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Anyone else looking forward to Motorla Xoom?

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I have read so much about the Ipad.  I am excited about the Motorola Xoom as a tablet for all around use including aviation.  Looks like an awesome product that is 3G and expandable to 4G.  Dual cameras, google driven, dual core processor, 10 inch screen, and has adobe...Thoughts?  Check it out before taking the IPad plunge.

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Mmmm... I have an Android phone and an iPad. Not thrilled with the Google OS. I would stick with the iPad unless the Xoom offers some huge technological advance. I will soon be ditching my Android and going to iPhone now that they are available on Vorizon.

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I guess everyone is wanting to dethrone the king, which is the iPad currently. I personally applaud Apple for their innovation, and am certain that the iPad 2.0, which we are sure to see in the next couple months, will set the bar even higher, leaving the competitors to play catch up yet again.

I, for one, will go with whichever product is best without regard to the brand name or company it is made by. I'm not going to favor the Xoom or anything else simply because it's not made by Apple. Expect the iPad to have all the capabilites (if not more) than any other platform, and to perform them without flaws we've seen in the others.

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Foreflight can ignore Android to their own detriment.  It is now the fastest-selling/growing OS in the mobile market, and accelerating.  I'm not an Apple lover or hater (love my iPod Touch and 2 prior Classics) and I expect the iPad 2 will probably be comparable to the Xoom and other tablets that should be coming out this year...ie similar fast processors, more memory, cameras, etc.  The iPad 2 likely still won't support Flash, so that may be a deal-breaker to some.

I'll seriously look at the iPad 2, Xoom, and any other similar devices before taking the plunge.  For now, I'm still happily using a convertible netbook/tablet with XP for my approach plates, but I'm looking for a more modern tablet and will jump when the right one for me is available.  

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KSMooniac.  I echo your feelings 100%.  L.O.V.E. my Ipods.  My kids love their Latest touch units.  I have a Blackberry and like the Motorola durability.  Some of the features of the new tablet definitely up the ante...and the Ipad 2 Will definitely raise the bar.  Hadn't heard that about Foreflight.  Certainly there will be lost revenue here, but perhaps they have a license with Apple, or an agreement?  I will be giving both a hard look.  Certainly the competition between brands will create a positive $ competitive environment (others doing same catch-up undercutting of Garmin price on portable GPS) to the benefit of we consumers.  As others hear gossip or find links on flight aps or info on IPad 2 please share.

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Maybe, and this is just a maybe, Foreflight is not going Android because all Androids are not the same.  The multiple hardwares using Android technology all have proprietary parts of the package and this could make it necessary to create multiple incarnations of an Android based Foreflight.  One of the main reason the Mac OS and the OS used on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch work so well, is that Apple controlls the hardware.  Many can argue that this is also a disadvantage because it allows for a higher price, but the devices and the system work.  I switched to Apple 9 years ago and have little if any computer problems (although I do use MS and Apple at work, I fine the Windows box to be frustrating).

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Maybe, and this is just a maybe, Foreflight is not going Android because all Androids are not the same.  The multiple hardwares using Android technology all have proprietary parts of the package and this could make it necessary to create multiple incarnations of an Android based Foreflight.  One of the main reason the Mac OS and the OS used on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch work so well, is that Apple controlls the hardware.  Many can argue that this is also a disadvantage because it allows for a higher price, but the devices and the system work.  I switched to Apple 9 years ago and have little if any computer problems (although I do use MS and Apple at work, I fine the Windows box to be frustrating).

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Good point Lew.  That could very well be the reason "different Android set-ups vs. OS"....but until someone tells me otherwise, for SURE I will lean toward a licensing agreement or contract between Foreflight and Apple...and the selling vs. "downloading" of the software to make 'er go.  I don't need foreflight per say, but will need a chart reader someday.  I'm sure someone will "provide" a user experience similar to IPad for Android.  I like the competition.  And the $ push it gives me as a consumer.

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I think Lew is correct and doubt that there is any license agreement between FF and Apple...I believe Apple just "approves" apps for distribution via iTunes, and then takes their cut.  There are many other apps that work on Android and iOS.  Apple got a huge head start and had momentum for a long time, but Android is now surpassing them in terms of sales/units.  It is only a matter of time for the apps to catch up.  Lew is also correct about all of the different Android devices available, which can complicate the coding of course and be a deterrent to enter that market.

I have Android 2.2 on my EVO phone and the interface is every bit as intuitive/slick/friendly as iOS.  Android 3.0 is coming on the Xoom, which is specifically designed for tablets.  It will be fun to watch this market!

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While not necessarily the Xoom, I have bought an Android tablet (Viewsonic G-tablet) which unfortunately has been appropriated by my family. However, the slate with www.chartbundle.com and you have free current approach plates & afd.

I've been using chartbundle w/ a nook for the last 6-months, and it's great to always be flying with national current plates. The tablet w/ the increased screen real-estate would be a fantastic upgrade.

Chris (1163D, 231 driver)

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I'd be very interested in an android based mapping system and would pay extra just to keep using my samsung Galaxy tab. The screen size could be a bit larger but I feel the Ipad is a bit too large. I just read that apple is coming out with an IPad 3 version in the fall that will have larger ram as well as a front facing camera. Then they're keeping up with everyone else.

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No. You can set your watch by Apple updates. They refresh the iPhone annually, as well as their computers and iPods. Expect the same for the iPad. The 2 will come out in a few months, and then 3 the following year. The 2 has been spotted in the "wild" and will have a forward facing camera, likely not an expansion card slot. I'm confused as to why anyone cares about a camera on the iPad anyway; I have all the camera I need in my phone. No tablet is going to replace my phone, so I'll be carrying both for the forseeable future.

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I only want a front-facing camera on a tablet for video calls like Skype...very nice feature and no reason a low-res camera shouldn't be included.  I think putting a rear-facing camera for taking shots of whatever is redundant since everyone has a nice phone camera now already, or a digicam in a pocket.  It will be funny to see people holding up a 10" tablet trying to take a pic of something.  :)

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The pad I would really like to see is the Notion Ink, but that seems to be in the vapor stage for quite a while (ok, maybe not KSN 770 mode, but almost).  The reasoning is that they supposedly will sport a 'dual' technology screen, one of which supports sunlight readability (transflective), and it's supposed to automatically switch between depending upon lighting conditions - particularly suitable for cockpit use.

I will be releasing "OpenFlightGPS", an upgrade to my well received "OpenFlight Map" in a week or two that brings simple moving map/GPS positioning to the Sectionals and the WAC's (and TACs/Flys soon).  The "Student Pilot" version will be free (and "OpenFlight Map" will continue to be wholly free), but will be limited to 2 simultanously downloaded maps.  Other versions will cost a small amount, but will allow greater numbers of cached maps.

I'm looking for a 'pad' form factor (w/android 3) device in order to start porting "OpenFlight Map" and "OpenFlightGPS" over to it.  Porting some portions to a tablet will prob. take a while as my 'Chart Chooser' is a little hokey and I'm sure will give me fits going to a large format screen.

Unfortunately the FAA free digital downloads for the Enroutes (Low) are not in GEOTiff format, so I won't be providing GPS positioning on those charts until/unless FAA chooses to distribute in that format.

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