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Everything posted by kmyfm20s

  1. I never used them online but will give it try thanks!
  2. The engine wouldn't concern me if it had 250 recent hours on it with no metal in the filter and the valves look good. That is my is my number and I'm not a mechanic. Besides the wing tip damage the paint looks clean for the year but it looks like deeper damage than what appears in the picture. It look like involves the wing tip, aileron, and the top skin that bows. I would have that checked into by a pro before I considered it.
  3. Thermal has a good avionics shop from what I hear. No personal experience with them. If that works out for you I would be happy to pick you and drop you off when you leave your plane. I'm out in the area all the time. I have used Joe at CrownAir(KMYF) many times. They have installed used equipment for me but it has to have a yellow tag and they put some small arbitrary charge since you didn't buy new from them. They are so busy though that might have changed.
  4. That looks like a EEE boob job on a 90lbs girl, it just aint natural:)
  5. Glad you landed safely!! Prayers for your father.
  6. The unfiltered Camel's might be a little ruff on those!
  7. Next it will be the ash trays! Going retro!!
  8. Call Black Canyon Aviation in Montrose. Super helpful FBO and they will stear you the right direction. I talk to them last time o was there about it and they had a lot of information.
  9. I believe if it didn't originally come with FF you have to send it in to be programmed.
  10. Not sure what autopilot you have but when my AI went out in my J I put my KAP 150 in heading mode. Then I offset the heading bug enough in the opposite direction of the AI to hold the course I wanted. To my surprise it worked! I was pretty happy because it was a 4:15hrs remaining after it went out.
  11. With my tall dash, high nose up attitude and as close as the tail of my long body is to the ground. It kinda already is a tail dragger!
  12. Did you do the Bravo conversation while in annual?
  13. Here my speeds when I was breaking in a new set of cylinders a few years ago when I had my J. I was at 1500' WOT/2700rpm.
  14. WAAS is the future. Here a list of ground base Nav Stations and approaches to be eliminated. http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-11-10/pdf/2015-28478.pdf
  15. You 2 need to do a formation flight together so you can be friends again:)
  16. My kid is a big transformer fan, he loved it!!
  17. I'm not an Mx but I would definitely rule out oil pressure fluctuations being the cause of it. That one would be a big concern. Fuel flow will dip with RPM so that wouldn't concern me. I would make sure the governor cable and linkage is lube and working properly and if so I would assume you need a new governor.
  18. Is the plane located in SD?
  19. 5 failures I recall but I think there another.
  20. In my score book, vacuum driven instrument or pump failure +5, electric anything 0.
  21. Fine wire plugs are better if you run LOP and they also last longer.
  22. I'm going to pull it out and send it in for repair just as I would have to do regardless. Old or new redundancy is important. Panel space, useful load and safety come to mind with the all in one boxes. Graphically displayed terrain, airways, intersection and traffic! Who would want all that instead of the old dependable Narco or KX? I have not had any problems with my GTN's, I have sent 1 of my previous GNS's in and the thing came back from Garmin looking like they reconditioned the entire unit for what seemed reasonable in aviation terms. I have sent in previous KX units and they came back looking just like I sent them in with blistered number display and rubbed off finish at a similar cost to the Garmin.
  23. No turbo, his climb rates actually increase with altitude because the rate fuel burn making him some much lighter. His flight profile is more like a SR22 spy plane with a refueler waiting at the top of the climb. Joking aside, impressive numbers!
  24. I had what I thought was the same problem. I was on my way to Texas from California when I stopped in Arizona to visit a friend. On run up before take off for one mag would run ruff and misfire. At first I thought it was a fouled plug but it wouldn't clear. I went to the mechanic on the field and he convinced me it was the ignition switch. He said the switch was fine on both mags but was causing problems when only the individual mag was selected. I flew straight to San Antionio and it ran great. One thing I did notice was the EGT's where higher than normal. I was flying at a lot higher altitude than I normally did so I thought it was because of that. Of course thats backward since you have less O2 higher so your EGT's should be Lower. On final approach to KSAT when I started reduce power it really ran ruff and was misfiring bad. After landing it almost quit on the runway and it was busy that day, yikes! I pulled into Landmark and as everyone was getting off their jets and I roll in backfiring and sounding like a jelopy, kinda embarrassing. Needless to say it was not the ignition switch it was actually a failed contacts(I think)in one of the mags. A relatively inexpensive fix and ran great after that.
  25. Yes it was a terrible accident. They spun upright on the ground for what seemed like minutes. The fireman had to sit there and watch helplessly and of course the 2 on board where stuck. Come on out to San Diego! I'll trade you a day of offshore fishing for a day of Iowa Pheasant hunting!
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