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Finished my transition training and head back to Greensboro tomorrow with N9414V.  Would be nice to have a tailwind but doesn't look like it'll happen until I am almost there.


It has been great flying my M20F here in Paris, Texas and I have had  great time except for 105 degree days. I will be glad to be back in the 80's.


I had a great instructor on site who was also a Mooney pilot and A&P. 


Still working out the power setting details but have my trip settings and flight mapped out on my IPAD-Foreflight. 


Initial impressions.

All my landings went well. One go around due to speed. Must nail those numbers. I find landing without flaps much easier than with. Weird since I always land with flaps in brand P.

She is overhauled and new from firewall forward and runs great. The heat definitely impacted the engine and when I experimented with lean while taxiing and cruise she definite runs better. I don't have individual cyl temp gauges or balanced injectors so I will play it safe until I learn more.


The electric gear works great and it is the original gearing. You can't miss it when it retracts can you? 

It is also definitely stiffer taxiing but doesn't bother me.

I am still working out getting used to the smaller trim wheel. I liked the larger Arrow one better. Setting up on descent so I don't have to muscle it into nose high on landing needs more practice with the trim wheel.

The Brittain B6 autopilot works great for heading, pitch and altitude.

I don't feel cramped in the plane at all. And sitting closer to the panel doesn't bother me at all. It seems very comfortable.  Of course this is more of a sports car than a pick up truck. You put it on. But once in all is great.

Starting was only a problem when we didn't follow the book on a hot start. Otherwise, the procedure on the book worked every time.



1.Ammeter is flaky. Was recently sent out and tested and was working but now stays at zero. I can tell the recent alternator works  and there is not a charging problem. I will have My mech take a look at it when I get back.


2. Right wing has a small panel/plate underneath and forward mid wing that has a very slight blue streak, almost couldn't see it, so I will also deal with that. I knew the left wing was resealed and that I would have to deal with the right one. So already figured it in my budget. But I think this one will only need a spot sealed.


All in all I am stoked and so glad I bought this one. Now to find out what the engine and air mods will buy me in speed.


Hope to be in Greensboro by mid afternoon tomorrow.


Made it back to Greensboro, NC from Paris, Texas yesterday. Good to be in cooler weather.

Had a great trip and only one pucker moment due to weather 30 mins after take off where the rain surrounded me and went to MVFR very rapidly. IR training starts next week. that is a good thing.

Otherwise, flew at 7500 most of the way then climbed to 9500 for the Smoky mountains and then to 11500 to clear some scattered clouds. She flew great. 6 hours of flying with one planned fuel stop and one unplanned stop to wait out thunderstorms at homebase for 45 minutes. (gave me an excuse to practice landing). I had to descend from 11500 afte crossing the mountains to a pattern altitude of 2300 to land in North Wilkesboro. Good lesson in how to descend and slow her down as I circled until I could reach pattern and 120 to drop gear. It still surprises me when I pull back on the power to slow her down and descend and she acts like she doesnt even need power to keep flying fast and high. This is definitely not my old Arrow rental where when you pull power she starts dropping and you can keep deccelerating at the same time. Oh well, I am figuring it out. Maybe Santa will bring me speed breaks one day.

I love this plane. I even love PC which was great for keeping me level in decreasing visibility.

I have (at least 3 times) pushed the PC button instead of the push to talk button but I will get over that. Gave my transition instructor a good laugh.

Thanks! to everyone here for ideas, thoughts and posts that helped me identify what I wanted and what to look for when I found her.




Are you keeping your Mooney based at UKF? My partner and I keep ours at Ashe County (GEV) not far from you. When I have it, I base it at Johnston County (JNX). Congrats are getting her home.





Quote: AustinPynes

I am still working out getting used to the smaller trim wheel. I liked the larger Arrow one better. Setting up on descent so I don't have to muscle it into nose high on landing needs more practice with the trim wheel.

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