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Everything posted by neilpilot

  1. Many years ago a MS list member flew his J over from Atlanta. IIRC he said he paid $5000 USD for the required EU rider, which I think was only for a 2-4 week trip and only met the lower 2M EU liability requirement then in effect. Later he commented that at that price he had only liability coverage, his hull coverage was still limited to NA, and any loss he had in Europe was uninsured.
  2. Before those US based Mooneys start planning their tranAtlantic flights, look into the cost of EU mandated liability coverage. Insurance, not fuel endurance, is typically the deal breaker. European owners can usually make the flight with their existing policy, but not us. Andrew, will EU insurance minima go away with Brexit?
  3. Interesting that the oil level hadn't dropped, but maybe a small amount of burning oil goes a long way. I just received the same generator, but haven't yet given it a try. Now I need to give it a 1-2 hour test run.
  4. Our E-Z heat IN OUR HANGAR does a fine job overnight, but I'd encourage you to carry an old blanket or comforter to cover/insulate the cowl overnight, as well. https://www.walmart.com/ip/38442295?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227026414563&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=52588058655&wl4=aud-261800281660:pla-79659083535&wl5=9013543&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=38442295&wl13=&veh=sem#about-item
  5. Grit = sand, dirt, or other non-metallic particles. Major simply means that it was the MAJORity constituent in the filter.
  6. FYI when they determined that my servo problem was due to reverse wiring as noted in my post above (issue apparently limited to Mooney application of that specific servo), the avionics shop was instructed to simply change the pin location. A simple field modification. The servo did not need to be returned to Genesis.
  7. Russ, my recent issue was probably not the same but sounds vaguely familiar. I have an sTec 60-2. Recently had my pitch servo rebuilt by sTec aka Genesis. They wired it backwards during the rebuild. My shop installed the rebuilt servo and confirmed it worked but did not confirm it worked in the correct direction. You know how exciting it can get when your pitch servo runs in the wrong direction? Genesis had this excuse: the same servo is used in many aircraft, but needs to be wired (by them) in reverse if it goes in a Mooney. The knew it was for a Mooney but failed to wire it accordingly.
  8. Once I got used to the background noise that comes thru my Halo, I decided that they were much easier to wear and more comfortable than my headset. Also makes it much easier to wear reading and sun glasses. Just finished 27 hours flying to AZ & UT from Memphis, with a couple of 7-8 hours days, and the Halos were much appreciated.
  9. Can I assume that most MSers don't carry their logbook (or the aircraft logs) in the aircraft?
  10. Not that I disagree with Concorde, but the Gill 7035-28 is AGM as well, so your comment makes little sense.
  11. My flight Wednesday from KSDL to KSLC took just over 3 hours, but the return yesterday took almost 5 plus a fuel stop. At one point over the west end of the Grand Canyon GS was around 70kt, with the equivalent head wind. I'll be parked at KSDL till next weekend, then back to KAWM. I'm not counting on a great tail wind but it sure would be nice.
  12. Relatively simple to add a rider for a specific flight, just call your broker. In most cases, this can be done without any additional cost.
  13. Can't speak for kpaul, but I've been using AOPAIA since well before it was bought by AOPA (going back to 1989 as Rollins Burdick Hunter). About every 3 years, I do get a competitive quote but AOPA has NEVER been even 1.4x the competition, let alone the 4x that Raptor... claims. Maybe I'm the exception. Before I renewed a few weeks ago, a different agency did quote lower, but only by 3% ($35). Not enough savings for me to switch after 26 years with the same broker.
  14. Of course I have read the KT74 user manual. There's no help, since there are no specifics regarding the display brightness adjustment mode(s). I also called Bendix-King support yesterday. After the support tech read me the manual, he could provide no further support. He took my number and said a "proper tech" would call me right back. I'm still waiting for the callback.
  15. ....and you have a KT74, the subject of this discussion? I ask because my dim display is yellow on a black background, not white.
  16. I wish.....we tried the setup menu, and there are 2 functions that both effect the dimmer (night sensor) of the KT74. Based on our failed attempts to date these functions do not actually increase the intensity of the daytime display.
  17. Brad, we had the KT74 (linked to GNS430W) installed a few weeks ago, completed our flight test and are expected our check (and eventually the 1099) soon. We're a bit surprised on how dim the KT74 display appears. It's at the far right of our the panel and a bit difficult to read. How would you describe your KT74 display's brightness?
  18. If the starter turns when the engine is hot, and "as soon as I realease the key to "both" the engine roars to life", how could the starter be the problem.
  19. Absolutely horrible advice. If you managed to stay straight on the departure roll and your gear retract & deployment was fine, can you imaging what your steering issues would be like on landing?
  20. Inspect the broken link. If the break shows shiny metal then it was likely due to mishandling at KISP, with no prior damage. If, like our line, the break point shows significant dirt & corrosion, than the initial damage occurred earlier and became progressively worse. I'm convinced our link had been damaged for some time before it finally broke, went undetected and was "in working order" from the pilot's perspective until the final break.
  21. If your responding to me, then you have it wrong. The steering link broke, which is different from the "nose gear tubes". BTW the PPI was done by a leading and well respected MSC, and I'm not faulting their PPI.
  22. After inspecting our broken steering link, it appeared that it failed due to previous damage and not as a result of mishandling at the location of failure. Corrosion at the point of the break indicated that the link had been partially separated for some time, had held on by the proverbial thread, and eventually failed. It appeared that the damage had occurred much earlier, possibly even prior to our purchase in 2012. Of course that was not revealed during our PPI, so the timing of the initial damage is just speculation based on the appearance of the link's break point.
  23. Happened to us earlier this year - partner was stranded in Chicago.  We bought part from Don Maxwell.  See attached, and note $54 of the total was for overnight shipping.


    Good luck.....

    PS - my last Mooney was based at Hampton Roads until I moved to Memphis from Chesapeake in 1994

    Steering link purchase.pdf

  24. But OP's inspector states that "I did find the 337 for the repair of the lft wing"
  25. The real value of using isopropanol is related to the variation in water solubility in 100LL. In a typical scenario, you fuel in a relatively warm location and fly into a much reduced temperature (i.e. at altitude and/or to the frozen north). As your warm fuel cools, water present in the fuel will come out of solution. If it's well below freezing, ice crystals can form in your fuel in sufficient quantity to blind your fuel screen. The real value of adding isopropanol is not so much to scavenge free water in your tanks (you should drain essentially all of that water out pre-flight), but to remove the additional free water as your 100LL cools, to prevent ice crystal formation. I'm no chemist; I'm a ChE who has managed isopropanol by-product production and storage. Currently have only about 300,000 lb left, since this plant is shutting down. I use the red bottle (Iso-HEET), essentially pure IPA. Do NOT use the yellow bottle, which is a blend of methanol and water! PS -
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