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Everything posted by neilpilot

  1. I agree. We're spending some time in Vancouver and the smoke here has helped keep the temperature several degrees below the forecast record highs. Much more comfortable today than we had expected, and not a problem since we're staying on land and water.
  2. Had a prop strike in the 90s that caused my premium to increase by about $50. Then I had a total loss in July 2012, which wasn't my fault. Was able to insure the replacement, in October 2012, thru the same broker (AOPA) but a different underwriter at a competitive rate.
  3. To close the loop,.......Finally received this response from FlyQ Support to my 7/20 inquiry: "We corrected this issue a few days ago, once we realized that Lockheed/Leidos changed something without telling us." I've since tested the app and the ICAO plan goes through without any errors. Disappointed that they took a week and 3 emails from me to finally respond. In the past their Support has emailed me within hours.,
  4. I specify 8000 when starting the planning function in FlyQ. The program inserts this into the flight plan, I don't. It initially shows "08" in the ICAO Level field, which generated the "F080" error. I tried revision the input to "080" and also "A080", but still received the error.
  5. I tried to file 2 IFR plans for a dog rescue flight tomorrow. This is my first time using FlyQ since the switched to ICAO format. I couldn't get beyond " Error: Level ICAO): "F080" is invalid" ". BTW the software initially showed the flight level as 08. I also tried without success changing it to 080. It never appeared as F080, which is quoted in the error I received. I ended up filing via 800-wxbrief, the first time I called a plan into a briefer in years. So far FlyQ customer support hasn't responded. Any FlyQ users have any idea how to get beyond this error?
  6. In April several Mooneys from W TN flew up to Kentucky Dam State Park. See the thread below. Some of us might fly up on 8/21, Eclipse day. I might be able to take you up for a short flight that morning in exchange for transportation (only) to/from Patti's before the eclipse. You can PM me.
  7. While this is often true, it isn't always the case. I fought a similar issue with the IO360A1A for about 2 years. It was intermittent, and after various attempts to eliminate the issue (including mag rebuilds, and about 6 months later bench check and service to fuel injection controller) I totaled my Mooney in an off field landing. It seems a piece of a torn o-ring in the fuel controller might have been floating around for some time. The problem would only manifest itself occasionally, and most of the time the fuel servo would perform well and even pass bench testing. It was not discovered when the fuel system was serviced, and eventually resulted in an off-field forced landing many months later. S"tuff" happens.
  8. Or one of the new Champion plugs on the left mag is bad
  9. If you do install that other Interav, inspect the drive pulley to confirm it is correct for you engine. Alternators with the same PN can come with either a standard or wide deck pully. doubt you need it, but I have the Interav troubleshooting guide if you don't.
  10. My start procedure has me turning the electric pump off only after the engine starts. That's the way I read the procedure on page 16 in the 1965 M20C Owner Manual.
  11. Also plan to fly, land, and observe from the ground. Somehow I just can't see wearing those special glasses, watching the eclipse before/after totality, while acting as PIC. Pun intended.
  12. Years ago, as I approached Destin and talking to Eglin, I relayed a code for an aircraft on the ground and waiting to depart who was also unable to communicate with Destin. While the phone call is probably better, maybe you could consider an ground-to-air relay attempt.
  13. I flew the corridor back in 2014. Departed KCWD, started at the north narrows, and did a 180- past Verrazano. IIRC when I turned back north, I asked KEWR approach for the East River transition. Don't recall if I requested a turn over the park or not. I was prepared to head back up the Hudson if the transition wasn't approved. Anyway, at some point just past the construction site of the Freedom Tower, I was handed off to Laguardia approach. Very easy flight, and the turn toward Central Park was the highlight for my passengers. This was pre-Trump, so no TFR concerns.
  14. When you fly the East River, just request the Central Park transition. Then turn west and punch out back over the Hudson river.
  15. Flighaware shows this as a BE58, so it's likely that the Mooney is no more. Lost on the beach?
  16. You mean you wouldn't drive the whole 3 hours if WX cancelled your flight?
  17. Do you have a mechanical oil pressure gauge? I had a leak in that area once on my 64E. Turns out the tubing connector behind the oil pressure gauge was left loose after an avionics tech worked on my transponder.
  18. Nein. Kompressor is a work made up by Mercedes-Benz to designate supercharger. It's a word that originated in their marketing department, not real German. I've been told by Bavarians that the real word is Gebläse
  19. I checked several years ago, and the cost of required EU liability coverage alone would have benn around $5k USD. Maybe more now. That doesn't even include hull coverage.
  20. When Aaron was shopping for an engine rebuilder, I posted that I had been using Jewell for all but one of my Mooney annuals since 1995. I can recommend Sam & David Jewell based on quality of work and integrity.
  21. A compressor fracture? IIRC engine mounts are designed to breakaway and drop the engine if excessive vibration continues, but it's likely the offending engine was shutdown.
  22. Maybe this has already been posted, but based on an article in the July 2017 issue of IFR, unless the holder of a Basic Med is also operating as PIC, the Basic Med is not valid for use as Safety Pilot. Somewhat surprised by this position.
  23. In situations like this I usually consider it best to disengage Alt Hold and ride it out by hand.
  24. Before you send your KX155 out, maybe you know someone who will allow you to do a quick and temporary swap? That maybe the easiest way to determine if it's the unit or other factors. If you were closer to Memphis, I would be willing. For repairs, I recommend Bevan Rabell in Wichita
  25. The shop that has done my annuals for years did a paint touchup after we bought our current M20C. They did it while we were in for annual, did a fine job and at minimal cost. AFAIK they don't operate a "paint shop".
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