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I think so.  WOT FF is is the 18 GPH range.  idle is like 2.  SO, depending on throttle angle, and time, is the volume of fuel you get for priming. 


I open the throttle to approx the 12-13" m.p. position, mixture rich, and then turn on the fuel pump to prime. 3 seconds or so if its warm out (and the engine is cold), longer (5-7 seconds) in cold weather. I then pull the mixture to cut off and crack the throttle (1/8", approx 1000rpm position) and crank... works pretty well. If the engine is warm, I do not prime, just crank.


Quote: Immelman

I open the throttle to approx the 12-13" m.p. position, mixture rich, and then turn on the fuel pump to prime. 3 seconds or so if its warm out (and the engine is cold), longer (5-7 seconds) in cold weather. I then pull the mixture to cut off and crack the throttle (1/8", approx 1000rpm position) and crank... works pretty well. If the engine is warm, I do not prime, just crank.


OK so now I'm confused - my method and reasoning

Cold (hasn't run for the day)

Turn on the pump with mixture full lean and wait for pressure

Full rich mixture for as long as it takes to push it in and pull it back out to full lean

pump off

start cranking and sloooowly enrichen - three blade start


I am under the impresssion that nothing gets to the cylinder till it comes off of full lean - have I just been lucky?




Exactly what has been posted - 1000 rpm shut down - no touchie anything - crank and start.



PS: I use the above link when teaching students how the fuel injection system in a typical Lycoming IO-360 works.  It's technical in nature, but explained very well so that you don't have to be an engineer to understand it.

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