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Everything posted by neilpilot

  1. Hi Paul, I actually found KSDL friendly and not too expensive when I was there last Thanksgiving. I flew into KSDL a couple of times, since Scottsdale is only a couple miles from where our daughter lives. I initially considered a "cheaper" airport, but discovered their self-service fuel option. You can use self-serve fuel near Ross, which when I was there was at least $3/gal less than Ross' full service rate. After fueling, taxi to Ross, and when you show them the SS receipt Ross will waive their ramp fee. Scottsdale SS ended up being much cheaper than the alternative airports, and way more convenient for me. Other than being parked a short walk behind the big iron, folks at Ross treated us very well. I just checked, and Ross full serve on Airnav is $8.64, but their SS is $5.24.
  2. Agree that you should us an external antenna connection & headset adopter with a portable com. I had external antennae jacks installed in both my Mooneys, and their relatively cheap. I've also had the need to use a portable several times (2 electrical failures in my 64E, and more recentlyin our 65C 2 issues that turned out to be a faulty intercom, that prevented transmission on coms 1 & 2). In all cases, the portable seems to transmit/receive as well as a panel unit. As for batteries, I don't carry the Nicad recharge pack that comes with the portable. I bought the conversion pack that uses AA batteries. I carry copious AA, since they also power my flashlights and portable GPS.
  3. I've reported signals a couple of times to ATC, and had reasonable responses. In one case, Approach told me they had numerous reports and were checking hangars at a nearby airport. I also once receive a call for me on 121.5. Memphis Center had missed giving me a handoff, I was out of range, and they were calling to give me Nashville approach freq. So if you monitor 121.5 you might receive a call for you. Hopefully not from that interceptor over Camp David!
  4. There are several other single point failure modes. A total electrical failure comes to mind.
  5. I think that the smart thing is to have 3 coms if flying IFR. Com #1 & #2 in the panel. Com #3 is portable, battery powered, with a headset adapter and an outside antennae jack. That's on my MEL for IFR operations.
  6. Our 65C is currently at 1950SFOH, but running well with good compressions and low oil consumption (1 qt every 7-10 hours). Our current plugs are showing wear, and it's time for a new set. I think we can rule out fine wires, primarily due to engine time. Were leaning toward ordering a set of Tempest UREM37BY. The archives are mostly positive toward the 37BYs, and I'm not aware of any downside to them vs the UREM38E or UREM40E. I'm interested in hearding comments in answer to Clarence's old post below.
  7. Not good, but I don't know if I'd describe a nose gear collapse as a "Mooney down". Unless "down" means out of service, in which case my Mooney was also down on eclipse day. Down for it's annual.
  8. When I was at KTKX on Tuesday to leave 87Q for an annual, Sam was wrenching on a rebuild in their engine room. David also mentioned that they've bought a 231, which will be for sale after they finish that rebuild. I have no idea how long Sam will be at it, but might (or might not) ask when I'm up there after my annual is done.
  9. My preflight check has me manually moving trim to the down stop, and then dialing up 6-7 turns which takes it into take-off mode. I trust this more than the trim indicator. We have electric trim, but I always do this manually.
  10. Andrew, your post is particularly ironic, seeing that Browncbr1 is employed by a group with 5 clothing manufacturing facilities in Shandong!
  11. OK, since you've moved from "Pretty sure the switch isn't original" when you started the thread to "It might be original! ", who am I to say. I have a new replacement for the "original" 65C rheostat in my hangar.
  12. How do you get someone else a part # if his switch isn't original, due to modification?
  13. If I wasn't going into annual, I'd be going to M34. No fuel, only a rest room, but sufficiently remote. As of a few weeks ago, the airport manager said nothing was going on eclipse day
  14. Maybe you need to clean the injectors?
  15. Sure sounds like water to me
  16. My reaction is a bit different. We have a 65C, and if the OEM Garwin panel is the same as the RLC's 65E then each of the 6 gauges are easily removed from the cluster from the front. Note that this is very different from the Garwin in my former 64E, where the individual gauges did NOT each have a front screw to permit removal. After purchase, we found both of our fuel gauges worked in a similar fashion to RLC's, i.e. totally unreliable. We paid $350 to have AirParts of Lock Haven PA O/H both senders. Based on our troubleshooting, 1 of the 2 gauges was faulty. They could have O/H the one faulty gauge we had for $240 (they charge $75 to test the gauge), but we bought a set of surplus gauges for $50 IIRC. So after spending $400, not including our troubleshooting time, we had both fuel indicators working well, and they have been for the past 4 years.
  17. When we had our KT74 installed to replace the KT76A, the labor breakdown was as follows: 2hr - change coax cable 1hr - GNS430W software update 16hr - install KT74 6hr - additional labor (unspecified) at NO CHARGE So the total labor was 25 hours but we paid for 19 hours labor, total $1630. A fresh pitot-static & tpx certification was included, as was TIS-B on the GNS430.
  18. Have you tried an in flight mag check?
  19. sTec system60-2 POH View File POH for the sTec system 60-2 Submitter neilpilot Submitted 08/10/2017 Category Avionics
  20. need a copy of their POH? I just copied it to the MS download section.
  21. Don't think our tray was changed, but it's connected to our 430W, including TIS display.
  22. +1 Oasis Aero has donated an annual to the auction that will occur at Mooney Summit V.
  23. After I had a mag go bad on me a few decades ago, I changed my shutdown procedure. I now do a quick mag check at the end of each flight, just prior to shutdown. This not only eliminates the delay of discovering the bad mag on your next flight, but also will indicate a bad p-lead if there's no rpm drop during the test.
  24. If I hadn't had shoulder harnesses installed in my 64E, it's likely my wife and I wouldn't have walked away from our off field landing in 2012. The Mooney was totaled, but we suffered only minor injuries. Just do it.
  25. I started with FF but switched to FlyQ years ago. Not only was it cheaper with the approach plate option back then, but at the time FlyQ was actually offering improvements ahead of FF. Just one example is the split screen option, which FlyQ offered way ahead of FF. Now FF has caught up to FlyQ, and I view it as a toss up, but see no reason to change back.
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