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Many thanks to Dave Snyder and Kris and Ken Adams for participating with me at the KPDK Good Neighbor Day 2012. We had a primo spot right where all the spectators entered and exited the event, and we must have put at least 100 kids into the cockpit of a Mooney during the event. Literally, as soon as you opened the door to let one up, a line formed along the wing. It was great to see that level of excitement for flying in kids. Let's hope we get some of them as pilots in the future.







Great job!  You can always tell the future pilots when you see a pack of kids and an airplane zooms by.  The kids all look up, and then go back to doing what they were doing.  Except for the few that are still looking up into the wild blue yonder.  They have the calling, they are your future pilots.

If you do have people sit in your airplane you are not familiar with do an intense pre-flight before you go up (not that you ever do a non-intense pre flight).  Check for chewing gum where it shouldn't be, make sure that all levers, controls, toggle switches, everything is set properly.  Be safe.

Again, good job.




Good points Seth. 

We always give a very detailed briefing prior to anyone entering the planes during Ambassador events, including how to step onto the wing, how to enter the aircraft and how to behave once inside.  With that comes full time supervision during the entire process.

Having folks get in your airplane, or touch your airplane at an Ambassador event is strictly up to the owner/pilot and it certainly is not a requirement for being a fine Ambassador.  It's strictly up to the individual.  We can talk up GA and our Mooney airplanes without having someone actually get inside the plane.

Thank you for inspiring the love of flight!  Smile


Jeff you are an awesome point person for this event.  I just LOVE seeing a line to get into the Mooneys.  Our Ambassador events are simple, but I tell you the smiles on the faces of the kids and the adults who get in the airplanes is priceless.  Plus I love the title "Good Neighbor Day"  that title really says it all. Airports are good neighbors and give back to the communities.

Thanks again Jeff.  Hope it is on the calendar again next year.


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