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7 points
Hello All! My name is Matt and wanted to introduce myself and our new Mooney. 1978 M20J-LM We just completed a pre-buy that went very well and will be taking delivery next week. We are pretty excited as we will be coming from an Archer. She has been upgraded pretty significantly and also in the past 12 month has had new paint and interior as well as the new engine and prop.3 points
Fantastic! Makes me wonder why I want to own a "newer" airplane, when a vintage model can be made to look just as good!!3 points
Thanks for the compliments guys and advice guys. I did a lot of due diligence given its semi recent gear up. Spoke with the shops that did the repairs and had extra attention paid to it at the inspection. It fortunately was an easy one that did not hit a wing or the flaps so it really was a pretty simple fix and came away with a new engine and prop and a lessened asking price for an aircraft that has such a rich panel etc.3 points
Oh my goodness Peter! Aspens and Garmins in the same cockpit. Next it will be dogs and cats getting along! Matt -- nice plane. Love the looks both inside and out! Welcome aboard!3 points
Vince the switch is good. Before that the had the film canister. Before that, they had the rubber band. It's fun to be an experienced CB, -a-2 points
2 points
Here's a few pictures from our Advanced Formation Clinic last month in Lincoln, California. We had Mooneys, Bonanzas, and an RV flying together. Pilots flew in from Texas, Washington and California. A couple of U-2 pilots from nearby Beale Air Force base joined us too. I'm working on a video from that event too -- stay tuned. Phil1 point
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I just got my PC system, which was inop when I purchased the airplane, fixed and I love it. In conversations with Brittain, my IA discovered a disconnect switch mod Brittain recommends installing. Way better than trying to hold the trigger for take off and landing.1 point
Check out Ultraleather. Aero Comfort used it on my headliner and covering trim and panels. Its very workable and durable as well as meeting all the burn ratings. Don1 point
This analogy makes no sense. Garbage dump??? What is interesting about a garbage dump? If you find it interesting to watch a garbage dump... that's kinda sad.1 point
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Nothing magical about 500 FPM. It is just a nice convenient descent rate for calculation purposes and yet is slow enough that most inexperienced fliers will be able to clear their ears. If they have problems, it is slow enough that you'll find out about it before they are in serious pain. If it is just me in the plane or I'm flying with people that I know have no problems with their ears I'm not afraid to dump the nose if I need to. I had to do that with my wife on the way to SQL in October. I try to stay out of the yellow arc because I cannot predict when I'm going to transition from smooth to bumpy air. Seems like it is usually about 6000' AGL, or the top of the haze layer if there is one, but I'd prefer to not need to worry about it. Bob1 point
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Your insurance premium should be less than $1500/year, unless your M20C is extremely high on hull value.1 point
At KGRB Green Bay WI it is still $6.00 per gallon plus a now airport tax of 10 cents per gallon. 30 miles away at KCLI Clintoville WI you can fuel up for $4.80. When I mention this I get the "you would fly round trip 60 miles to fuel your plane?". I say yes! We fly, that is what we do and if I can get cheap gas at KCLI, that sounds like a great destination. They don't seem to get it.1 point
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Warning: Flame Bait..... Mooney owners have to reseal their wing tanks whenever they leak, or until they install bladders. :-)1 point
I too agree that shock cooling is a myth. Aircraft engines are designed with the necessary tolerances to handle rapidly increasing and or decreasing temperatures. The rain example proves that..... Having said that, there is no reason I see to ever yank the power to make a quick decent. Do the math and plan on a 500'/minute decent. Keep the airspeed below the caution range. If you're in calm air why not take advantage of the decent speed. A Mooney just takes additional flight planning but is not a difficult aircraft to control. I hear fellow pilots complaining how these airplanes are too difficult to slow down. I disagree......plan it, don't force it and the numbers will work out. Rick1 point
When I begin my decent I just nose over slightly for 500FPM leave the throttle alone until the MP rises to 23" to 24" then start reducing the throttle to maintain 22" to 24" until I need to slow for the approach.1 point
I watched Maxwells guys r&r the suction screen on my F in about 15 minutes. I did it previously and it took me nearly an hour to re safety tie it. Experience makes it no so bad.1 point
Looks like a nice airplane For a better answer with help, what is your flying background and experience? Speed control on landings seems to be the bigger issue in a lot of cases. Mooneys are not difficult, just slick, and need good speed control. 10 kts extra in the flare uses 1,000 more feet. Big deal is bounce or galloping on landing. On the third bounce you'll more than likely get the prop. Don't be afraid to push the knobs forward and go around after a bounce. They usually happen more often if you are fast on landing. It's really a good idea to get Mooney specific training with someone who knows how to do it. Welcome1 point
Morganton, about 7miles SW of Foothills, has some good shopping. Also Morganton has a very interesting History Museum of Burke County open Saturday 10-2. Morganton is the County Seat of Burke County which reached to the Mississippi in Colonial times. I was raised there. I am based at Hickory (HKY) about ten miles SE of Foothills. It has a better selection of Hotels near to airport. Morganton, Lenoir and Hickory are in a triangle in the Catawba River Valley. We look at the Blue Ridge (Blowing Rock, LIttle Switzerland, Grandfather Mountain) to the North. To the far West we see Mt. Mitchell (highest in the East) and the associated Black Mountains. Steve 65E-NC1 point
No kidding - about two years ago coming into KBGR, I was on IFR (VMC) talking to Portland approach and coming down from O2 levels pretty hot on a smooth day. I heard a Cessna Citation also going in to KBGR about the same time as me. Just before Portland turned us both over to CTAF - Portland said to Cessna as a sequencing statement: keep speed up there is a Mooney behind you. Cessna said speed up ahead of Mooney heavy. I shoulda said - that I can slow down for the Cessna.1 point
Not sure Mooney needs speed mods as they seem to have them already. Last week when returning from Monroe to the home drome, dutifully called tower and gave position report of 10 to the NW landing with echo. Quick perfunctory answer to report three mile right base for runway 18. At about three miles, reported as advised and was answered with a rapid fire response to keep speed up as there was a twin Seneca on a five mile final. Oh my, is this a conflict or what.? So, I answered with a suggestive alternative to extend or do a 360 and come in behind the Seneca. Total silence from tower, then tower came back, now speaking slowly, with the following response: "No no, just maintain, as you are presently 30 knots faster than the Seneca. I guess it really is true, there is no Freude like Shadenfreude.1 point
I used to have an M20F. The PC system worked really good. In smooth air I could fly it all day without touching the yoke. If it started to go right I would rest my left foot on the rudder pedal and visa versa. If you are really bored, you can keep it on heading by leaning a little left in your seat, or a little right.1 point
I'll be in a chamois shirt and flight jacket. Outside of work, I wear jeans when it's too cold for shorts. Do they need to be "good" jeans, or just good enough that the wife won't fuss?1 point
See you next weekend! I'll fly over from 33A in the morning, should be a quick flight. Anything for non-rated spouses, or should she enjoy the day with my parents while I'm off getting educated and talking planes?1 point
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And if you really want to you can edit the aircraft.cfg to 310hp it's pretty easy1 point
Give me the details once you get it figured out and I'll post it through the Southeast Mooney mailing list. We've got around a hundred or so folk on the list from the general Southeast area. Many of them follow Mooneyspace but probably not a majority. I look forward to it! Jeff1 point
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This might be a strange first post on MS but our schedule looks good on 11/15 and this sounds like fun, a good reason to take a trip in our new (to us) M20F! Please count us in. Any others from ATL heading over? Joe1 point
The clearence issue is more a function of how the cowl closure mod was fitted than engine "droop". If the mounts are in good shape (and they are ) then the motor's aligned properly.1 point