 40-50 knots in the western US so I went to plan B, good news is gas prices were $2.25 give or take.
  9. I had this problem too, shortly afterwards my battery died, so far with new battery it hasn't reoccurred
  10. The problem with that is if you want to make a quick stop, you have to wait at least 30 minutes for the plan to make it through the system
  11. No I do not, don't know where they got that.
  12. I have a pair in the plane, in the flight bag, in the car...I buy the cheap ones, they are like my reading glasses, I sprinkle them around
  13. I'm okay with more information, but make it only available to users that are logged in, I don't want to see it available for the Googles of the world. Guests should see nothing
  14. So you're saying we're getting dumber and the machines are getting smarter, it will be interesting when they cross
  15. I'm considering doing this as well, did you go through Phoenix then T306? Any issues with turbulence? Any pro pointers?
  16. Yes, I've got the strobe/nav combo, that did require a wire be run.
  17. Because the airframe with be bent preventing doors from opening, not sure how you open luggage hatch?
  18. How do you test the latch? I give the hatch a bump with my fist to see it pop open
  19. My avionics guy flatly refused to piggyback off any safety device, understandable I think. Does the 88 do the same regarding use GPS speed?
  20. I have the par 36 on my wings and for some reason they burn out often. I did some night work last night, the landing lights are fine, the taxi lights throw out a lot of dispersed light, but being the lights are on the wings, it doesn't end up where I need it (75' in front of me) they are basically just 20' in from of my wings.if I had to do it again I would have gotten landing lights instead of taxi lights and just had them aimed lower, I might have to try adjusting a bit. I already had strobe lights, so upgrading to Orion 650e LEDs required no new wiring, I had all lights on and no problem with current draw, I was unable to do this before
  21. I'm going to have same dilemma, ideally you would have switch to get best of both worlds. KT74 requires an airspeed switch, don't know if 88 does, and the 88 by my itself can be used in anonymous mode, if worried about user fees in the future I. need to do some research
  22. For $1600 difference in price I would pick the KT74, once it's working you don't have to upgrade firmware if there is integration problem
  23. On a J, the gasolator is a stretch between my feet, but the fuel selector between seats is easy to reach.
  24. If you can get behind the panel, can't you just short the switch and see if they raise then, eliminating it as a possible problem
  25. I've been watching Wx with idea of flying to California, there seems to be a constant Airmet for SW US for low level turbulence, I gotta think that a turbo is required unless as already mentioned you have lots flexibility in your schedule
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