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Recommended starter for Lycoming IO-360A3B6D

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Hello all, I’ve been having some issues with my new starter on my newly overhauled and recently serviced Sky-Tec 149 NL. The starter was recently sent back to Hartzell because the bendix failed to engage after several starts while at the avionics shop. It was sent in and returned while I used a loaner 149 NL that seemed to work well. Once the new 149 NL was returned and installed I’ve been having an issue where when I hit the starter button I only hear a click and no turning of the prop. I’ll get out and turn the prop back only to feel the bendix gear engaged. Then, usually, upon another start attempt the prop will usually crank over. I had a similar issue with my old 149 NL prior to the engine overhaul but it was more infrequent and would only involve the click sound and not the bendix engagement. I contacted Hartzell and they told me my starter might need a shim in accordance with Lycoming service letter 1447B from 1993. My mechanic doesn’t think this will fix the problem.

Anyways, I’m considering giving another brand or type of starter a try. I’m considering switching to a B&C or Hartzell X-Drive and giving one of those a try. Any thoughts on if this could fix the problem or which of these alternate starters are better?



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149NL does not have a Bendix Drive. It uses different technology to engage the pinion with the starter ring. I’ve been running at 149NL for more than 12 years; it’s been very reliable.
About 7 years ago it started to get a bit lazy and noisy. I called Hartzell and they asked me to send it to them ASAP which I did. Much to the surprise of the tech that received my starter, the shear pin was sheared. I should’ve checked it but it never thought that a starter would continue to function even at a reduced level with a broken shear pin. Hartzell IRAN’d the starter free of cost and returned it to me. I traced the issue to a kickback event the summer before when I developed an ignition switch issue. If I were you, I’d work through this with Hartzell directly.

Edited by Shadrach
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The B&C is a Cadillac starter but it doesn’t fit.  The 149LS is rumored to be a complete piece of garbage, the 149LS seems to be OK as long as you don’t crank it more than 10 seconds and overheat it because it is not durable like that. The MZ 4222 I have had it on three different engines for over 1000 hours and it was several years old before that, and it got to where the Bendix wasn’t throwing out and I took the Bendix out and  lubricated under it  which I’ve never been done, and has been bulletproof since then. And I have Literally cranked on it for three minutes continuously and it didn’t seem to harm it.  

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I guess it is different for different people but I found the MZ4222 a piece of crap as it would crank very slowly, would almost slow to a stop after a few seconds.  I replaced it with the 149NL about 10 years ago and haven't had an issue since, it cranks great with no slowing.

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I had the same Skytec on my J, and was happy with the performance until I started having problems after about 400 hours.  Randomly, and only when the starter was heat soaked from flying then fueling (or other quick turn around), it would click and not engage.  The click was NOT the solenoid of the airframe, it was within the starter.  100% of the times it happened, I could wait an hour, and all was well again.  It must have been thermal related.  Would happen about 2-3 times a year after the 400 hour mark (about 4 years).  I replaced the starter before selling, for the sake of the new owner, without ever tracking down the random problem.  Skytec did not have any solutions or advice, but were friendly.  I would get another one, depending on the price, but I would have to consider it to be a wear item, and plan to replace again before engine overhaul time.  


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