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I was reading through another thread and someone mentioned allergies which inspired me to post this.

Spring and fall allergies have been an ongoing issue for the last two decades with me. Every spring I would get so congested that I could only breath through my mouth while at the same time my nose would drip incessantly. In addition to my nasal misery, my eyes would become bloodshot and burn and itch like they had been sand blasted . This would go on for months and the only relief I was able to get was from nasal sprays that were too potent to use beyond three days, which I used for months.  One day an acquaintance told me about his cure from seasonal allergies and referred me to his allergist. The doc put me through the series of tests and determined that I was allergic to pretty much everything. In January I started bi-weekly shots, one in each arm. Today I am down to once a week and  expect to be at once a month by July.

The results have been nothing short of a miracle. I have only used the nose spray twice this year and that was over a month ago. March and April used to be so miserable to me that I wouldn't feel fit to fly. I even had a hard time working. Those of you who don't deal with allergies won't understand but for those of you who do, there is a cure and it has changed my life. If even one person is helped by this it is worth it to me. Don't continue  to suffer needlessly, allergy shots work!

Edited by Eight8Victor
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Probably would help if you mentioned what the name of the product is...

Also make sure it is on the safe to use while flying list...

AOPA has a nice list of things that are safe to use...

I used a Zyrtec the other day... reading the label after I ate it... may cause dizziness... or something to that effect...

I can stand faster than my heart can deliver blood to the brain... :)

PP thoughts only, I proved I had an allergy that day...

Best regards,



Allergy shots are what is called immunotherapy treatment. There is no specific product or drug. The lab mixes a concoction of allergens in small doses as a serum based on what you are allergic to. The serum is injected subcutaneously and your body reacts by boosting your immune system. In essence it is a natural therapy.

From the FAA, Guide for Aviation medical examiners:

Pharmaceutical Considerations: 

  • Allergy Shots: For conditions controlled by desensitization, AME must warn the airman to not operate aircraft until four hours after each injection.

Wow a subject that I might be able to provide some personal experience to. As a child and into my early 20's I suffered from the worst allergies starting in early spring into the late summer symptoms so severe you would not believe. We tried prescription Medications, OTC antihistamines and immunization shots nothing worked. I hated the side affects often more than the reactions to the pollen. When I was at work a customer saw how badly I was suffering and recommended acupuncture. I was so desperate I would give it a try even being the skeptic that I am. I found a guy in the yellow pages this before the interweb I mean how do you know what to look for right. 

Went for four sessions once a week the first time I was not feeling bad so no noticeable difference but the second week was a really bad day, he placed several needles around my face and shoulders and within seconds my sinus was completely clear I mean it was weird. Two more treatments and I was done.  I had to return a few years later because of a real bad season and had a few visits. Let me say that was in the early 80's and I have never had a problem since even when folks who were experiencing hey fever that normally would never have a problem.

the way it was explained to me is that we are all allergic to pollens but people that don't suffer have better immunity naturally and what acupuncture does is stimulate the glands  organs or other bits to get off their lazy butts and get to work. Makes sense, I'm glad you found relief but it's likely you will suffer this again come next season you might look into acupuncture as a possible alternative absolutely no side affects and has lasted my whole life truly amazing.

Folks that don't suffer with allergies have no idea how miserable and debilitating it can be.

  • Like 2
8 hours ago, carusoam said:

I used a Zyrtec the other day... reading the label after I ate it... may cause dizziness... or something to that effect...

I used to take Zyrtec but the AME made me quit, as it is no bueno with the FAA.   Claritin is apparently ok, though.   I take the generic equivalent, Costco's Allerclear, pretty much daily.   


  • Like 1
2 hours ago, EricJ said:

I used to take Zyrtec but the AME made me quit, as it is no bueno with the FAA.   Claritin is apparently ok, though.   I take the generic equivalent, Costco's Allerclear, pretty much daily.   


Claritin is an interesting product...   it works really well for a large percentage of the population... but not for everyone for every allergy...

The nice thing about it... it doesn’t put you to sleep like many other products can...

The oddity about it... it takes 24hrs to get to full strength... the active ingredient in the tablet gets converted into a useful form by the body... so taking a tablet every day, you get a pretty predictable result...


Schering-Plough was the pharma company that ran into patent law challenges with this product....

They waited as long as possible to go from prescription to over-the-counter.... low production, high margin vs. high production, low margin...

Right in the middle of getting ready to launch a ton of OTC product... The FDA visited to see what the operation looked like... the first visit didn’t go so well...

The last visits were under consent decree... FDA allowed them to continue operations while they got their house in order...


The good news... Phase II for Claritin... is called Clarinex... Clarinex takes out the two step, 24 hr, conversion delay...

SP was expecting the new Clarinex to be patent protected for a dozen more years... sunsetting Claritin...


Oops... Patent courts disallowed the new patent... apparently... any biologist that understands the nature of the Claritin to Clarinex conversion in the human body... makes this common knowledge... and just not patentable...


So... if you like Claritin... you might like Clarinex slightly better...

If you dislike big pharma because they have some super plan to keep drug prices unaffordably high... be comfortable knowing that they have difficulty with more simple things... like following the FDA rules that guide them.... They spend huge dollars on lawyers while their simple business decisions don’t get looked after properly...

Surely... Somebody should have seen that the emperor had no clothes on... :)


PP thoughts only, not a pharmacist or patent lawyer, I was on the team to help SP successfully get out from under the grips of the consent decree... SP was later absorbed by MRK... (all public knowledge, no trade secrets disclosed...)

Best regards,


  • Like 1


I’m not sure of the benefits of ‘all natural’ are... I didn’t see an all natural claim on the updated new package...

But, The ingredients for the tablet alone (not the active ingredients) include... 

  • Croscarmellose sodium
  • Lactose
  • Magnesium stearate


...and the Sabadil product has changed names..?



The list of active ingredients in the tablet is interesting. It takes some deciphering to know what they are and no idea where they come from...  is that a natural onion vs. a chem lab onion ingredient...

Use caution with the all natural products... LSD and peyote are also natural products... cyanide occurs in nature as well... some companies try to convey the idea that all natural is good and safe.... when it doesn’t really mean that at all...   

Not trying to be a kill-joy...  just reading what other MSers are doing... :)

PP thoughts only, not a pharmacist...

Best regards,



@bonal Very interesting. I've heard from another person that they experienced relief from acupuncture. I will certainly file this away in my  brain for future reference. My current treatment is working so well that I am going to continue through the 5 year course (by July I’ll be down to one visit per month). At the end of five years it is mandatory to stop treatments. I've been told some experience no more allergy symptoms and some have to resume treatments for the rest of their lives.  Thanks for sharing your experience.

2 hours ago, Eight8Victor said:

@bonal Very interesting. I've heard from another person that they experienced relief from acupuncture. I will certainly file this away in my  brain for future reference. My current treatment is working so well that I am going to continue through the 5 year course (by July I’ll be down to one visit per month). At the end of five years it is mandatory to stop treatments. I've been told some experience no more allergy symptoms and some have to resume treatments for the rest of their lives.  Thanks for sharing your experience.

@Eight8Victor I have had some temporary relief from acupuncture (not convenient and costly).   I am like you you have allergies to everything in the 3+ to 4+ range.  BUT, the absolute best is local honey. 

Here in Houston is Allergy heaven.  I have gone through 3 rounds of the shots(around 10 years ago was the last round).  With that said the last two years have been the best allergy seasons and the instruction will differ slightly on your location and timing of when pollen hits.  Buy local honey from a local vendor making sure they have local hives.  Take one table spoon EVERYDAY for the month of January.  Take two table spoons EVERYDAY starting mid February and continue through the end of May or simply continue.  Take the honey directly by mouth (almost like mouth wash and medicine) do not put it in your coffee or tee etc (take it direct).

23 hours ago, bonal said:

Wow a subject that I might be able to provide some personal experience to. As a child and into my early 20's I suffered from the worst allergies starting in early spring into the late summer symptoms so severe you would not believe. We tried prescription Medications, OTC antihistamines and immunization shots nothing worked. I hated the side affects often more than the reactions to the pollen. When I was at work a customer saw how badly I was suffering and recommended acupuncture. I was so desperate I would give it a try even being the skeptic that I am. I found a guy in the yellow pages this before the interweb I mean how do you know what to look for right. 

Went for four sessions once a week the first time I was not feeling bad so no noticeable difference but the second week was a really bad day, he placed several needles around my face and shoulders and within seconds my sinus was completely clear I mean it was weird. Two more treatments and I was done.  I had to return a few years later because of a real bad season and had a few visits. Let me say that was in the early 80's and I have never had a problem since even when folks who were experiencing hey fever that normally would never have a problem.

the way it was explained to me is that we are all allergic to pollens but people that don't suffer have better immunity naturally and what acupuncture does is stimulate the glands  organs or other bits to get off their lazy butts and get to work. Makes sense, I'm glad you found relief but it's likely you will suffer this again come next season you might look into acupuncture as a possible alternative absolutely no side affects and has lasted my whole life truly amazing.

Folks that don't suffer with allergies have no idea how miserable and debilitating it can be.

@bonal I agree acupuncture is a great choice and I to was very skeptical.  It was not a 30 year solution for me as it was for you.  If my acupuncturist was close and more convenient I would go more often for allergies, neck and back pain.  I also agree that if you do not suffer from allergies you have no idea how miserable it can be.


To give you an idea how I got over my skepticism being an good Texan and not having much exposure to eastern medicine when I first went.   The first time I went in it was for neck pain.  I walk in the office and there are a couple of professional rodeo riders with back issues (as you can imagine) in the waiting room.  They swore by it and it worked on my neck (later ankle, neck, and allergies).


But, still honey is number 1 on my Allergy to do list.

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Another spring is now in full bloom and I am not having any allergic reactions. I don't know if a five year duration to receive this treatment is a plan I could stick with. Of course all I can say is how well it worked for me but to add to the success. The owner of the company that I was working for who had a front row seat to my daily suffering and saw the drastic improvement had a condition with serious pain in his neck and shoulders he asked me to inquire with my acupuncture guy if it could help. He said sure one visit. He went for the one visit and had 100% relief. I ran into him many years later and asked if the pain ever came back he said it never did. I'm sure the costs have gone up but when I went it was only 25 dollars a visit. Back then it was not covered by insurance but I think that may have changed as it is more accepted as a legitimate treatment. Whenever I hear of someone suffering from allergies I alway tell them my story.

hope whatever you do continues to give you relief 


Thanks for the tip @wcb I had tried local honey but not as you directed. I would be willing to try it again. My shots are not covered by insurance and honey is affordable and yummy. I might look like one of @Marauder's girls by the end of allergy season though.

@bonal I will try acupuncture for sure but for some hand pain I have been experiencing. I like hearing about alternative treatments especially when they work.

Allergies suck and have cost me some nice flying days. So happy to be rid of my symptoms.

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